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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi All - NS just read your post, and I am completely awestruck - you've hit the nail right on the head for me in so many bullet points.

    Thankyou from the bottom of my heart
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Newbies Nest

      No Sugar......that post must, as Byrdie said, be added to the toolbox. It is a combination of what you have observed and learned and an invaluable summation of the wisdom of MWO.

      You, however, have written it with such clarity and insight, it is inspiring. I love it. :h


        Newbies Nest

        struggles;1496378 wrote: Good morning all! I have a terrible headache today and feel a little shaky. Got soup on the stove and lemon tea. I went into the hospital last week because my left leg/ankle has been swollen for a few weeks and I was scared that I was going into congestive heart failure, again. Good news, there is no blockage anywhere, my heart is completely perfect and no fluid around my heart. Unfortunately, blood pressure was 185/123, so we are adjusting medications. I'm still struggling with the beer, but doing better. I will be going up in dosage on the Topamax, hopefully it kicks in soon.

        Marshally, welcome and I know exactly where you are coming from. I am a single mother as well and on the topa last year did several months, and like you, found it amazing. Then, I slipped, NO CRASHED HARD and needed to pick myself back up and begin again. I will be more than happy to go on this journey with you. I'm not perfect, but I'm working on it. I don't want to drink and know that moderation is not for me.

        Hope everyone has a great AF day.
        You will soon have tapered off and be able to start your AF life. :l and I hope the health settles quickly.


          Newbies Nest

          kuya;1496423 wrote: No Sugar......that post must, as Byrdie said, be added to the toolbox.
          I was a bit shy about doing that but if the toughest bird in the nest thinks it is a good idea, I will .


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1496427 wrote: I was a bit shy about doing that but if the toughest bird in the nest thinks it is a good idea, I will .
            Yep she IS a tough old Byrd ain't she ??? :H:H:H

            runs and hides before Byrdie sees that !


              Newbies Nest

              kuya;1496431 wrote: Yep she IS a tough old Byrd ain't she ??? :H:H:H

              runs and hides before Byrdie sees that !
              Umm... she is the nicest, YOU are the toughest :H:H:H


                Newbies Nest

                NoSugar;1496432 wrote: Umm... she is the nicest, YOU are the toughest :H:H:H
                You say whaaaaatttttt??????



                  Newbies Nest

                  kuya;1496436 wrote: You say whaaaaatttttt??????

                  LOL! Kuya is good at giving tough-love....but it IS done with love, and we love her! So you just stay tough girlie! :h Oh and please, like there's anything in the Nest that Byrdie doesn't see? Good luck with that.

                  Hey Lav, have fun gardening today. I'm sure Stella will help you (well one of the Stella's anyway. I am still NOT over the fact that there's more than one)

                  Welcome Marshally and Cocoflo! Stick close to the Nest...we'll get you through the tough spots!

                  Happy Wednesday everyone (really, it's only Wednesday? LOL)
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I want to be all of yall when I grow up!! Everyone is tougher than I am, that's why I know if I can do this, anyone can!!!! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      B, your favourite man is in town!

                      I will try to see him at the Sundance opening in London tonight. I will say hi on your behalf.

                      AF since 1st Sep 2012
                      NF since 1st Sep 2012

                      If you want to feel better visit


                        Newbies Nest

                        Allan! Robert Redford???????????????? (swoon). Please give him my very let me know how he's getting on!! Bahahaha....

                        For newer folks, I had a dream about RR ....we were about to get in a wonderfully compromising position when he made the comment regarding AL...'That stuff'll kill ya'. I agreed, was getting ready for the wonderful juicy part of the dream but then woke up. Dang it!

                        So good to see you, Allan! Hope you are thriving!!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning, afternoon or evening to everyone depending on where you are in this world we live in. I am going on 6 months (May 2) and I am feeling very good about my accomplishment. Has getting sober fixed all the problems in my life? Nope they are still there. However I now choose a different way to deal with them. I actually went to a women's retreat a couple weeks ago. There was a day that I would have stressed over the fact that there wouldn't be booze there. I went to a celebration of a friends birthday last weekend and there was a day that I would have tried to figure out how I could get a ride there and home because I wanted to have more than one drink. I actually drove myself there and back and drank my tonic and lime while there. I always joke and say I thought I liked Gin, turns out I liked tonic. LOL Humour does cover alot of awkward moments I find. :H One of the things that my "narcissistic" side really needed was people acknowledging my posts. LOL So I have read back and I am going to try to respond to as many people as I can. If I have missed someone I am sorry.

                          No Sugar - 90 Day! Good Job. I remember when you joined us and I am so happy to see how well you are doing. Thank you for the great post yesterday (in my world) It is nice to have it all listed like that.

                          Little Lottie - 38 days is wonderful! I too used tricks to help get past the outward AL needs, the feel and perception of what holding a wine glass looks like thanks to media, movies and the written word, I also had to drink O'Doul's non AL beer to get me past my need to open a can and taste the taste of beer etc. I don't even need to do any of these things now. However I would say that it was 5 months before I could say this. Be careful, AL knows when you are feeling vulnerable. He said to me around this time, "Look how well I am doing, maybe I am not an alcoholic?" Don't listen to him! It is a trick.

                          Jenniech - I liked your post about isolation. I came home from work and sat in my chair and watched TV, knit and drank 3 to 4 beer everyday. Doesn't sound like alot but it was the intensity with which I need these drinks that bothered me added to the 35 + years of over drinking and not being able to stop when out that made me finally say that is enough.

                          halo - Everything is better sober! Good job. What concert did you see?

                          Marshally - I found the MWO in the middle of the night also. I usually drank to a state of mild drunkness by 6:00 so I was going to be already hung over feeling and couldn't sleep because I felt sick and was beating myself up again! I got up and was looking for sites and came upon this one. I then went to the Dr., found a counselor and took 2 weeks sick leave to get healthy.

                          Snapdragon and Lav- I too love gardening but here are a couple pics of the view from my front door today and my gardening as of today.

                          Struggles - I too suffered from headaches and shaky for the first week. I found that this was normal according to everything I read on MWO. Kind of like a hang over eh? (Yep I am in Canada)

                          Quest for the key - Welcome and keep posting and reading.

                          K9 - Stella has gone into a dormant state but will not be forgotten. How is Stella( chick) doing Lav? I enjoyed hearing the stories of her escapades.

                          Kambob- I also found MWO in the middle of the night. Everything looks worse at night and that is why we may have felt our worst and went looking for help at that time. Hang in there it does get better.

                          Mein - You post of slipping and drinking after 20 days, 30 days etc. is common. It sometimes take a couple times saying, "Maybe just one" before we realize we can not have even one. I remember very clearly when I read "MY OFF SWITCH IS BROKEN". It is something we all have in common on the MWO site.

                          Co Co - As little Nicky's friend said to him, "You can do it!" If you have seen the movie "Little Nicky", that was funny. If not then, not so funny. Hee Hee

                          Well these are my thoughts for today. Have a great sober and healthy day everyone. :h Attached files [img]/converted_files/2100482=7551-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2100482=7552-attachment.jpg[/img]
                          AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Eiti- how are you making out?
                            AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nanette;1496514 wrote: Good morning, afternoon or evening to everyone depending on where you are in this world we live in. I am going on 6 months (May 2) and I am feeling very good about my accomplishment. Has getting sober fixed all the problems in my life? Nope they are still there. However I now choose a different way to deal with them. I actually went to a women's retreat a couple weeks ago. There was a day that I would have stressed over the fact that there wouldn't be booze there. I went to a celebration of a friends birthday last weekend and there was a day that I would have tried to figure out how I could get a ride there and home because I wanted to have more than one drink. I actually drove myself there and back and drank my tonic and lime while there. I always joke and say I thought I liked Gin, turns out I liked tonic. LOL Humour does cover alot of awkward moments I find. :H One of the things that my "narcissistic" side really needed was people acknowledging my posts. LOL So I have read back and I am going to try to respond to as many people as I can. If I have missed someone I am sorry.


                              Congratulations on your upcoming milestone!

                              When I was on my journeys into the past of the nest, I came to the period when you were at the beginning of all this and may I say, your posts were hysterical and had me laughing out loud! That was something I really needed b/c those were my Very Early Days and I was not having much fun or laughing about anything.

                              Then, since I stay pretty much in the beginner places, I didn't see posts from you and thought perhaps you had moved on from MWO.

                              Anyway, I am really glad to see you didn't leave and I hope you hang around the nest like some of the other experienced people and brighten our days with your humor. It reminds me of Snapdragon from the UK who cracks me up just about every morning when I read what she had posted several hours before.

                              Have a great day! :h NS


                                Newbies Nest

                                COCOFLO: On behalf of the flock in the Newbie's Nest, I hereby bestow upon you your prize for being 7 full days AF
                                .... That is every day of the week!!! A huge accomplishment!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!
                                I just won't anymore

