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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning,

    To all those new to the nest, welcome. The support here is tremendous & we all can relate to your struggles.

    Kreeves, my son made a similar comment to me. Reminds me NEVER again when those thoughts of drinking moderately creep in to my head.

    Peaceful, AF Monday to all!



      Newbies Nest

      Good morning! Just popping in. Read just a few posts and it looks like most are staying strong! Hello to the newbies and hello to my old friends.

      This is my first summer sober so I'm experiencing a lot of "firsts" but holding steady. The act of reaching into the cooler for my soda is a HUGE reminder of reaching in for the flask for a quick snip. The most important thing I'm learning is that the thought/craving/habit only lasts a short time. If I can distract myself for a few minutes, I'm back in a good place.

      Everyone, have a great Monday (or Tuesday depending on where you are).

      AF since 12/26/13

      "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


        Newbies Nest

        Noor;1498637 wrote: Hi there - I posted in general discussions - I am new and this is day one of not drinking. Have never sought help before but at close to forty it is time to do so. I write books and work from home, and this is the third Monday in a row where I have been unable to do so due to hangover. I have deadlines to meet and I have been allowing alcohol to ruin my life, so today I have spent time making goals and a plan to make them work, and the top two are to quit drinking and smoking. I did see something about detoxing safely and wondered where I can find information about what this means.
        My usual drinking pattern would be a couple of bottles of wine a night - over about seven hours, alone or with friends; on the weekends, I might spend all afternoon drinking, slowly but surely. Last Saturday night was a bruiser - I live in Spain, and I had a gin at two pm. I went out dancing that night...I came in at five am, having gone pretty much all night. Slowly but steadily. I topped all this off by having a great go at it last night - another two bottles of wine, having sworn I wouldn't touch it.
        So, today is day one. I have been off booze before and I have always sworn I wouldn't drink again...but somehow, I always end up breaking it. This time, I need to be done. I care more about my writing than I do about the bottle. And I can't live with the insecurity and feelings of inadequacy anymore.
        A friend recommended this site and said I needed support, even if I have presented as fully functional to those around me. i KNOW I need support. If it hasn't worked in the past, then it won't this time, not unless I get help from others in the same boat.
        I need the advice and thoughts guys. Feel pretty alone with this. I live alone, have good friends but nobody I want to talk to about this. I am working in my house so not a lot of social contact. I do flamenco classes every other day and pilates when I don't, and these things help a lot to keep me happy and motivated, but now my weekend classes have stopped, and I haven't found that easy. In general I need plans to help. Thanks a lot.
        Hi, Noor

        You have found the right place to get the support you've realized you need. That was my situation and so far it is working better than I had ever hoped. I am very committed to this new life and think that staying connected here is important. It will take a big time commitment but if you are like me, you have to fill those former drinking hours somehow and it might as well be here ! There are many great suggestions in the Toolbox. If you haven't been there already, the link is in my signature.

        :welcome: and stick with us!

        :h NS


          Newbies Nest

          No Sugar thankyou very much - I have been looking through the Toolbox. I am not sure if I can get a lot of the herbal remedies etc where I am - I live in Spain. Not sure where to go looking here, but I will have a look in the local pharmacies etc.
          Yep, I am going to need a lot of support I think - I am truly fed up of living like this. I have a friend staying with me at the moment and she can't take it seriously - she is a true moderate drinker, and thinks that I should just cut back a bit until the books are done, but I know deep down that it is much more serious than that. I don't know if anyone really knows how serious it is except me - I think I look pretty normal from the outside. But I know how I feel every morning, and I am sick of feeling like that. Right now it is the end of a long period of stress but I have no excuses not to succeed now, and I refuse to let alcohol derail that success. I've worked too bloody hard for too long.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi, Noor

            I also work from home (double-edged sword, as it turns out) and seem to have been good at hiding what was going on. I knew, though, and it had to stop! The only supplement I used was some L-glutamine. A person from Spain who used to be here had trouble finding it. A Heath food store or body builder place might be your best bet. Or, order online.

            In your other thread you mentioned that you probably would be on MWO a lot for a few days. It needs to be much longer than that, I think. I usually have MWO open on one computer while I work on another and check in periodically. I have tried to make this change a constant presence in my life. A lot of people come here, post a bit, and then disappear. Please don't do that!

            :h NS


              Newbies Nest

              I will be staying on here. I just answered this post and sodding Google Chrome crashed, so I lost it!! I need the help - I can see how much my problem has spiralled out of control these past few months. I was caring for my mother full time for six months - she has Alzheimers. She was here in Spain with me, then I went back to Australia with her to pack up her life and get her into care near my sister. During that time I was in 'crisis' mode so justified the drinking that way. At the end of the time in Australia I parted from my partner of five years and said goodbye to him and my two (very loved, now adult) step children. It is amicable but that threw me into loco mode once more. I dealt with that by drinking stupid amounts and embarking on a humiliating and pointless internet affair with an old friend, who thankfully has been very tolerant mainly I think because he understands what has been happening.
              I need to get happy with myself and believe I can do what I know I can. Alcohol has always been a problem, although at times I have managed to leave it out of my life - and when I did so, great things happened. I need to do it again and I don't care what I have to do to keep it gone. The part about these next three days is more because I can feel bad detox symptoms and know I will be fighting depression particularly tonight and tomorrow. I will be going to bed with a good book very early tonight! Thankyou for responding, I need the contact just now.


                Newbies Nest

                Noor you can do this. Yes it is hard it is only day 2 for me after almost a week. stay strong and keep close.
                Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                  Newbies Nest

                  OK Noor,
                  Hang in there things will improve within a day or two. Try valerain root (dont drive or operate heavy machinery) and bendaryl this helped me through the toughest 24 - 36 hours.

                  it helps the shakes and the crazy mind. Just be careful valerian packs a punch, but if you are in a very heightened state of panic it will calm you down, but as i said before DONT DRIVE
                  Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks JD girl, I will try the pharmacy tomorrow for Valerian. No need for a car where I live, no vehicle access anyway, so no prob there! I'm not in panic, more just sore, bad breathing, rapid heart, sweats, hot and cold. And a lot of feeling like SHITE. But on the upside, it has motivated me to take this step, so all good I guess!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello & welcome Noor
                      Glad you decided to join us. I was pretty desperate when i first found MWO but the support I received here was invaluable. Just stay close to the nest, someone is almost always on line.
                      Be sure you drink lots of water while you are detoxing, AL dehydrates us. I have used a combination product in the past to help with anxiety. It's called Seredyn, made here in the US & I purchased it right from the manufacturer. There are resellers on Amazon too if you want to look into it. It has valerian, niacinamide & magnesium - works great.
                      Wishing you the best

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        I will have a look at that Lavande, thankyou. Is it all herbal? I am not a big fan of 'meds' as such (despite having abused alcohol my entire adult life)....


                          Newbies Nest

                          I just wondered how many people have tried the hypnotherapy cd's, and what views are there on them? I am planning to do more meditation but am not sure how I feel about the cd's with this program, and would appreciate feedback. The herbs look good - magnesium and milk thistle seem logical, never tried kudzu, and evening primrose I should probably take anyway.
                          I am feeling exceedingly rough just now but that is normal given the weekend of heavy consumption. But really hope I can get through these first few days - I know how much better I will feel. And I don't want to fixate on it either. Just to get better.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello and welcome noor!
                            Please tie a comfy seat- we're all on the same ride :-)

                            Just checking in.. I have one beautiful baby asleep and home alone. Can't believe my mind actually considered having a drink. Of course, I know it's evil ways too clearly.
                            Planning the same thing as you Noor- early bed with a good book.

                            Hope everyone is doing well



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello all,

                              I need support over the next few hours.

                              I suffer from major depressive disorder and it hit me over the weekend. Took the days off work. Right now feeling apathetic and scared.

                              I've coped with this by drinking, but it doesn't feel good anymore. Would like to feel myself again, healthy and safe.

                              Just looking for a few good words, -A.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Bond girl
                                Are you drinking now? I am on my first AF after a we months of relapsing. I am looking forward to waking without a hangover-first day in ten days. AL is a depressant and i suffer from depression. Definitely noticed it was less prevalent when i stopped drinking. Sorry I don't have much words of encouragement. Someone will come along shortly with more words of knowledge and wisdom. Hang in there. I didn't want to read and run x

