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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone in the nest--I feel like I'm back with old and understanding friends.

    Since I joined in August, I have been up and down, but I think overall an improvement. I'm not drinking nightly/daily like I was, but still overindulge when I do drink. Completely blew it this weekend and my college age son saw me lit (not the first time, but still chagrined).

    What is wrong with me that I can't be strong when I need to be????? My hubby and I at least aren't fighting about it anymore--I think that has helped with my direction change immensely---I'm no longer feeling rebellious and defensive (usually) about drinking, so I own it more as my issue rather than focusing on outside of myself.

    Taking a day off from work today to pamper myself and get back on track. When I feel stressed about obligations I drink to deal, so am giving myself a mental health day today.

    I just want to be free and not think about it all the time!

    Thanks for listening--it's good to be back.
    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all,

      Just a quick hello before getting the work week started.

      T'sHope sounds like you have a good game plan for getting past Tuesday.:goodjob:

      Hello Open! Glad you are making progress and taking today to pamper yourself.

      Gotta run, will check in later. Good day to all.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone.

        A perfect fall evening here - I had to get out and enjoy it a bit.

        T's you wrote "[al's] like a bad lover I am getting it out of my life". I think believing this is a huge step in the right direction. When the "thrill is gone" I think reality starts to settle in, and what we need to do becomes clearer.

        Sunni - "I had visions of something green and somewhat slimey... *shudder*" Yeah - shudder - and don't ever buy anything in a can that says gumbo... pm me before you give in - ok? Ha!

        Chicken -- go slow (spoken by a man who only knows one speed too) ;]

        Lav, Jackie, Finding, Milly, Gloria, and everyone else lounging around the nest, have a great evening!

        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Evening birdlings!

          Good day, everyone? Was a busy one here and not much time tonight... have picture stuff to do for all sorts of people. Btw.. I'm still pulling photos from the house off the camera... here's my wood stove:

          Photos | Facebook :upset:

          Ahhh well, it's done now Onward and upward.

          Tranq.. definitely will not buy any canned gumbo! Promise! :H
          Lav, how was the grand baby day? Finding, you are sounding good and busy.. wtg! Open... glad you are making progress! I hear ya about the 'thinking about it' - I get pretty miffed at times, too... just way too much time wasted on thinking about (not) drinking!

          Ok, guys, gotta run... keep warm and sweet dreams everyone!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters!

            This is one seriously exhausted Lav checking in......
            The little dynamo was in continuous motion for 6 hours!!! OMG, how the hell do thy do it? I was 28 years younger when my son was putting me thru this, now his son is doing it, it's crazy

            Our woodstove is stuffed and heating the lower level of our house Sunni - thankfully ours looks healthier. Had some frost on the pumpkin last night , will again tonight then it's supposed to warm up for a bit - hope so!

            I'm at the point guys where I don't spend any real time thinking about AL anymore. It's history for me, I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it anymore. Now, I wish I could say the same thing about the smokes - those damn things enter into my thinking about every 10 minutes, aarrgh!!

            I'm calling it a night kids, be well everyone.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Nesters!
              Am going to take your advise and go camp on the couch while Danika is napping! Going slow sounds like a plan!
              See you when my engines rev up again!
              Chook (not so energised chook)


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Everyone

                Just sneaking in to say I've completed 30 days AF! It's been the longest 30 days in my life ... and the 30 most enjoyable! Got so much more time to do stuff

                Hope everyone is doing great ... ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!

                TRIXIE XXXX


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yay Trixie.

                  Thirty days Rocks Big Time. Congrats! It is enjoyable and rewarding isn't it. Keep it going.

                  I'm off to work...

                  Take care!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Hope you enjoyed that nap little Chookie, taking care of yourself first is a good thing

                    Witchy Trix - great to see you & Congrats on your 30 days!! Feels good, doesn't it?
                    Keep going, you'll love the results!!

                    Tranq, good morning, have a good day at work.

                    I have some work things to keep me occupied this morning, this afternoon I will tend to some house chores. Somewhere in between I intend on getting outside to enjoy the sun - it's back

                    Have a great Tuesday everyone, I'll be back later.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Yay Trixy! So proud of you! YOu are doing good is a great feeling!

                      Wish I could say the same for me..this wee Chook is slipping lately! Not sure why, can't put finger on it! Don't even really want to try! Just blaaahhhhhh..............................
                      Crud in so many different languages#$@%$#@%$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning fellow Nesters!
                        I've been lurking around & keeping up w/everyone....just not SO is prone to want to see, so......
                        Still AF tho, this is day 18, I keep losing count and like you Lav, I find myself thinking about smokes not AL...hanging in there, dammit why do they have to be so bad for ya!?
                        Open, I can relate to the rebelliousness, it makes a big difference doesn't it, when ur doing it for yourself first, instead of someone telling you you have to.
                        Trix, big congrats on day 30!!! WTG!!
                        Moondancer, are you lurking out there? you ok?

                        Keep up the good fight all & Happy AF Tuesday!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well done usvi! keep reach 30 is a great feeling!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Nestlings--doing a buzz by without the buzz. Was reading past posts on this site and someone (wish I could remember who) had said, "I started becoming alcohol free in 2007."
                            This was so inspirational for me, as I haven't been posting and getting (or giving!) support because I haven't felt worthy. But when I read that phrase, I looked back at the changes (small, but changes nonetheless) that I have made and recognized that it is an improvement. I think the longest I've been AF so far has been 7 days, but I have pretty much stopped the everyday thing. If someone else had made progress like that I would feel so heartened and encouraged for them--just like all of you here are so encouraging and supportive.

                            Why is it some of us do not give ourselves the same encouragement and "break" that we give to others?
                            Finding Myself--it's always so helpful when someone relates--makes me not feel so alone!
                            Chick--aren't you wise to take time to figure out what's going on for you to cause the slip ups. Wish I would've done that, but now I will!
                            Mermaid--day 18--so very inspirational! That is awesome!
                            Lav--hope you get some good vitamin d in the sun today--is that part of your recipe for your Lavattitude?
                            Sunny--have enjoyed your pics and consistent encouragement--thanks for sharing.
                            Have a great and empowering day nest buddies.
                            "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                              Newbies Nest

                              Your words are like gold right now! Cause I am feeling SAD! Still slipping,still not sure why? but know that I will get back on top again..somehow..someday soon!

                              The emotions are raw right now,bubbling to the surface and it aint even that time of the month! I feel sad & angry, but don't have a clue why! So I am drinking again-*sigh* there is something going on in this brain/emotion chip of mine right now that is wanting out..but can't find the way!!! I almost feel like ripping my chest open just to release it ( not literally-don't be alarmed now!).Drinking is the easy option methinks...yes,that would be it!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Chicken--I so understand. You just want to escape all of those feelings of unrest and be numb to them. The alcohol seems like it can help to get one through a bad patch, and we have all been there. But when you're ready, remember that you have been strong before and you can/will be again. This is a process. When you feel stronger, you will remember that having that drink only prolongs the emotional pain and you will know that you are capable of making a different choice for yourself. I think it's hardest when you're in the middle of it to remember this.
                                I am so proud of you for stretching out your hand--just visualize all of us here grabbing your hand and pulling you up--give us your full weight--we are stronger together.
                                "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

