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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Hadit - I'm 5ft 11 and 43 kg cant remember the mg I'm on off hand but fine on half whatever it is


      Newbies Nest

      day-zero;1503745 wrote: Hi Snapdragon - i'm on AB as well and had awful side effects ,headache, tiredness, balance, dry eyes and what felt like bad hay fever. i reduced the dosage to alternate days but it still felt terrible 3 hours later. i now take half the dose and at night before sleep and feel fine. (i am small with a very high metabolism) hope that helps somewhat.
      Hi Day Zero - thanks for that. I have been feeling incredibly tired (although that is getting better now.) I know a lot of people have experienced extreme tiredness in the first fews months of being AF as the body recovers, so I wasn't sure if this was a side effects of the AB or just my body adjusting.

      I'm on 200mg a day at the moment, but like you I think I will drop this to every other day. The effect will be the same in reality as we still can't even contemplate drinking.

      My cravings are getting so much less now - how are you doing? I think we are about the same stage. We go on holiday with friends for a week next week and I've been dreading it. But after talking it over with my counsellor I feel much better. I don't need to drink to have a great time.
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


        Newbies Nest

        DZ thats good news. Have you been taking it for long? Just started here,although I did try it in Mar 2012. It worked well, but I stopped taking the med thinking I could control my was a disaster! Good Luck at the w/e


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Hadit and Day Zero - I'm only 5ft 6in and I'm not telling you how much I weigh because I'd have to kill you after!! :H:H:H
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Newbies Nest

            Snap,Holidays are allways a dread for me.Just got back a few weeks ago from Vietnam. The drinking culture there was serious. Good Luck with your hols keep strong,as you say you can still have a great time!


              Newbies Nest

              Hey nesters.
              Starting d1 again. No major blow out but a glass here and there. Ugh!
              Hope all are safe x


                Newbies Nest

                Made it through the first night, it was a rough one. My husband had been drinking yesterday while i was at work. (he retired early at 48). I was already a little bitchy but coming home to a slightly drunk husband was an unexpected irriatation.

                BUT! i made it, onto day 2!!

                Thanks for the welcome, will check in tonight after dinner.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I'm glad you are back Minstar!!!
                  Reading about vacations in Vietnam and living in would love to go to those places!!! Alas, the other side of the world for me.
                  I am very fortunate in that I quit in January just AFTER getting back from a skiing holiday with my husband. I have had a couple of weekends away but not anything more than 4 days and we were skiing which kept me away from temptation for most of the day.

                  The thought of going away in a couple of months to our oceanside cottage in Maine (we rent the same house every year) and NOT drinking is hard for me to put my arms around. I need to start mentally preparing for that....But as I type this I realize that I will enjoy being there so much more without hangovers.....I will be able to wake up in the morning and watch the sunrise and relish every second of it.

                  Hmmmm, I might have typed away my least for now
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    Tavistock;1503822 wrote: Made it through the first night, it was a rough one. My husband had been drinking yesterday while i was at work. (he retired early at 48). I was already a little bitchy but coming home to a slightly drunk husband was an unexpected irriatation.

                    BUT! i made it, onto day 2!!

                    Thanks for the welcome, will check in tonight after dinner.
                    That is completely AWESOME Tavistock!!! That must have been hard but you did it!!!!

                    I was wondering if you have told your husband that you want to stop? Have you explained to him why you want to stop? That might help your resolve and make him sensitive to your resolve. And as far as bitchiness is concerned, EXPECT it over the next couple of days (maybe even weeks), just don't drink to make it go away. That won't solve anything. If you expect it, it might be easier to handle.

                    I have waves of bitchiness still. My husband will ask me "what is your problem?" I could answer honestly: that I am a recovering alcoholic and I want nothing more right now than a good strong drink but I can't" but he would not understand that. So I just tell him I don't know and to just ignore me. that seems to work. I look forward to your post tonight!
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning All,

                      Hope everyone is well, forgive me for not remembering names but to all those who are starting to become AF, it is so worth it. Yes the frist few days are rough, but you CAN do it!

                      Today I am AF for 7 yes!!!! 7 days. I am so thankful and grateful. After the first 24-48 hours the fog started to lift and each day, sometimes each hour it got better.

                      Thankful to be able to wake up not needing a drink to stop the shakes and to be able to function. AF life is great.
                      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Night everyone. Its 10.00pm in Oz. Just been watching a bit of football completely sober............its been a long time since that has happened!! Catch you all tomorrow. Hope you have a great and af day.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey JackDanielsGirl.....You have just earned the 7 day prize:


                          Being AF each day of the week is a HUGE accomplishment!!!:goodjob:
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you Jenni it feels great!
                            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome eva'body! It is so good to see you all! It is a tough message for us to learn, but one drink only leads to don't even start. I should tattoo that on my right forearm! "Don't Start with ME!" Then I'd see it everytime I thought about lifting that glass!!
                              Crazy busy day yesterday.....Snapdragon, thank you for the kind words about hiring me! It is kind of amazing to see your personality shining thru now. You are reminding me of K9!! She used to be shy and reserved!! After she got past that last 40 days....look what happened! She's the funniest person I know!!! She should be a writer on Big Bang or something!! Anyway, it's great to see you coming into your own.
                              After such a busy day, I had dinner last night with my old highschool best friend. It was just the two of us and we went to a new restaurant that had 1 page of food offerings and 3 pages of drinks! She remembered that last time we were together I hadn't drank anything and she asked if I was still taking that medication! (I don't usually use that one, so I was caught off guard....Lesson 1, be consistent with your excuse!!!) I said, 'No, I'm not taking it anymore, but I felt so good since I stopped and I realized I can eat those calories instead of drinking them that I'm sticking with it!!" She just said, 'Good for you!" She ordered one beer and left the last swig of it (who DOES that???) I ordered water with Lime. It was a great evening and I drove. This would have been unheard of 3 years ago. I would have RUSHED thru the day and not made that last sales call stop (that was really productive) so I could be home by 5 for my binder to start. I wouldn't have accepted the dinner invitation with my friend at all! Yes, the irony of it all.....I drank to be social and ended up almost in total isolation.

                              Another busy day today and that's a good thing! I am clear headed and ready for it!
                              K9 will be along with the Pep Girls for our Friday Cheer-A-Long! In the words of our wonderful Nest Mum Lav.....standking center stage, right arm raised with index finger pointed to the Heaven's...head tilted upwards defiantly..." JUST ANOTHER DAY!" I adhered to these words the first many months! They are so simple but true. The weekend isn't an excuse to drink!! Hang tight, Nesters! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters

                                CONGRATS JackDanielsGirl! Great work getting those first 7 AF days under your belt!

                                Byrdie makes me laugh when she quotes me :H
                                I did say 'Friday is just another day & not a reason to drink'. Why would anyone derail themselves just for the sake of drinking on Friday only to wake up on Saturday feeling like crap?

                                I have a busy day ahead myself so I'll wish a great AF Friday to one & all
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

