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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Sam,

    :thumbs:I'm new too -- today is just Day 2 this time around, and I started off the day feeling strong but when I got off from my (2nd, part-time) job, I felt the pull to turn in on the way home and get some liquid comfort. I've got a boatload of herbal teas in one of my cupboards, and I'm going to try to get into the habit of substituting one of them for the glass of wine that turns into 4, 5.... you get the idea. I'm also determined that since I didn't have to work late tonight, I'll get to bed early, try to get up early, and hit the Jillian Michaels exercise DVDs to start my day. My full time job is very public, and the days I'm hung over, I know I've looked dreadful. I blame allergies but I always fear people suspect the truth.

    Good luck and glad there are others like me who aren't kids and deciding to give it a go as many times as it takes to succeed. There's a quote to that effect -- It doesn't matter how many times I fall. What matters is that I get back up and try again.

    Big Rich


      Newbies Nest


      I know you will persevere! The advice and encouragement from the Newbie's Nest has been so important on my alcohol free path, I have been AF since March 11 and the best advice is to remember to get through each day without alcohol,read and post when you even think about having a drink. So many people on the MWO are supportive and kind and most importantly have been down this same path before. Wishing you more than luck, wishing you strength to persevere. An AF life is a better life, you deserve it. On to another AF week!
      On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


        Newbies Nest

        BigRichLife;1504848 wrote: :-- It doesn't matter how many times I fall. What matters is that I get back up and try again.

        Big Rich
        Awesome quote Big Rich, and so true! Find ways to continue to persevere, I know you can.
        On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


          Newbies Nest

          Samstone welcome

          Age is no deterrent, many here are in their fifties as am I. TBH I think it may be easier for lots of reasons.

          Some people, while drinking think ' what's the point?' But that is the addiction talking.

          My grandparents lived into their late eighties and my mum is 82, that is another 30 years of living I have to do! I LOVE being sober, everything I did drunk or hungover I now do better and enjoy more without that horrible feeling of doom.

          I have lost loads of weight, quit smoking and look forward to every day.

          I wish you courage for the next week, after that it is just about changing your don't NEED alcohol, you never did


            Newbies Nest

            WOW! This is a busy thread. Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful AF Mothers Day. Spent a great day with my wife and youngest daughter and am pleased to say an AF one. When the Champs and beer was handed around I simply said no thanks I am driving so my wife could drink. She is a normal drinker. First af Mothers day in years. Without the AB Med I would have finished up drunk again!! Good Luck everyone keep posting and stay strong. It is so much worth it;to wake up without a hangover is sensasional!!:goodjob::goodjob:


              Newbies Nest


              kuya;1504862 wrote: Samstone welcome

              Age is no deterrent, many here are in their fifties as am I. TBH I think it may be easier for lots of reasons.

              Some people, while drinking think ' what's the point?' But that is the addiction talking.

              My grandparents lived into their late eighties and my mum is 82, that is another 30 years of living I have to do! I LOVE being sober, everything I did drunk or hungover I now do better and enjoy more without that horrible feeling of doom.

              I have lost loads of weight, quit smoking and look forward to every day.

              I wish you courage for the next week, after that it is just about changing your don't NEED alcohol, you never did
              I was sober for about two years till two years ago and dang gone if I didn't start all over again.
              Appreciate the encouragement. I read with interest your Dr Wilson link.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Newbies Nest

                BTW well as Kudzu get some glutamine powder it works wonders for cravings in the early days and you can get it from sports nutrition outlets.

                I used it a lot and particularly in the evening when the witching hour is caused by low blood sugar which mimics alcohol cravings and glutamine is a rapidly absorbed protein that gives energy to the brain and prevents the brain fog and anxiety which we associate with the trigger to drink.

                Hope it helps you.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Big Rich
                  Glad you're aboard as well. What an obnoxious existence while drinking... feel good to feel bad.

                  thanks for post. I am really not use to posting much of anything but I'll try anything to lick this thing. Fiddle festivals are coming up and I so badly want to attend and not drink.

                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Sounds like everyone had a great day!

                    Hello & welcome Samstone, you've found a great place so please settle in for a while
                    Glad to hear you got the Cds - use them! They did wonders for me, really helped me to change my thinking. Develop an attitude of gratitude & you will never miss drinking your nights away.
                    Waking up with a clear head, no guilt & remorse is just awesome!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well, what a strange mother's day, my wife was sick, one of our horses had a stroke or something, thought we're going to have to put her down. The vet arrived and we rolled her over on her other side. She could not get up. The vet got ready to put her down by injection, she saw that needle and got up! Started eating again, though very wobbly. After a shot of steroids and pain med, she walked fairly normal. I know it is a matter of time before we have put her down, maybe tomorrow, who knows. Anyway quite the day and I stayed sober!! My wife is feeling better and alls right with the world.... for now.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest


                        Good morning! I originally posted yesterday in just starting out and someone suggested hopping on here, so here I am.

                        So yesterday became my first day one done. As I type right now I am currently 36 hours AF. I slept okay, had a lot of sweats of and on and some crazy dreams, but did get some sleep. Yesterday, I was shaky as well, but that so far has not hit again. I took the topa last night and am sitting here drinking lemon tea (decaf) with pure lemon squeezed in and a little splenda. I am feeling hopeful about getting through this day, one minute at a time. I have a plan that includes driving to shop for a new toilet..yea :H Out to breakfast with a friend and lunch as well and just keeping myself busy. I HATE being hot, so these sweats are awful, but not as bad as the anxiety and shakes I had. Hoping this gets better daily. I'm a little worried because I have read that it gets really bad around day three to five. I will be at work both of those days and not sure how I can handle going through what I experienced yesterday at day 1. I need to take the all one this morning, but wondered if I needed to eat first or if it's pure enough not to upset my stomach.

                        Thank you all again for your support.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning nesties and hope you are well and staying strong.

                          Had an interesting weekend. We have friends from Australia staying and joined them in Norfolk (England) to show them some of the historical points of interest. I had been dreading them coming for weeks (because of the AL situation - not because of them :H) but have been pleasantly surprised.

                          I have discovered that they are both on a fitness regime and have apparently not be drinking at all for a couple of months. We went out for meals, even went to a pub with live music and whilst the two hubbies enjoyed a couple of beers, we girls stuck to lime and soda. They never even asked why I wasn't drinking, they just seemed to assume it was quite normal that I would be drinking that (in fairness, I didn't think to question their choice not to drink either - for all I know maybe they've had problems too??)

                          We are going on a canal boat holiday with them for a week next week in the North of England (hope this bloody British weather cheers up!) and I am no longer worrying about how to cope with not drinking. I will pack some beers for the boys and make sure we have lots of ginger beer, cokes, limes and sodas etc.

                          I think because we all have AL problems, and AL has been such a big part of our lives, we blow it up in our minds and make the thought of living a 'normal' life without it seem a major deal for other people. In fact for me the opposite has been true. Nobody has noticed that I don't drink anymore and nobody certainly seems to care. The only person who has an issue with drinking is ME, so I just need to keep learning how to deal with it.

                          Happy AF Monday everyone
                          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                            Newbies Nest

                            sodagirl;1504996 wrote: Good morning! I originally posted yesterday in just starting out and someone suggested hopping on here, so here I am.

                            So yesterday became my first day one done. As I type right now I am currently 36 hours AF. I slept okay, had a lot of sweats of and on and some crazy dreams, but did get some sleep. Yesterday, I was shaky as well, but that so far has not hit again. I took the topa last night and am sitting here drinking lemon tea (decaf) with pure lemon squeezed in and a little splenda. I am feeling hopeful about getting through this day, one minute at a time. I have a plan that includes driving to shop for a new toilet..yea :H Out to breakfast with a friend and lunch as well and just keeping myself busy. I HATE being hot, so these sweats are awful, but not as bad as the anxiety and shakes I had. Hoping this gets better daily. I'm a little worried because I have read that it gets really bad around day three to five. I will be at work both of those days and not sure how I can handle going through what I experienced yesterday at day 1. I need to take the all one this morning, but wondered if I needed to eat first or if it's pure enough not to upset my stomach.

                            Thank you all again for your support.
                            Hello Sodagirl and a warm welcome. I haven't taken Topa so not sure what the effects are but I'm sure someone will come along and advise.

                            The first few days AF are the worst physically but those sweats and shakes will quickly pass. For me the cravings were the worst between four days and a week.

                            My advice is to drink lots of water or juices and eat as much as you can. Having a full stomach helps with the symptoms and with the cravings. I stuffed cakes and chocolates in the first few weeks and put on a few lbs in the process - but I happy to report that this weight and lots more is falling off fast now with very little effort so don't dwell on it.

                            I forgot how awful those sweats are!! I used to wake up drenched with soaking wet sheets. Now I'm fresh as a daisy in the morning!! :H

                            Good luck and keep strong - you can do this.
                            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                              Newbies Nest

                              I have been reading your posts both here and on other threads and you sound so healthy!!! I am inspired by your attitude...Thanks
                              I WISH no one noticed that I don't drink. It seems like EVERYONE does (ok, slight exaggeration) My mother (she lives next door to me) even ENCOURAGES me to drink....She says, "have a glass of wine!! It will help you unwind and relax!!"
                              I love my mom dearly but she is/was a classic enabler. She has her two canadian clubs a more, no less....EVER. My father died of the booze at there you have it. She still doesn't get it.
                              And my friends at work often make comments like "we haven't gone out to lunch in months because you don't drink anymore". I tell them we can still go out to lunch, that I don't have to drink for us all to have a good time and that they can still drink if they want. It is really rather annoying.
                              Anyway, I am hoping that with time, I won't be so sensitive about it.
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Happy Monday & all that :H

                                Samstone, sorry to hear about your rough day yesterday. Sounds like you got through just fine though, congrats.

                                Snap, glad you are reaping the AF benefits

                                Jennie, I really, really do not care at this point what other people think - that's their business, not mine! Have you simply tried telling your Mom to please stop offering you wine? Sometimes you really just have to be blunt with people so that they get your message.

                                I have lots to do today so I'll get going. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

