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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just Starting Out

    Hello, all - I just ordered the book & CDs as well as the kudzu extract ande L-Glutamine supplement (I never ease into things -- more like dive in head-first at the deep end). I've been thinking about this for some time and decided that help isn't going to come knocking on my door -- I'm going to have to go "in search of."

    I'm choosing the smiley with question marks because that's sort of how I feel about taking this plunge -- full of questions! Like, is anyone else using the CDs? If so, are they helping? One of them is called Clearing -- What sorts of things does a person "clear"?

    ...tired of questions yet?


      Newbies Nest

      little beagle;1498311 wrote: Ns
      yes I have 2 beagles. I am a binge drinker and I had a bad weekend. I found this place and a little bit of hope for overcoming this problem though. I could use some advice about how to deal with this anxiety I feel. I do a yoga routine and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have had a lot of stresses lately and used alcohol to cope, this just mad my anxiety level out of sight.
      little beagle- You have taken the first step to dealing with that anxiety by becoming a member here. When I read the success stories of others who used to drink just like I did, it renews my hope that I can stay sober. I think you will find comfort in these pages as well. Be sure and read up on the tools that are suggested. They are tried and true and may help you deal with the anxiety you are experiencing.

      Also, I have had beagles for the last 20+ years. They are such a sweet breed. Good luck and welcome to MWO.


        Newbies Nest

        proud to report symptons are better, will check in tomorrow. heres hoping to a restful night
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          Newbies Nest

          BigRichLIfe: there are never too many questions!!! I believe Lavande is a big fan of the hypno CDs. I have them and tried them, but find meditating on my own to be more effective....You should definitely check out the tool box. Everything you need to get sober is in there.
          To both you and Little Beagle :welcome:

          You are in a good, safe place to get your life back

          Bobbyslife: :welcome: BACK So glad you came back....Just dust yourself off and settle back in.

          Let's all enjoy this beautiful spring with no hangovers!!!!!
          I'm in, are you?
          I just won't anymore


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening kids!

            Hello & welcome to BigRichLife & Little Beagle, glad you decided to join us
            As you read around the threads you will find many different stories & many methods people have used to free themselves from the burdem of this addiction. No one method will work for everyone, you just have to find what works for you & stick with it until you meet your goals.
            I did find the MWO hypno CDs very helpful where I had never used anything like that before. I guess the time was right. Use them according to the directions supplied & I hope you find them helpful as well.

            Wishing everypne a safe night in the nest
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Day One (again)

              I'm a bit confused about where to be posting, but since i'm a newbie i'll post here. Am currently in bed (it's 3.00pm). Screwed up again last night and didn't get to work today. Lump on the back of my head with accompanying pain suggests i fell over (again.) I HATE feeling this way. Sorry to be so negative, but if i re-start sobriety today, things should improve. A big thankyou to My Way Out and to the members who responded to my last posts.


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Brandi!! Ouch - I hope you feel better. So is today Day 1?

                You're in a great place but it only works if you use it. Since you have some time today, go and get rid of all the alcohol in your house. Spend as much time as you can reading through the different forums. Post as much as you feel comfortable with, too. Opening up to others about your issues with alcohol will be more beneficial than you realize. So read read read and post post post!!

                We have all been in your shoes - guilty, sick and tired. Some of us who were trying for an AF April will be starting AF May soon. I'll be looking for your posts there and here in the Nest, too. Remember - the Nest is busy and you will usually find someone here to talk to. This should be your home base for a while.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello All,

                  Day one for me again. Managed 17m AF and have had a shit shit April. I need advice on how you stick to AF 2nd time round without ever going back. I'm sitting here having had to cancel all my appt. and sessions for today. My poor daughter has been left to entertain herself whilst I have puked and puked. I don't know how I could have ever got back to this!!! I use Jason Vale's book and MWO to help me last time.

                  My biggest motivation is my daughter. I am now so sick with worry I have done irreparable damage to my body. I know when I drink the day after I get so depressed, low motivation and worried worries about my health. How long will it take to get my system AL free?

                  Today I'm going to rid the house of AL. My friend left her presents at mine a few months back and the bottle of Gin I consumed has to be replaced. I see her this weekend so will be completely clear of that temptation. Ugh why do I do this.....


                    Newbies Nest

                    brandivino and minstar...:welcome:
                    So glad to see you in the nest!! You both sound completely fed up with AL and the hangover it brings....I feel your frustration, depression, and remorse.....but with these feelings, you can turn them around and make them positive!! Use these feelings as a motivator to get the AL out of the house and to stick to the nest and read, post, read, post, you get the drift. Because, trust me when I say this, if you stay close and post at LEAST once a day and read as much as possible, you will be much stronger to resist AL once your hideous hangover wears off. It isn't a picnic, but once you are through the first 3 days AF, you start to see things in a a whole new light.
                    The very best things in life are the hardest to come by, but oh, so worth the struggle and sometimes painful journey!!!
                    (and the pain and struggle are NOT permanent, they will pass......just ask anyone who has been AF for a while)
                    Please try to do one thing: if you get an urge to drink, come here and read and post and tell us what you are feeling. No one will know who you are and you have NOTHING to lose by doing this. Just tell us what you are feeling and why you think the AL will make it better. And then, wait for someone to respond to you before you pick up. I will bet if you wait, your urge will the urge......
                    I am so happy you are here....
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Monday morning Nesters!

                      Hello & welcome back Brandi & MinStar!
                      Glad you both landed in the nest, please settle in for a while. I was thoroughly disgusted with myself when I first arrived too. You can change all that with a strong commitment & a good plan. Go back to the Tool box & use some of the great ideas there to help yourselves make a plan.

                      I have a busy week ahead, grateful to be clear-headed & ready to handle anything that comes my way
                      Wishing everyone a great start to the week!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest


                        Thank you cocoflo for your encouragement. I have made it through the first 36 hours or so. No shakes, panicky, or sickly feeling. The first 24-36 hours are ususally the worst for me; however, i am still going to doctor this am for the pre-existing panic attacks, they are brutal and not only drive me crazy they are driving my family crazy too. To anyone that is just beginning valerian root and benadryl helped some with the anxiety, it did not take it all away but it did help. Will post what the dr says.

                        Good Monday to all, lets keep at this one day at a time.
                        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                          Newbies Nest


                          Hello to everyone. I have been busy and reading and yesterday I blew it again. So today is a new we ever get to the point where we stop the stop and start? I thought I could do the moderation because when I drank, the next day I would crack a beer to help me with the hangover to help me feel "normal", but it lead to more and more. AF is where I need to be and I need the strength to do it. No excuses for my behavior, I did it myself and I was home gardening and drinking and planting and I even mowed the lawn! Why is alcohol not illegal? This stinks.


                            Newbies Nest

                            panic panicattacks

                            I sympathise with you about the panic attacks. Yuck! I get them really bad too. Especially at the end of a big bender. I just try my breathing exercises and try to distract my mind. It doesn't always work, but it does always help. Good wishes to you.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              :thanks:Thanks jenniech and lavande.
                              Disgusted and disappointed for having done over a year and now a month of stupidness. I feel so so low. Other things going on in my life and ive have had a constant F it attitude. I know it doesn't help and feel crap I reached for the bottle again! :upset:
                              Brandivino how are you doing?
                              Jackdanielsgirl- congrats on getting through it.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Hi there - I posted in general discussions - I am new and this is day one of not drinking. Have never sought help before but at close to forty it is time to do so. I write books and work from home, and this is the third Monday in a row where I have been unable to do so due to hangover. I have deadlines to meet and I have been allowing alcohol to ruin my life, so today I have spent time making goals and a plan to make them work, and the top two are to quit drinking and smoking. I did see something about detoxing safely and wondered where I can find information about what this means.
                                My usual drinking pattern would be a couple of bottles of wine a night - over about seven hours, alone or with friends; on the weekends, I might spend all afternoon drinking, slowly but surely. Last Saturday night was a bruiser - I live in Spain, and I had a gin at two pm. I went out dancing that night...I came in at five am, having gone pretty much all night. Slowly but steadily. I topped all this off by having a great go at it last night - another two bottles of wine, having sworn I wouldn't touch it.
                                So, today is day one. I have been off booze before and I have always sworn I wouldn't drink again...but somehow, I always end up breaking it. This time, I need to be done. I care more about my writing than I do about the bottle. And I can't live with the insecurity and feelings of inadequacy anymore.
                                A friend recommended this site and said I needed support, even if I have presented as fully functional to those around me. i KNOW I need support. If it hasn't worked in the past, then it won't this time, not unless I get help from others in the same boat.
                                I need the advice and thoughts guys. Feel pretty alone with this. I live alone, have good friends but nobody I want to talk to about this. I am working in my house so not a lot of social contact. I do flamenco classes every other day and pilates when I don't, and these things help a lot to keep me happy and motivated, but now my weekend classes have stopped, and I haven't found that easy. In general I need plans to help. Thanks a lot.

