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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm finally feel ready to commit to 30 days and i hope many more days beyond. So here's to day 1. I want to be part of this great community and i want to be sober!

    My husband said last night that i would never make it 30 days and damnit that makes me want it even more.

    here i go....I'll check back in tonight after work.


      Newbies Nest

      Hello, Tavistock and Woody13!
      Welcome to the best place around. Tavistock, you can SO much do this thing. I know it. There are hard days ahead, but come back here any time you need to . The folks here offer good help, a shoulder, and sometimes a kick in the butt... but always good support.

      We are, all of us, on the path to health. Glad you joined us!:welcome:


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdlady;1503353 wrote:

        Traveling today for work! I really need the business so wish me luck! Let's all go out and make it a great day! Byrdie
        Good luck Byrdie - I know you'll get the work. I'd employ you (even though I have no idea what service you are offering!! :H:H:H
        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


          Newbies Nest

          Tavistock;1503382 wrote: I'm finally feel ready to commit to 30 days and i hope many more days beyond. So here's to day 1. I want to be part of this great community and i want to be sober!

          My husband said last night that i would never make it 30 days and damnit that makes me want it even more.

          here i go....I'll check back in tonight after work.
          Tavistock - you sooooo can do this!! If I can do it (and all of the others here who truly thought we never could) then you can too. Use the toolbox, keep posting, posting and posting some more. Every time I've had a massive craving to drink, I log on here and read and within 10 minutes I'm back on track.

          Also, never let a man win!! :H:H:H
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Newbies Nest

            My chicken stands for sobriety!

            As some will remember, when I reached 7 days AF I treated myself to 3 chickens to celebrate my first week of sobriety.

            Well - yesterday my 'ba****d dog Sydnie attacked 'Mary' and ripped the poor bugger within an inch of her life :damn: I thought she was dead as she lay limp in a heap of feathers, but after I'd finished yelling at the dog and locking her in the outhouse, Mary limped to her feet and staggered into the bushes.

            I picked her up and bathed her wounds and put her into her nesting box - fully expecting her to die - but to my joy she is walking around her pen today looking like a car crash from Chicken Run!!

            I know this sounds completely deranged and stupid, but to me she is a marker of my sobriety. I was terrified that if she dies it is a sign that I'm am going to lose my battle with AL. :nutso:

            As far as Sydnie is concerned - if she doesn't watch her step I will be treating myself to a goose for my 40 day celebration - that will put the bugger in her place!! :H:H:H
            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


              Newbies Nest

              My hens have been through the same trauma & they've always come through just fine
              It doesn't matter how many times I've reprimanded the dogs......they just keep trying!
              I hope your girls continue to grow strong with you & reward you with lots of eggs
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Show him you can. Show yourself first though. That's the main thing.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  Newbies Nest

                  jenniech;1503083 wrote: Thank you Fin!! And you are right, at 100 days there's absolutely no reason to ever go back....but is there EVER a reason?? NO!!
                  And at 100+ days, I can still hear dickhead telling me I can have a glass, I can handle it. Go away!! Stop bothering me!! (dickhead, not you:H)
                  While I feel strong, I am still very guarded and will be for a long time to come. But that is OK because with each day passing AF, I am getting stronger and stronger!! And, like Rooni, I am LOVING being AF
                  Life is beautiful without AL
                  Don't you think?
                  Yes, beautiful...savor it.
                  Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                  Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                  Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                  Go forward boldly and unafraid


                    Newbies Nest

                    little beagle;1503116 wrote: Hey Fin
                    jennitec byrdie
                    I am the bad person today. At least to my daughter. Instead of my usual smile and nod an compliance when commanded to do something, I said no. That is a start to showing my own mind.
                    Good for you! I'm doing the same thing with both kids. I have come to realize how AL made me such a passive parent. That's why I would drink when I got home from take the edge off, but that led to not wanting to have to do the work of being a good parent. Well, that's pretty well turned around and I can tell you they are so much better behaved (and happy) with the boundaries clearly set and consistently enforced. Should be obvious, but AL robs us of this common sensibility.

                    PS: Wecome aboard, Tavistock and Woody13!!
                    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                    Go forward boldly and unafraid


                      Newbies Nest

                      little beagle and fin
                      SO passive parenting days are OVER
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Trying to stick it out. Today has been tough for no apparent reason.

                        Reading posts & trying to stay focused.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Cocoflo, whatever is going on today will be history tomorrow. So hang in there with us, OK?

                          My drinking issue didn't even begin until after my kids were grown. I quite imagine those of you with young kids must really be grateful to be in complete control since kicking AL out of your lives. I spent today (as I often do) watching my 2 & 4 yr old grandsons. There would be no way in hell I could do this if I wasn't AF, honestly!

                          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you so much for coming on here and posting your honesty!! You are doing the right thing. Ride this crave and it will pass and you will be so happy you did it! It sucks now, I know, but your hangover and disappointment will such much more!
                            I just won't anymore


                              Newbies Nest

                              Snapdragon;1502942 wrote: Hello all - hope you're all doing OK. Had a chat with my counseller today about the headaches and he thinks that it could be an Antabuse reaction to something I'm eating. I must admit we have been eating a lot of salads last week with balsamic vinegar, so wondering if it's that?

                              I thought an Antabuse reaction would be flushed face, rashes, shortness of breath etc - hadn't occurred to me that it could just be headaches (I thought it was the AB causing the headaches - but not in reaction to inadvertent alcohol). Anyway, I'm starting back with it, but will just take it every other day and see how it goes.

                              Happy AF Wednesday everyone!
                              Hi Snapdragon - i'm on AB as well and had awful side effects ,headache, tiredness, balance, dry eyes and what felt like bad hay fever. i reduced the dosage to alternate days but it still felt terrible 3 hours later. i now take half the dose and at night before sleep and feel fine. (i am small with a very high metabolism) hope that helps somewhat.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Snap and Day Zero. I to am on AB 200mg once a day.I am 105kg and 6ft. I don't have any side effects apart from a being a bit tired occasionaly Good Luck with it.

