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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Noor- I agree with Jenniech, get up and :dance:
    Also, do you meditate? Do yoga? I know you can stream classes on line or on you tube that you can do? I have used them in the past. I also do yoga Nidra to help relax. In fact any thing to help you relax. If coming on here is making you angry for lost time you can switch and think you're taking the first step to distressing. Come here post and then spend some time dancing, yoga, Pilates or relaxation. Then grab lunch and get on with some writing. Who knows the weather may be a bit better and you may get a walk in? I find lists and plan of actions help me to still my ever nattering mind


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters

      Having Spring showers where I live as well!
      I just use that as an excuse to turn on all the lights & do what I have to do inside - catch up on work, catch up on housework, cook or bake something healthy

      Noor, MWO is just a tool to help you reach your goals. Use it to help you, nothing to feel guilty about whatsoever. Depression & anxiety got me drinking in the first place looking for relief. Now I do lots of self-care things to prevent the return of depression & anxiety. Staying away from AL, healthy eating, exercise, meditation & more are all part of my plan.
      Take the time to help yourself by writing a good plan - you won't be sorry

      Congrats Jennie!

      Greetings to everyone & wishes for a great aF Tuesday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks guys.

        Sun came out and I went to the health store and got Valerian, Evening Primrose, Vit B, St Johns Wort and milk thistle. No Glutamine or Kudzu as of yet - Spain is a bit behind on the old health remedies.
        Had a good walk but realised I am actually quite ill today - beyond normal - this is probably why I know inside it is time to give up. Running a temperature and have a hacking cough, which I never get. I live in a very hilly place so lots of hard walking up steep alleys, which helps and feels good.
        I'm going to write this afternoon and not worry too much - baby goal of 3000 words today which is half my normal output but all I think I can manage, and enough for today. And no beating myself up.
        I am not sure why I suddenly feel so very determined about all this, after so long of just going along with it; but something inside tells me that if I don't haul a stop to this now, I will be in serious trouble very soon (I already am, I just manage to hide it fairly well).
        Does paracetamol work for lowering temp/sweats? I don't take much of anything so wouldn't know.


          Newbies Nest

          Day Two!

          Thankyou Siren136 and Jenniech; today is my Day Two, and after posting this message it's lights out and hope for a good sleep! I made myself walk today, an effort of will. If i can continue to stay away from the demon, the Campral will have half a chance to kick in properly (been taking it just over three weeks.) Bought a Wellbeing magazine today as a treat - lots of good advice and inspiration, just like there is on this forum. Will focus on the positives of abstinence - no hangover, no social faux pas, no upset tummy, more money in the pocket, hope for weight loss, etc.etc! And it would be nice to be able to help others on their journey, too. Best wishes to all, xxx


            Newbies Nest

            Work day for me. I just wanted everyone to know that I am sticking to my resolution to not drink. I have to find a way to deal with this stress I have, My husband is #1 stress. He is having some real issues. He is going to check out MWO tonite to see if it will help him. I will let him telll you what's up. this is about me. I do housekeeping for other people, so lots of exercise there. I still do my 10-20 yoga routine at eveningtime to relax. there is only so much abuse this 50 year old body can take! I am going to read all other posts when I get home today. I am so glad I found MWO.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              jenniech;1498934 wrote: Hello everyone!!
              I just got home from my anniversary celebration with my AA group. I got a 90 day chip and lots of congratulations.....My sponsor gave me a beautiful orchid and another friend gave me flowers.... I am full of gratitude.
              I had to get up in front of everyone and tell my "story" I kept it very short but said the key to my success was going to meetings, calling my sponsor and going onto MWO everyday. Most people had never even heard of MWO!!! Anyway, a big gigantic thank you to everyone here.....:thanks::h
              So, onto tackling 100 days!! Then 120 and then .... well, i figure that out in due time.....
              Very cool. Congratulations!
              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                Newbies Nest

                Congrats Jenniech & Snap on 90 & 30 days.

                Good work Little Beagle, Noor & Brandivino. Keep posting and reading - you will find so much inspiration and support here.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning, Nesters!
                  Noor, Brandi, LB and all are doing great! I had flu like symptoms the first couple weeks....treat yourself as if you, fluids, food. Knowing you are on a path to better things will help you get thru these rough spots. Imagine you are on the yellow brick road going to OZ! It's just that much better! Going from a world of black and white into a world of Technicolor is worth the price of admission!

                  MindChatter = Flying Monkies. Try to gain control of your thoughts. When Addiction Head (Dick Head) coerces you to think that drinking is a good idea again, put that thought out of your head immediately. Name your cousins, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, google how many dimples are in a golf is an amazing strategy, just getting Dick Head off topic will help you stay on course. I do that to this day! Like any skill, it gets better as you use it.

                  We also have a lot to work out in our heads... the 'whys' and 'hows' pop up and give us a feeling of inadequacy. That will pass within the first week. By day 7, when Jenni Moons you, you will have gained a new confidence! Just dig your heels in and don't give in no matter what and no matter who! THAT'S what separates the winners from the also rans. You have to STARVE this beast to win. It is a winner take all game, unfortunately, but you can do are well on your way.

                  G-man, I noticed you just racked up 10 days!
                  We are all busting with pride for your accomplishment!!

                  Great job everyone!! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    A thank you to Minstar

                    Hi, Minstar.

                    I posted this in another thread that you might not read so I want to let you know that you helped me by being here. Thank you.

                    NoSugar;1499098 wrote: If I wasn't motivated already, Minstar's story in the NN about relapsing after ~17 mo AF (while she was mostly away from MWO) gave me a sharp kick in the rear. I really appreciate people sharing what happens to them - good and bad. Thanks, Minstar and all the best to you!

                    :h NS


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello New here!
                      I have been coming to this site for about 1 month now and spent 14 days sober after Easter.
                      But I can't stay sober.... Yesterday I left my job as I was drunk AGAIN! I need to get back to meetings which I'm really not looking forward to, as there will be alll the told you so, knew you'd be back crowd

                      I basically got cocky and have been trying to CONTROL it for the last 4 or 5 years...

                      So here I am day one again! And without a job!

                      I'll be going to a meeting tonight :0)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Cocoflo;1499065 wrote: Congrats Jenniech & Snap on 90 & 30 days.

                        Good work Little Beagle, Noor & Brandivino. Keep posting and reading - you will find so much inspiration and support here.

                        Thank you Cocoflo - a massive milestone for me - one whole month AF - can't believe it. I honestly never thought I could or would make it :thanks:

                        Well done too Jenni - way to go - and well deserved flowers from AA. Glad I wasn't the one who had to stand up and talk though :H
                        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Snapdragon;1499133 wrote:
                          Glad I wasn't the one who had to stand up and talk though :H
                          Really :H:H:H ? Perhaps the written word is your medium...

                          Congratulations on your 30 day accomplishment, Snap.
                          Don't go wandering off now... I've recently become acutely aware of
                          people disappearing from MWO shortly after reaching a milestone and I sure
                          wouldn't want that to happen to you for all sorts of reasons, including your
                          entertaining stories.

                          xx, NS :h


                            Newbies Nest


                            Thank you Byrdie - I just saw my 30 day award in the Roll Call thread. Thank you so much for the fabulous hat. I just put in on and it fits perfectly!! I can even take a small bow without it falling off!!

                            As requested, I'd just like to say a few words to all newbies here struggling in the first few days. I've been there, done that - over and over and over and over again (I've been a member here for years, struggling promising to stop this stupid AL nonsense, giving up for a few days, a week (my last and longest triumph was 13 days - about two years ago - probably the most miserable 13 days of my life - because they were filled with resentment (I felt hard done by because I couldn't drink, was grief struck because I missed my wine) - at that time in my life, I was trying to give up drinking for everyone else. Because my husband hated it and nagged me; and my children hated it and nagged me.

                            This time I decided to stop drinking for ME. I was hating the alcohol dependent person I had become. I hated that I visited the supermarket everyday to buy more wine (under the knowing stares of the supermarket staff) I don't want the black outs, the lost evenings, the hangovers, the embarrassment the next day when people recount my awful actions (drunken texts, emails, phone calls), the shame of friends and respect lost, the bags under my eyes, the red blotchy skin, the nights soaked in sweat, the puffy water retention round my waist etc etc etc - the list is so long. This time I wanted to be free myself - to LIKE myself and feel whole again.

                            For 30 days I haven't drunk alcohol. I haven't told anyone close to me that I don't drink anymore - I think they must have noticed, but not one of them has said a word. I have been out for meals this last four weeks, I've been to a wedding and a party. I have been shopping with my daughter several times and not even set foot in the alcohol aisle. I have merrily not drunk alcohol - and if anyone has noticed - not one person has mentioned it!

                            I know my husband HAS noticed it - but he is playing along with the 'game'. I can see that he is relishing having 'ME' back and is treating me like he did before alcohol joined the party and ruined things for us. He has bought me flowers, is warm and affectionate again - has spoilt me bringing me tea in bed in the morning. Any of you out there worrying about alcohol affecting your relationships - try giving it up for 30 days - it's like being back on honeymoon!! :H

                            Well - at the beginning of my 30 day stretch I was (and still am) taking this one day at a time. I'm not being complacent - I know as with everyone here when you start racking up AF days you dread tempting 'pride before the fall'. I have had some god awful days when I really didn't think I would make this (last Saturday springs to mind. I woke up in the morning craving a drink and it lasted pretty much all day until I went to bed - I was a bitch from hell that day - but I made it).

                            In the beginning, I didn't know how long I was planning to give up alcohol for - afterall this is relatively unexplored territory for me - I've been drinking flat out for about 20 years now. However, today I am loving that I don't drink.

                            It really does get easier! Every week that passes, the craving gets less and less and living without alcohol gradually starts to feel 'normal'. Yes you still have odd days when for no reason at all the craving is like a tidal wave completely overwhelming you, but if you surf the urge rather than letting yourself sink you DO ride it out to the other side.

                            So here's my commitment to another AF stint - I plan to stay on for an AF May and will proudly add my name to that thread tomorrow.

                            I know that many of the long termers here (Byrdie, K9, Lav, Doggygirl etc) all say 'if I can do it, you can' and for a long time I thought that I just wasn't as strong or didn't have the same willpower as them - but now I understand their sentiment - because I have started to believe in myself.

                            To everyone of you here struggling today - if I can do it - YOU CAN DO IT!!

                            Have a wonderful AF Tuesday everyone :baaah:
                            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                              Newbies Nest

                              NoSugar;1499137 wrote:

                              Don't go wandering off now... I've recently become acutely aware of
                              people disappearing from MWO shortly after reaching a milestone and I sure
                              wouldn't want that to happen to you for all sorts of reasons, including your
                              entertaining stories.

                              xx, NS :h
                              Thanks NS - I'm not planning to disappear anyday soon - who else would send you to sleep with long waffly stories!! I think I already exceeded my word count today!! :H:H:H
                              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello all,

                                detoxing and staying with a friend. Scared and nervous. I've been through this before, and I know it sucks.

