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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all.

    Hi Ladyjan, nuff. Way to go on taking the first step!

    Finding, there's an old saying that says "The perfect is the enemy of the good."

    We can get so caught up in making things perfect that we never get off our a$$ and do anything. Small steps in the right direction are best. And, yea, we're all here doing just that - taking steps in the right direction. Sometimes when we take a step backward, we get down, and don't realize how far forward we've come.

    Gotta work! Take care.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Waking up to 50 degrees & sunny, heading to 70 today - that's a nice treat this time of year

      Welcome to Ladyjan & nuff! Find yourselves a comfy twig & settle into the nest with us!

      Yesterday's discussions re perfectionism were a good reminder for all of us - don't set yourself up for failure!! I am actually finding that aging is helping me out a lot in that area......I simply don't feel that driving need to be perfect or make things perfect anymore.........I think a little bit of Lavan-ittude is controlling that part of my life as well

      Well, I'm working this morning & babysitting this afternoon so I will be tired tonight when I check back in - but I will!
      Have a great day everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        positive vibes..

        Hiya all,

        hi 2 u also tw & lav,

        chicken n? 3.. come on find some positive vibes, you were the first to answer me when I was at crisis level and lifted me up and then the guys jumped in and helped pull me up..

        come on I am sure you are a great mum, we all feel like shit when we have this problem, but you got so much support here, it's the first place I come to when I wake up and when I go out I think about all of you and can't wait to come home and hook up with my "friends".

        you had the thought to lift me up without talking about your problems, that shows you are a kind and caring person, don't be hard on yourself,

        LJ :h


          Newbies Nest

          OMG, it's bedtime & the nest is near empty - where is everyone?????????

          I hope you guys are OK, just enjoying the Autumn air, etc.

          Chook, please check in with me.........I worry about you, I don't hear any clucking!!

          Well, my day was full, now I am rightfully tired. Putting my feet up right this second
          Have a good night one & all, the night light will be on.....
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesties,

            Everyone is probably in bed as our time zones are so different, but really needed to check in with everyone.

            Made it af today, but it was close. To prevent the temptation to pick up my poison after work today, I went to a different grocery store this eve, one that wasn't right next door to a spirits shop.

            Got home, and really thought about having some hard stuff that was hanging around from some visitor's we had last weekend. Coulda done the hypno CD's, but wasn't feeling that strong of will--so crashed on the couch and checked out MWO. That helped alot, but was still tempted.

            Went upstairs and turned on my heated mattress pad, starting to relish the thought of snuggling in bed with a good book, the computer for MWO support and a movie. Then I thought a bath would be nice, but decided to make soup first.


            This is probably so boring for you all, but the need to write it down was so strong--just to see how I didn't succumb as it was such a close call. In looking back, it really was a result of a few very small actions. I can see now that I was looking for relaxation, a sense of coziness and being "settled in" and a feeling of being responsibility free. This is what I "normally" am seeking when I have wine.

            Thanks for listening and for creating such a support of trust and understanding and being there to turn to.

            Chook--missed your fly by today.
            Lav--hope your still standing after watching your grandson today-- he sounds like my oldest son--we used to call him a tornado!
            LJ--well done on 24 hours by yourself!:goodjob:
            Nuff--I spent hours and hours on this site when I first found it--finally felt like I wasn't so alone. Glad you're here and stay close.

            g'nite all,
            "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


              Newbies Nest

              TranqWilly;740669 wrote:
              Finding, there's an old saying that says "The perfect is the enemy of the good."

              We can get so caught up in making things perfect that we never get off our a$$ and do anything.
              TW, that part about getting off our a$$! Isn't that the truth. I know I've thought about doing things and then thought that they wouldn't turn out perfectly, so don't even start. Throw alcohol into that mindset and forget it. Wonder I got anything done.

              Chicken, like ladyjan, you were a wonderful first contact for me in picking up some pearls – you have a special place in my heart!

              Lav, love you for leaving the night light on! Sounds like another good round with your grandson. It was a lovely fall day here as well, and I enjoyed a good long walk home from work.

              Openheart, it’s important to read about the temptations others are facing and hearing about how we overcome them. Congratulations on getting through the evening AF and thanks for sharing. I went to the grocery store closest to my apartment the other day for the first time since being AF. I have such strong associations with picking up wonderful produce there and then of course a bottle of wine to “go with dinner” or as was often the case, to BE dinner.

              Lovemylife, Nuffsenuff, Sunni, Prpl, Mermaid and all, hope you had a great day!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone.

                Just getting home after a long day/eve. A little tired. But a beautiful day and evening here too Lav.

                But Open - don't think about your stuff being boring 'cause it's not. I've learned so much from people sharing their thoughts. You wrote: "In looking back, it really was a result of a few very small actions. I can see now that I was looking for relaxation, a sense of coziness and being "settled in" and a feeling of being responsibility free. This is what I "normally" am seeking when I have wine." That is a great observation, and very true for me too although I'd never thought about the cozy/settled-in part, but realize it's all true. At some point I realized how I could crave al when I was really just hungry or thirsty or tired. I've learned that just taking care of our needs, food, rest, comfort, etc goes a long way towards reducing the urge to turn to al to replace something else we're missing. It's all good stuff.

                Making good changes to take better care of our needs and reduce temptations definitely makes things a little easier.

                Yep Find - that's me - can't start until I know how it'll turn out. Kept me drinking for way too long. Sometimes it turns out to more fun just try and see what'll happen. Usually comes out better that way, but it's definitely something I struggle with. We need some kind of perfectionist secret handshake or something.

                Hi to everyone, hope all are doing well out there, and good night.
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning lovely nestmates. Its good to be back from my trip to see my family. Had a lovely time but its nice to be back in my own bed! I'm a home bird really.
                  Had a few drinks while I was away but its not going to be the start of a downturn - that was the holiday, this is now and when I'm at home I don't drink!
                  Hope you're all keeping well. Lav its pouring with rain and howling wind here.
                  Have a good thursday everyone
                  love sooty


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Glad to see some fledglings checking in

                    openheart, I sure hope you are feeling better today! We all experience those blue days, no doubt! Logging into MWO is the best thing you can do.........keep reading & posting, it helps, really

                    Finding, I remember reading here a long time ago the best thing to do is to stop torturing yourself about the wine. Stop romanticizing it, stop assigning so much importance to it. When you do that living without it becomes SO much easier!! Stop and THINK, what do you want more - that glass of wine or your health, pride & self esteem?

                    Tranq, out late huh? Busy, busy guy

                    Sooty, glad you have returned to the Nest. Sounds like you need to put a pot of soup on to protect yourself from that weather! It's mostly sunny here, mild temps. so I'm not complaining!!

                    Have a good day all, I'll check in later
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, not doing great but feel better that I'm not alone. Speaking about it and admitting it is still a comfort to me even though i'm not making progress. One day.
                      "Everywhere is in walking distance....if you have the time."


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello fellow nest dwellers

                        Welcome to new faces and a fond hello to the 'old hands' ... I'm going to be checking in here a little less for a while - just feel like I need a little bit of distance right now. Still AF and planning on keeping it that way - but need to sort out some other issues now. I will, however keep an eye on you birdlings - so stay in line, will ya?

                        Love you all, continued success and chook - get out of your funk, you have some party planning to do!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Sunni, sorry you're not going to be around as much cos we'll miss you - make sure you take good care of yourself cos you're a special lady.
                          Welcome Jamie glad to have you along with us in the nest.
                          Lav always lovely to see you thanks for keeping an eye on us all and for your so helpful and supportive comments.
                          Tranq hope you're not out so late today and where is Chicken? I'm missing her clucking.
                          See you all tomorrow


                            Newbies Nest


                            Hiya birdies,

                            MWO & you guys are the best addicton to have..

                            I am totally wing clipped and hooked.! but in the best possibe way. arrot:

                            got the AL free beer in fridge, but am so tempted to have a loaded one,

                            so hooked in and been reading posts over again,

                            going to snuggle in my nest now and hope I can continue to fight the devil tomorrow, g'night all,



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone!

                              No I'm not out late again tonight. Last night was a little brutal - had to hang around work late, then missed a train around 9:30pm, so had to sit around for an hour and wait for the next one. I stayed out of the old train station bar though.

                              I'm home now and trying to convince myself to go out again in the cold rain and get to the gym.

                              Ladyjan - I'm finding the 2nd best addiction is ice cream. Ha! That's why I have to get to the gym. 3rd best is the hypno cds. But the absolute best is waking up without a hang over!

                              Hi to Sooty, Sunni, Lav, Jamie, Open, everyone -- chooks and beag's what's up downunder?

                              Bfn - I'll check ya'll later.
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone,

                                Busy evening for me, so a quick check in to wish everyone a good day. Hope you are all well.

                                Welcome jamie27

                                Yeah, Lav, all right already, I'll stop with the romantic notions. Gotta say, I haven't had to throw out tons of 'once-fresh' veggies that have shriveled up in the fridge lately. I actually cook them after I get them home now. What a concept!

                                Sunny - stay well and save up any of those wonderful jokes you seem to always be running across.

                                See ya tomorrow.

