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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks day-zero


      Newbies Nest

      spotlessmind;1496749 wrote: Thanks day-zero


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters

        Enjoying my coffee while waiting for some real sunshine

        Hello & welcome spotlessmind!
        Glad you dropped in, please make yourself comfortable. Have you made a plan for yourself?

        day-zero, good for you resisting temptation! You are building strong AF muscles. terrific!

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Morning (or afternoon) Nesters

          Hello Nanette ? and thank you for making the effort to mention everyone in your post (you are right it is like sunshine on a cloudy day when someone addresses you in a post ? I wish I could do it more but have a terrible memory and can never remember who said what ? but I do love you all!!)

          Congratulations on the job Siren ? wonderful news and hopefully will give you the boost you need to make you stronger with the other challenges you are currently facing.

          Thank you No Sugar - for enjoying my waffly stories - I have another for you today!! :H

          Last night I had one of those heart-stopping moments when my doorbell rang in the middle of the night at 3.30am. It?s only ever happened before when kids have come home from late night parties having forgotten keys, but they?re all away from home at the moment travelling (gap years) or at uni, so I leapt out of bed imagining the worst (police / accident scenario).

          Well ? it was a sweet middle-aged lady (who I recognise as a worker in one of the local supermarkets) saying ? ?is this your dog? I found her wandering along the street looking very lost). I couldn?t believe it! We have two small dogs (Border Terriers) and they not only come to bed and sleep in the corner of our room, but also have a dog flap so they can come in and out of the house freely ? and the back garden is fully enclosed! I went to bed before hubby and was fast asleep when he came up ? but he insists they came to bed at the same time ? a real mystery. It definitely is Sydnie ? and she is very tired after her night time antics ? and so am I!

          On another note ? the lady knocking on my door was wearing her shop uniform ? so was either on her way to work or on her way home ? at 3.30am!! I didn?t even realised people worked in supermarkets at that time of night.

          Anyway ? the final and important part of this story is that I was sober so I didn?t have to drag myself drunk from my bed (which would no doubt have made me the gossip of that particular supermarket - and would probably have had me wondering this morning if it was all totally in my drunken imagination).

          Ho hum - happy Thursday everyone!! love Snap xxx
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Newbies Nest

            [QUOTE=Snapdragon;1496850]Morning (or afternoon) Nesters

            Anyway ? the final and important part of this story is that I was sober so I didn?t have to drag myself drunk from my bed (which would no doubt have made me the gossip of that particular supermarket - and would probably have had me wondering this morning if it was all totally in my drunken imagination).

            Oh, Yes, SNAP...I love thinking "Bye Bye" to those wonderings if my memories of the day before really happened, or from a drunken imagination. Isn't it nice to be alert?



              Newbies Nest

              Thanks to all - I haven't gone 7 days in at least 7 years!!! Maybe I can actually do it this time. Everybody here is such an inspiration, those that are ahead of me, you keep me looking forward, while those just a few days in remind me work I have done so far.

              Lav & Nanette, I can't wait to get outside & start gardening too. We went from record rain/flooding last Wednesday (a few blocks away from us people were literally canoeing in the street), to a dusting of snow on Saturday morning.

              Nanette - I don't think I have seen Little Nicky, but I do love Adam Sandler!! The Hanukkah song cracks me up.

              Welcome Spotlessmind!

              Congrats on the new job Siren, sounds like a fresh start both personally & professionally.

              Eiti - hope all is going well. The changes you make now will help your family so much!! I'm already connecting in a better way with my kids and my husband.

              Wishing all a peaceful & sober day!!


                Newbies Nest

                Hello, Snapdragon - that is quite a story and I am so glad your pup is safely home !

                To fully appreciate your tales, however, I need to know what "waffly" means. I really struggled in the past with posts using "chuffed" (which sounded like something pretty nasty to me :H!) and they made much more sense when I got that straightened out, to say the least.

                Spotless mind, :welcome: to the Nest! Please post and let us get to know you and what kind of plan and support will work best for you to get free from this millstone we've all had hanging around our necks!

                Day Zero, you just accomplished one of the hardest things and that effort got you to Three Weeks! Congratulations! Now go get a small pack of peanuts to keep in you purse or pocket so you don't have to face that again! Hunger makes all of this just too hard

                Have a great day Nesters!

                :h NS


                  Newbies Nest

                  Cocoflo;1496867 wrote: Thanks to all - I haven't gone 7 days in at least 7 years!!! Maybe I can actually do it this time.

                  Coco, You CAN do it this time!

                  You are in the right place to put in the hard work, get the support that anyone would need and get this done

                  Love, NS :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    NS, waffly means .............waffly lol.

                    Embellishing a story a bit too much, going all the way round the houses to tell the tale sort of thing.

                    (No offence Snap xx)
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi to spotless mind and glad you found the nest. Strap yourself in, read as much as you can of all the threads old and new. There is so much information here it will take a the time you are done you will be three months sober ! :H:H

             well done, just keep at it and don't forget to ask if you have feelings, moods or questions. Someone here will have the answer.

             is great to have continuous unbroken reality, life just flows so easily. I had a very late night last night and today I was just tired. There was no anxiety, promises, waiting for the drinking hour so as to cure the bad head, just a quiet day.....well I say quiet, went to the gym for a couple hours.....would never have done that drinking but CAN do it even when a little tired.

                      So good to be living again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Quest for the key;1496875 wrote: NS, waffly means .............waffly lol.

                        Embellishing a story a bit too much, going all the way round the houses to tell the tale sort of thing.

                        (No offence Snap xx)
                        Thank you, Quest!! That makes sense and a little exaggeration improves almost any tale!

                        I really enjoy all of the language use on MWO - we are all writing in English but certainly not the same version!

                        Anyway, Quest, how are you doing lately?

                        :h NS


                          Newbies Nest

                          NoSugar;1496879 wrote: Thank you, Quest!! That makes sense and a little exaggeration improves almost any tale!

                          I really enjoy all of the language use on MWO - we are all writing in English but certainly not the same version!

                          Anyway, Quest, how are you doing lately?

                          :h NS
                          Sometimes it is not just the words but the culture.....Questy and I are poms and we tend to be quite crude and direct compared to Americans, and antipodeans


                            Newbies Nest

                            kuya;1496880 wrote: Sometimes it is not just the words but the culture.....Questy and I are poms and we tend to be quite crude and direct compared to Americans, and antipodeans
                            I am surprised!I thought aussies and kiwi's were as bad as us.
                            AF since october 8th 2012:new

                            How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi guys, just joined, i hope to learn alot and share some of my knowledge.

                              Cheers guys.:new:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dang, Ku, you got Patrick out of mothballs!! And there was no outright mention of body parts!!:H:H:H

                                Good morning, all. It is so heartwarming to see everyone with help to offer! This is a tough road some sure helps to have other folks next to you to give a hand when needed. We get tangled up in our own panties sometimes, but knowing there are other people all over the world having the same thoughts sure helps. I am so proud of our community here.

                                Siren, high five on that new job! This is just the beginning of great things for you!

                                Spotlessmind, welcome!! Read and post....sounds like a broken record, but for good reason. IT WORKS! No thought is ridiculous if it keeps us sober!

                                Good to see everyone this morning! Make it a great, AF day! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

