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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    eiti;1495829 wrote: Hello,

    I want to kick this, I find I can go up to 2days without alcohol, and then crash, drinking way too much. Today is day 1. Please someone respond, I need a shoulder. I must stay away from wine.

    Hi eiti. When I first quit there were a few things that helped me. This website is #1. Read alot and post when you want. The other thing is, you have to want to quit. If you do then you are at the right place. Going to you Doctor and talking to him/her is good too. If you are a big drinker you may need to take some sick leave because the first little while you feel like crap. It feels like the flu or like a hang over. You will hear from people more knowledgeable than me that you have to drink lots of water and eat eat eat (healthy if you can) but even unhealthy if you have to. Find something else that you like. My go to was herbal tea and tonic with a slice of lime.

    I hope this helps. It really is worth it in the end. Will it happen over night, no. However it will happen if you hang on and ride the wave of quitting.
    AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


      Newbies Nest

      Howdy folks, another newbie here.

      After having what might be called a minor epiphany last night, I spent today trawling the interwebs looking for information about programs etc to help me move from (very) active alcoholism to a place where I can begin to live again: I came across this site and am really impressed.

      Brief bio: middle aged woman (now single, except for a very intimate and loving relationship with big burly bottles of wine), grown kids, couple of grandkids, white-collar worker. I have registered this very morning for a home-based medical detox program which will probably begin in a week or so.

      In the meantime I am trying to arm myself with as much info as last sojourn into sobriety took place nearly 15 yrs ago, and attitudes and treatments have changed so much even since then.

      Scared as anything, but looking forward to the journey ahead. Thanks for reading.

      Remember: A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you'd drank the night before. (Thank you K9Lover)


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Kambob and welcome!

        Since you have some time before you start your detox, have a read in the Toolbox. Lots of good info and tips there. Make sure to drink lots of water, too.

        Congrats for finding us and good luck!
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          Newbies Nest


          I am so sorry MWO wasn't a busy place when you posted several hours ago.. When it was slow here and I needed some advice from my friends, I just picked a past page of the Newbies Nest and read for awhile. Not to minimize our individual situations but frankly, we have more in common than not in terms of this addiction. The advice given months ago to someone else is the same that you need to hear now.

          As an added bonus to reading past posts, you learn the stories and struggles of people here who are several stages ahead of you now. It is very motivating to realize how far they have come!

          The Nest really is available to you 24 hours each day, even if the current residents are asleep or out living their AF lives!

          :welcome: Kambob!

          You sound very matter-of-fact and ready to do this in your introduction. That attitude plus reading MWO as much as you can and posting often can really help you do this!

          When I joined MWO, I was at my wit's end with myself and my inability to fix this problem myself and was pretty much ready to do whatever I learned here that could possibly work! I spent hours daily reading ang posting - it seemed excessive but I think it helps get the brain in the place it needs to be to make such a big change. Plus, I had about 3 or 4 hours of formerly wasted time to fill so decided I might as well hang out here . Turns out there are some fabulous people here who I wish were in my offline life, too!

          Stick with us, Kamboo - you can do what right now seems impossible!

          I'm glad you both are here in the nest! :h NS


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesties and Happy St George's Day to you one and all.

            I think the sun got lost on his way this morning and has stopped off by mistake in the UK - shining his merry head off for the first time in ages (still a bit nippy though!!)

            A warm welcome to Kambob and Eiti - stay with us, use the tools and before you know it you will be on your way to tackling that demon AL and racking up some very happy AF days.

            Fin and Kreeves - we continue to level peg on our journey (almost) I am happy to have arrived at day 23. It really does get easier!! I read with interest (think it was No Sugar) who posted that AA considers 90 days to be the turning point when alcohol, the habit and cravings etc are considered gone and out of our systems - so that is my focus point - so by my calculations (and maths was never my good point!) that will be June 29th and coincidentally the first day of my summer holiday!!

            Lav - I love gardening and spent the weekend digging over flower beds and trimming back trees and hedges ready for planting now the frosts here are almost over (surprised by how much my buttock and leg muscles ache after!!) I have wasted so much money in the past planting things that don't like the soil or climate conditions, so have carefully planned what I'm putting in this time and have bought a selection of ground cover plants which I hope will thrive in my garden.

            Anyway - enough of my waffle - have a very happy AF Tuesday everyone. :bananacomputer: (don't you all just love the choice of Smilies? on Chat you can even have sounds!! so cool)
            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


              Newbies Nest

              90 Days for No Sugar

              No Sugar - I just noticed that cheeky little post in the Newbies Roll Call!!

              :wave: :rockband: :jumpwow: roud:

              90 Days!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                Newbies Nest

                welcome to Kambob and Eiti..... we have an active nest at the moment so should have lots of support.
                being in New Zealand I often find it is quiet here when I have time to log in. As No Sugar said use any spare time here to read back as there is so much to learn from all the stories.

                Kambob ... things have changed a lot, but there is one is better sober

                So settle in and get acquainted


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Still pretty chilly outside with clouds overhead, oh well.
                  Today will be a good day to focus on work & later on house duties

                  Hello & welcome Eiti & Kambob!
                  Glad you found us, please settle in & make yourselves comfortable in the nest.
                  I found the best place to start this journey was to download & read the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. Please take a good look at the which is full of great ideas to help you make a good working plan for yourselves

                  We have had plenty of chat here in the nest over the years about gardens, pictures too.
                  It's nice to hear & see what members are doing with their newly found free time

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hiya Nesters!

                    Day 3 done and dusted here. I hope I can git a hat for 7 days?!

                    A bit grumpy, so i'm off to bed.

                    Take care all. Keep it going.

                    G bloke.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Nest. Thank you so much for the support yesterday! It really means a lot to me.

                      Day 2. Feeling much better today. Yesterday I was a ball of emotion (I'm sure due to the depressing factor of the AL). Today I'm craving sugary sweets and just feel a bit "down" (it's not normal for me to crave sweets at all). So I bought some nice chocolate bars at the grocery store this morning... and I turned my head at the check-out counter so I could not look at the mini bottles hanging out there. Sigh.

                      Lavande posed a great question... "why" after 20 days did I decide to drink. I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why I thought I could have (1) an open bottle of wine in the house AT ALL (2) only one glass of wine (3) why did I go away from my 30 day goal? The only bad excuse I could think of was the fact that it was my birthday yesterday and I've been feeling old, unaccomplished and lonely leading up to yesterday. What a horrible excuse. Especially since I was slowly beginning to "feel" more things without the deadness of AL on my senses.

                      Anyhoo. Thank you for listening and supporting me. I hope that I can be support to you all one day. The nest is great!

                      Much love and strength to you all.
                      Would you like you, if you met you?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy birthday for yesterday. By your next birthday you will be a year sober and feeling young energised confident and fabulous just like me !

                        Seriously 20 days is a huge accomplishment, but as Byrdie says do not let a slip become a slide.

                        Get back on the horse and promise yourself a year, if you did 20 you CAN do this.

                        I am eight months sober next week and it has flown by.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Mr G...... The grumps are to be expected. You know it passes.

                          Big :l:l for the man who made me stick to my quit ...... Love ya


                            Newbies Nest

                            Welcome KAMBOB,

                            I, also, found MWO while searching the internet for ANYTHING to get me out of the pit of the creepy alcohol creep.

                            After joining MWO immediately - I found 24/7 help from reading about other's journeys from months and years gone by. Then I started posting and found encouragement from the other members.

                            I have hope you, too, will find your way out. It is way better out and away from AL, than hanging with the creep.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Mein Sonnenschein;1495950 wrote: The only bad excuse I could think of was the fact that it was my birthday yesterday and I've been feeling old, unaccomplished and lonely leading up to yesterday. What a horrible excuse. Especially since I was slowly beginning to "feel" more things without the deadness of AL on my senses.
                              :bday2: Happy belated Birthday Mein - I'm sure you're not old or unaccomplished - and you don't need to feel lonely - you have lots friends here on MWO who love your company!!

                              Read Brydies' post (I think she put it in the Toolbox) about '30 Days and Then What'. It is something that I think all of us early Nesters can relate to.

                              I really need to stop eating chocolate and sweets now. I thought that because of all the calories I'm not drinking in wine would mean I could be a bit generous with the sweet treats - but after three weeks of chomping I'm starting to feel fat!!
                              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all! I hope everyone is well in the nest!

                                Has anyone heard from K9lover lately outside MWO? It doesn't look like she's posted since the 19th!
                                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

