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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    We ended up having 1-2" of rain today - geez!! Feeling kinda soggy......

    Welcome my song Nice to see another PA resident here - there's quite a few of us around, go figure! Glad you found us, stay close, we're happy to help you on your journey. Most of us have found the CDs to be very helpful too, keep that in mind.

    JC, nice to see you!

    openheart, you sound good! That book you're reading sounds interesting, I may look into it myself

    Sooty, my fingers are crossed for you, good luck with the lottery!

    Hi Tranq, enjoy the concert - want a report in the morning

    Quiet evening for me, nothing happening - but that's good because I'm feeling kinda lazy...........
    Wishing everyone a safe, dry night in the Nest, see you in the AM.
    Leaving the night light on, of course!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      I made it past last Tuesday!

      FindingMyself;739330 wrote: Morning all,

      Just a quick hello before getting the work week started.

      T'sHope sounds like you have a good game plan for getting past Tuesday.:goodjob:

      Hello Open! Glad you are making progress and taking today to pamper yourself.

      Gotta run, will check in later. Good day to all.
      Hi, Sorry I haven't been here for a bit but I have been quite occupied. Had a very busy week. I made it past last Tuesday and am working on making it past this one. OH is still drinking and making it a bit difficult putting it mildly.:moon: This is so hard when you are with someone who isn't in it with you. I am sure some of you know what I mean? I have been 3 weeks all dry and he is drinking like a fish in a beer vat! No support, no lovin and no relationship. Just in his own world. I am staying busy and just hanging on. Feel a bit weak today with it all but I know that my drinking is not gonna make me feel better and not gonna help all this mess of a marriage. NO, I won't do it. Just needed to vent here a bit. I feel sorry for him in a way but at least he has me right now. I wish and wish but wishing won't make it better either. Nothing will. He just has to do it for him and I am powerless to get him on board with me until he is ready. I just gotta do this for me. I will. I do very little for me so this is one thing I can do. The best thing I can do. Weekends are always tough. Hang in there my fellow fighters and I will too. I will be here tomorrow I am sure. I need the support right now. Off to eat and then get some sleep. This will help me I am sure. OH on the other hand is still drinking and then he will come in and pass out. Thank goodness I have my own bed now at least! I am just really having a tough time with him and his drinking. ARRRGG! So frustrated and feel so helpless! I am also to tired to sort it all out. I had my granddaughter all weekend. She just went home. My little buddy. Thank goodness I have her! She is one heck of a inspiration to stay sober and be a good grammy. I just need to think about her now and I will be OK. Nothing for me tonight. Off to my inner sanctum I will go!:huggy Tomorrow is a new day and I will be facing it sober and not hung over either. OH will go golfing tomorrow so he will be gone all day and come home pissed as usual. Such is my lovely life with him.

      Good luck is not what I want to say to you all, Luck has nothing to do with this fight! It is all determination and will. Hang in there and I will too!:l

      Good night my friends.


        Newbies Nest

        Amen ,T's!


          Newbies Nest

          Well said T's Hope - keep on keeping on that's all you can do.
          No luck on the lottery last night so back to plan B - trouble is I don't have a plan B!!!
          Have a lovely sunday everyone, very windy here and the trees are swaying but this nest is holding firm!
          See you all later


            Newbies Nest

            I was so close to the razor's edge 2nite... for the first time in so long. Not booze, the rope.
            Thank the God I don't believe in for MYO__________________
            Long Road
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
            Eleanor Roosevelt


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              T, congratulations on your progress! You are fighting brilliantly & succeeding, you should be very proud of yourself right now
              You situation is tough, no doubt, but you are moving forward despite the obstacles! Spending time with your grandaughter is such a blessing, isn't it? My grandson is helping me stay focused as well! Whatever you are doing is working, I wish you strength to continue.

              Chook, am I hearing some clucking????
              Stop in again, update us on your status

              The rain has stopped, the sun is back so I'm going to get out in the fresh air today.........finally! My feathers have been kind of damp & heavy the past few days!!

              Wishing everyone a good Sunday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you

                Please help me..i sit here with a glass of something..usually white or champs. Have had my relatives over tonight & they & my husband have gone off to bed & i sit here in the night owl hours cause i`m feelin` "good" & "happy" but annoyed because i have had to pour myself another glass of cask red to keep the "happy" vibes going & because i cant put the wine glass down & go to bed like "normal" people. Please help me become like normal people. I want my life back. The one i had before i drank & smoke.:new:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Nestlings

                  Lav - try and dry out (no pun intended) - I think we're finally getting some sun today. It's been pouring here for days now, too.

                  T's hope... you got it right. Congrats on your 3 weeks and here's to hoping that hubby will climb aboard as well.

                  LR... what's going on? How can we help?

                  Sooty... you STILL haven't won the lottery???

                  Chickiedeedoodaaah - how's it clucking?

                  Donz... welcome! You can stop drinking (I'm keeping my mouth shut about the smokes, I'm no one to talk) if and when you are ready to commit! The fact that you are here shows that you are on your way or ready now. Have you poked around the toolbox thread yet?

                  MySong.. welcome to you, too Yep, we got a regular choir here, eh?

                  Tranq... when ARE you coming to get Lav and me? It's getting mighty cool and breezy here!

                  I'm doing ok, keeping busy with stuff around the house and whatnot and I'm trying all new cooking and baking recipes. There is SO much online! I've been having some real tough moments lately... odd, considering I'm getting close to 3 months sober. But, so far, I've managed to fend off the 'evil voices'.

                  Mr. Wonderful and I have been watching a few movies this week... a new favorite line from 'Defiance': "You annoy me, therefore I am" :H I love it! Last night I found 'War of the Roses' online... one of my all time favorite movies. I think, the poor man slept with one eye open all night :H

                  Keep well, birdlings.... until next time
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    I' m supposed to B the sober, sensible. scientific one. But one pathetic juvenile jealous tantrum sends me to the edge of the gallows. Sad Huh?
                    Long Road
                    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                    Eleanor Roosevelt


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Nest-ophyte-wings,

                      Looks to be a beautiful day here--the last remnants of a warm fall day. Fall is my favorite season, but I find I'm always looking forward to the change to the next season (you can remind me I said this in the midst of winter when I'm whining about snow!).

                      Well, I made it 6 days af, but got weak last night. But I didn't have so much as I normally would've, and went to bed without the room spinning. I think I'm getting close to thinking I need a plan --yep, that was a hedge To those of you who have made plans about al, how did you get there and what kind of plan did you make? I'm a bit afraid of making a plan, because I'm afraid I'll fail and/or resist on some level.

                      Lav and Sunni--your weather sounds so delightful. Perfect for a fire and a cup of tea. But I bet when it stretches out for days you might get cabin fever. Nice choice on the movies, Sunni!

                      Glad your here, donz :welcome: Grab a twig, get comfy--read past posts if you can--that helps so much--just realizing you're not alone!

                      LR--how's it going? Well done for reaching out and posting. Stay close and here's a virtual hug for you! :l

                      Sooty--I hear ya about plan A and plan B--I've often had plans A through M, but get stuck on Plan N!

                      Tranq--how was the concert? Was it Roberta Flack by chance? Hey, btw--is "TranqWilly" short for "tranquility"? It would completely fit you, because your posts are very soothing.

                      Hang in there, T! If dealing with the al challenge isn't hard enough! Sounds like your relationship is definitely adding to the stress right now. Good for you for staying focused on YOU as much as you can.

                      Have a great day all!
                      "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                        Newbies Nest


                        Soothing? Me? Hmmm. Yeah, tranqwilly came as sort of a take-off on tranquilly (which I think is a word). Anyway, thanks for compliment Openheart. I think there's a lot to be said for taking this slow, with a lot of patience.

                        I'd love to see Roberta Flack. Sade is one on my list too. I've got a thing for female vocalists. The concert last night was a little blues thing with Marcia Ball and Maria Mulduir. Oldies but goodies, but a little tame for my tastes.

                        Sunni - be patient - it's 60f and sunny here today. I'm not flying anywhere but outside to enjoy this while it lasts.

                        Donz, Long Road, Hi!

                        Hey Road I like the E. Roosevelt quote. She also said "I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experience behind him." Pretty appropriate to these issues I think.

                        My fav from her is "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

                        Hi Lav, T, Find, Chick, Sooty, everyone.

                        Have a great day!
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Just checking in to say nite nite to the nest. Sunni good to see you as always, pop in as often as you can cos we love to see you.
                          Long are you ok? Can you talk to us?
                          My love to you all, see you tomorrow


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi, I've posted before but waffled a bit and didn't get a response!! I'm sitting here with a glass of white, my third of the night, "hoping not to waffle". I woke this morning and felt great, had just 1.5 glass of wine last night, all I had in the house and as I said felt great, had a wonderful day with my daughter and mother. IT's the night-time that gets me, I just love to relax and unwind and have a glass or three. I usually tend NOT to go over the three, don't ask why. Anyways, just looking for some friendly back up of an evening, would just love to be able to have a drink on a Friday/Sat. night and not during the week.

                            It seems that come 8pm when my daughter's in bed I just say hey, have one pottering around and it ends up being three. I feel guilty the next day i.e. 'cos I've no will power, does anyone believe in "will power", cos I don't have any!

                            ellebabes (my sister nicknamed me)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Welcone Donz! Sitting up with the wine bottle long after everyone else has gone to bed - yeah, I used to do that too! I just couldn't turn off the anxiety. Is that what's going on with you too? My anxiety all but disappeared after I quit drinking.

                              Sunni, great to see you
                              Watching movies with Mr Wonderful sounds very nice, good for you! Hope you're staying warm up there!!

                              Hi Long Road, welcome! Not sure what you meant about the tantrum. Did you have the tantrum or was it someone else? Lots of deep breaths & patience will help you along here!

                              open heart, take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas for your plan. Don't be afraid to make your plan! It's a useful tool to help you meet your goal

                              Tranq, glad you enjoyed your concert. Nothing better than live music - regardless of the performer!

                              Sooty, how are you?

                              Welcome ellebabes! Not sure what to say about the 'will power' question. I think we talk more in terms of 'commitment' around here. Once you set your goal, 30 days AF for example you need to commit, stay focused. Making a good plan for yourself is essential for success!

                              Wishing everyone a safe, comfy night in the nest, be well!

                              Tranq, glad you enjoyed your concert - nothing better than live music regardless of the performer
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters, much calmer weather here today, I was getting a bit seasick with all the blowing around!
                                Lav I'm fine, thanks for asking. I was so tired yesterday, don't know if it was cos the hour went back so it was dark early or cos I had a busy weekend - but whatever it was I had a good nights sleep and although not raring to go I'm feeling more energetic than I have for a while!
                                How are you all doing regarding the HN1 flu? I heard that there's a national emergency with you - hope you're all taking lots of vitamins and washing hands frequently etc.
                                No news on vaccination programme here yet - its all a bit scary.
                                Anyway we won't dwell on that .... out and about quite a bit today so I'll log on tonight.
                                Have a really good Monday everyone -

