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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening nesters, hope everyone had a good day

    I kind of got stuck inside because of continued rain but tomorrow looks promising

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      NoSugar;1504310 wrote: Hello, Tess. I started lurking on MWO, and particularly the NN in January. I finally decided to go for it and joined late in the month. You were posting frequently then and were one of the people I followed (stalked :H ??). You were so open about what you were going through, it helped me believe that I could do it, too.

      When you "disappeared" in mid-February, I was about 3 weeks into this journey and I'll tell you, it really shook me up !! Things seemed to be going well for you (and it turns out they were ) but I couldn't imagine what could have happened to you. By that point I had realized that staying active on MWO was going to be critical if I was to have any chance of succeeding. So... your leaving made me concerned that you had returned to drinking. This might sound odd since you probably haven't read many, if any, of my posts and don't 'know' me, but I've thought of you often as my days have increased, been concerned about you, and now am just thrilled to learn that you have > 130 days AF!!!

      I think people who have enough AF days to speak with some credibility but who can still feel what the early days are like, can make important contributions to the NN and I sure hope you are here to stay.

      I think all of us have been misinterpreted at one point or another - I'm sorry that whoever misunderstood you handled it in a manner that drove you away. Please don't let a few people speak for the group. I think most of us also have probably posted some things we later regretted not having phrased differently or not said at all.

      For the most part, I think the members of MWO are very nonjudgmental and forgiving -- I know that for me, this experience has made me a much more tolerant person. While I'm not glad that I became addicted to, and now have to work hard to be free from, alcohol, I think that such a humbling experience has made me a better person in many ways.

      Anyway, :welcome: BACK!

      :h NS
      Dear and Lovely NoSugar,

      Thank you for your sincere and delightful post. We often do not realize the impact that we have on others, be it negative or positive. During the time frame that you refer to I was simply trying to survive. Every day, every moment of every day, was a battle between drinking or staying sober. Such a tremendous and frightful battle!!

      If I was able to help you one iota I am grateful.

      I cry a lot if I allow myself to remember my drunken days in my bedroom closet. Those days terrify me. I was a soul completely lost with no one to hear my cries for help. No one to hear my pitiful sobs of despair.

      So I choose to move forward. I want to take my experiences with addiction to alcohol and offer them as a ray of hope to all who live the daily hell of being stuck.

      We all have choices. Yes. That is so easy to say, right? But many of us need to be loved; we need a second chance (and lots of other chances), we need a lifeline. To be judged is not a lifeline, it is a death sentence.

      Stay close to folks who will love you unconditionally and not pass judgement. You will succeed in the safety of their compassionate arms.

      With Gratitude to you and to All on this journey. :groupluv:
      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

      The man pulling radishes
      pointed the way
      with a radish. ISSA


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone, hope you all enjoyed a AF mothers day. Will catch up tomorrow.l


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters & Happy Mothers Day!

          The day is just beginning here hadit

          I will be seeing my kids & grandkids later & cooking outdoors - nice!
          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Tess and NoSugar
            Your posts mean the world to me.
            Please keep posting. I wish I had the same way with words as you ladies do!!

            Tess: I echo exactly what nosugar said....and one of my favorite all timers is this:

            "We all have choices. Yes. That is so easy to say, right? But many of us need to be loved; we need a second chance (and lots of other chances), we need a lifeline. To be judged is not a lifeline, it is a death sentence."

            I just won't anymore


              Newbies Nest

              Going the No Meds Route for Now

              Hello again, Nesters -

              I'm doing a lot better in attitude today. I had chatted with a friend by phone who's a shrink and he reminded me that the Topomax side-effects can include difficulties with word selection and in my line of work, that could be huge, as it involves speaking to large groups of people on an almost daily basis. Repeated slip-ups with language would not only confuse the people coming to my classes but could result in my management getting more hostile than they already tend to be. SO...I got in touch with the supplier I was going to deal with and cancelled my order; but at the same time, got out all the tools I used before with such success: Jillian Michaels exercise DVDs, the thick exercise mat that makes workouts in the family room on hardwood floors bearable, dusted off the juicer, got out a fresh tracking journal page for weight and measurements, etc. I read for a while last night in Wayne Dyer's book, Real Magic and found an important reminder: that everything that happens to us happens so the Universe/God/Spirit can eventually work the miracles we've asked for. If I had not stumbled too many times and finally reached out for help, I would not have been able to eventually help others in the same predicament. This is not going to be easy, but I know I can do it -- past that 20 day mark and as Byrdie said, on the 30 and more.


                Newbies Nest

                Tess, what a beautiful post especially to read on mother's day. It made me appreciate those family members and my friends who have continually been supportive and kind. Today more than any other day, is the time, I am most grateful I have taken the AF path. I know that my two boys deserve a mother who is doing everything to battle her demons, and this time to WIN. Thanks to the MWO community for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have the upperhand over AL. Wishing everybody a beautiful mother's day .:h
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  Newbies Nest

                  Pinecone;1504273 wrote: Good morning friends. I'm enjoying my coffee and catching up on all the great posts here.
                  The last three posts (Jenni, Byrdie, and Kuya) got me thinking. I was always jealous of the people who didn't drink too. They seemed to have a sense of calm in their life that I wanted for myself. Like Kuya, I now tell people that I don't drink at all. I usually say something to the effect of being much happier now, which is the truth. Sometimes I get an acknowledgement from someone's expression that implies to me they might like to try it too. I think that's an important role we can play. Not being militant about it, but putting the suggestion out there that there is a better life. I know I suffered privately for years with my drinking...

                  Tess, great to see you again!

                  Have a great AF day friends!
                  You've just said exactly what I've been trying to for ages when I'm asked what the big difference is, its the calmness. Thank you :thanks:

                  And meant to also add, I now say I understand how rotten a hangover is, I had enough of them, but gave it all up last year. Selfishly I don't really care if it makes whoever I'm talking to feel rotten, it makes me feel good - I am a horrid woman really :H :H :H
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning, Nesters! Thanks so much for the kind words!
                    Hope everyone is waking up clear-headed and ready to enjoy a beautiful day!

                    BRL, so glad you are hopping on board...I tell you, being sober makes such a difference in everything. You can't really see it until you can get out from under it....we reach for AL because we are SURE it will make everything better, but it's just the opposite. Everything is just the exact opposite of what we think AL does for us. If I think about it, I drank to be social, and became isolated. I drank to be eloquent and became a slurring, loud drunk. I drank to make my day more fun and it became a dark, living hell. I drank to make things go away, and they multiplied. I drank to escape and became a prisoner. We think it's a Catch 22 when we are in it, but once you break the cycle you CAN see that it isn't. Don't drink no matter what and no matter who and you will be A-OK! Dig your heels in and protect your Quit as if it were a pot of gold. It will never be any easier to quit than it is today. In this case, practice does not make perfect! If you are in uncharted waters with your quit right now....rejoice! I'm in them, too! I never want to redo this ground that I have attained! I never want Day 1 or even Day 1000 again! Look at me and you will see Tail Lights, cause I'm not going back! Hold on tight, Nesters! Protect your Quit!!! Have a wonderful Mother's Day, for all who are of the persuasion! XXOO, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Mother's Day all
                      Lots of inspiring posts today. Thanks Tess, Byrdie, Halo
                      I went to 2 socials this weekend and was able to remain af.
                      Day 15. Yeah!
                      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Very cool weather for May in Ohio today...bbbrrrrrr
                        Hubby got me a very nice card from my fur babies and his daughter sent me a very cute flower in a basket....I get along with his daughter very well...
                        Puppy is a hoot. She plays hard and sleeps hard of the other doggies wants to play and the old fellow does not want to be bothered...the older female is still just not sure what to make of this little trouble maker...that is OK the pack will form and they will all get along.
                        Hard to believe that my mother has been gone 4 years...will take flowers to her grave this week. Gotta get clothes and furniture ready to move my dad to a new place next weekend..hope he likes it. So much closer to us and cheaper too..
                        Well we are off to find him a new jacket that is not held together with duct tape

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Goodmorning Nesters, Just about to rush of to work! Day 5 and AB doing its job. Will check ion later after work. Good Luck everyone Keep Strong!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Great job, Lil B and Hadit! Dot Belle, I hope you are racking up some days, too!

                            Settling in for a comfy night at home, it was a very nice, relaxing, AF day! Strength and MindPeace to all, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dear Byrdie,

                              Strength and MindPeace to you as well. Sweet dreams.

                              You are loved. :flower:
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                So I thought I take a stab at this... I am not very good at opening up.

                                New here but I've been lurking and wrestling with posts here of total abstaining or cutting back. I realize that I won't be able to cut back. I've been a pretty steady drinker since 8th grade with a couple of years of quitting. I'm 58 now and it feels that it is TIME TO STOP!

                                Ok, now that's the rational side.... then there's the rest of the story, catching a buzz has always been a part my recreation, playing music late into the night and sipping along into oblivion, listening to sports on my truck radio (no tv) and sipping along, sitting out at night looking at the stars, enjoying the peepers and sipping along, but now it just seems that I really get smashed every night. Damn what a hard habit to break.

                                Anyway, I'm trying the kudzu and just received the cd set. I will persevere!

                                I humbly thank this site's existence and all who are here.

                                Wish me luck
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

