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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning everyone. Just checking in to wish you all well.Its weird really,I am on the other side of the world and when I check in first thing am there is so much to catch up on!! Lots of reading to do. Have to fly, am off to work. DAY 6 here on AB and feeling really good! Thanks for all your posts they are a great help!


      Newbies Nest


      Well hello everyone, I am on day three and am doing my best to surf at this very moment. Just came home to an empty house after a light dinner (no drinks for me) with co-workers. Not sure what to do with myself because my habit is to pour the first glass, head out on the front deck and watch the world move by. It does feel like losing a friend. I am a bit lost.

      I think I will go for a walk and then head on back here and read some more. Still feeling sad! Not sure if I am doing the right thing. Hmmmmmmmmmm sounds like the booze head talking.

      Be back in a bit.
      Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


        Newbies Nest

        Judestir;1505208 wrote: ...Still feeling sad! Not sure if I am doing the right thing. Hmmmmmmmmmm sounds like the booze head talking. Be back in a bit.
        Dear Judestir, Yes, you are doing the right thing. Yes, booze head is talking. You will feel sad for as long as you allow alcohol to "talk" with you. Alcohol never runs out of things to say. Alcohol is the master of confusion.

        Congrats on Day 3!! That took a lot of determination. Keep surfing. You will find a safe place to call home while you recover. We hope that it is with us in Newbies Nest.

        You are loved!! :lilheart:
        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

        The man pulling radishes
        pointed the way
        with a radish. ISSA


          Newbies Nest

          Guitarista;1505160 wrote: Greetings everyone.
          Back in the arena.
          Best wishes, G.

          Glad to see you, Mr. G.!

          I always like it when people have "cool-looking" quit dates. Because of the way all you confused :H people do dates, yours is a keeper!: 13/5/13

          :h NS


            Newbies Nest

            Evening everyone,

            It's been a great day mowed grass, cleaned up ouside, and walked. Things I never could have done while drinkig.

            It is a great life when we get past the first 3-5 days of misery then the fog lifts, and we can see the world clearly again and begin to live. It is SOOOOOOO worth it!

            For those just starting out Don't quit if I can do it so can you! Keep close read, and post.

            Day 10 is awesome looking foward to day 11, 12, 13, etc.

            Everyone have a safe, happy, and sober night.

            See ya'll in the am. Hugs to ALL :l
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              Newbies Nest

              Day two done, but the cravings today were like a roller coaster! I just kept eating everything from chocolate to beef jerky to a left over steak...cold for that matter and that was all after I had a beautiful breakfast with a great friend...although the sweats still come and go. Got a new toilet and it sits in the garage awaiting installation...LOL. It was around three ish that i really wanted to go and grab some beer and I had a friend here...of course I come up with an excuse and I have every thought of going and buying and hiding it,but I went to the vitamin store and purchased powder L Glut, pure cranberry concentrate and milk thistle....Oh and two V8's. While drinking one, I put L glut in my mouth and it took a couple minutes but the craving seemed to pass.....but my head still said go get it. I came back home and glad I did, my child got of the bus unexpectadly as it's their dad's day. Hopefully sleep will be okay tonight and less sweats. I am sooo full....I'm sure I packed on ten lbs today!
              Again, thank you all. Although, not sure if anyone knows this answer, but when I take the all one, it seems my pee is really yellow for a good part of the day. Hope this is normal.:thanks:


                Newbies Nest

                sodagirl;1505246 wrote:
                Again, thank you all. Although, not sure if anyone knows this answer, but when I take the all one, it seems my pee is really yellow for a good part of the day. Hope this is normal.:thanks:
                Hi, Sodagirl

                B vitamins do that so not to worry .


                  Newbies Nest

                  sodagirl;1505246 wrote: Day two done, but the cravings today were like a roller coaster! I just kept eating everything from chocolate to beef jerky to a left over steak...cold for that matter and that was all after I had a beautiful breakfast with a great friend...although the sweats still come and go. Got a new toilet and it sits in the garage awaiting installation...LOL. It was around three ish that i really wanted to go and grab some beer and I had a friend here...of course I come up with an excuse and I have every thought of going and buying and hiding it,but I went to the vitamin store and purchased powder L Glut, pure cranberry concentrate and milk thistle....Oh and two V8's. While drinking one, I put L glut in my mouth and it took a couple minutes but the craving seemed to pass.....but my head still said go get it. I came back home and glad I did, my child got of the bus unexpectadly as it's their dad's day. Hopefully sleep will be okay tonight and less sweats. I am sooo full....I'm sure I packed on ten lbs today!
                  Again, thank you all. Although, not sure if anyone knows this answer, but when I take the all one, it seems my pee is really yellow for a good part of the day. Hope this is normal.:thanks:
                  Dear sodagirl, No worries about your weight right now. Take THAT backpack off and set it down. Your weight is not a concern right now. Your sobriety is. Awesome work today!! You powered through day one and day two, alcohol free. Nice work!! :dancin:

                  As NoSugar says, B vitamins always turn our pee yellow. Totally normal.

                  Stay strong. We are with you in Newbies Nest. :chick:
                  Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                  The man pulling radishes
                  pointed the way
                  with a radish. ISSA


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Friends,

                    It's great to see all the positivity here today.

                    Jackdanielsgirl, thanks for your post, it made me smile. I'm so happy for you for hitting your stride. It made me remember the feeling of "me" coming back into my life, and how awesome that is.

                    In spite of how alcohol made me ACT happy, I always felt pretty hollow and empty when drinking. What a terrible ride! Anyone who takes this thing head on has all my respect.

                    Judestir, thinking of you and sending you some support.

                    Sodagirl, good on you for staying full! That is a great way to stifle cravings.

                    Have a great AF night, friends!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Newbies Nest

                      What a nice spring day. I work outside so it was quite enjoyable.

                      Really did not think about a beer all day, till the evening but I made myself have to much to do and then check in here. Having been through this all before makes me leery of progress but then there was no internet at my house, no MWO forum to embrace what I want to accomplish, and therefore no group of caring people. I also have read and re-read Allen Carr's Easy Way book, taking the kudzu and listening to the cd's, which at first I had to get over the inflections and mispronounced words, but now just relax and listen.

                      So glad to be around positive vibes.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        kuya;1504873 wrote: BTW well as Kudzu get some glutamine powder it works wonders for cravings in the early days and you can get it from sports nutrition outlets.

                        I used it a lot and particularly in the evening when the witching hour is caused by low blood sugar which mimics alcohol cravings and glutamine is a rapidly absorbed protein that gives energy to the brain and prevents the brain fog and anxiety which we associate with the trigger to drink.

                        Hope it helps you.
                        thanks for the advice of glutamine powder, I'll try it out.
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          I noticed the CD thing too...strange... DAY 3

                          I noticed things like "hammock" being pronounced correctly on one part of a CD and then on another, pronounced "hummock" was unnerving at first but I too got past it. I have a Paraliminal CD produced by Paul Scheele that I like as well, called Break the Habit. It has no embedded messages but is relaxing and semi-hypnotic, speaking through different positions to the listener through stereo headphones.

                          Day 3 was easy during the day at work, but after I got home and got a couple of things done, I was sorely tempted to go out for wine. I took a couple of the kudzu and one L-glutamine and decided to just deal with it by getting ready for bed early and reading a book. That was at 8:00 P.M. my time so after I finish this, it'll be nearly 9:00 and not a bad time to read for a little bit, pet the dog :dog: and lights out.

                          btw I had never heard the HALT idea, but I can recall observing in myself at least three of those triggering drinking. Thanks again all here - Good night and sweet dreams,


                            Newbies Nest

                            BRL, I stumbled across another neat acronym the other day when I was cleaning out a drawer, I had written it on a sticky note:
                            S- Stop
                            O- Observe
                            B- Breathe
                            E- Experience
                            R- Respond

                            Sometimes just breaking that cycle of thinking that we have can make all the difference. Everyone is doing great!! Rinse and Repeat! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady;1505277 wrote: ...Everyone is doing great!! Rinse and Repeat!... Byrdie
                              I am going to call it a day, Nesters. As Byrdie says, "Rinse and Repeat." Love it!! Just keep trying and do not give up. You have it within you to be free from slavery to alcohol. Sweet dreams, All. I'm off to soak in a bubble bath. :bath2:
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                Popping in to wish everyone a safe night in the nest.
                                Cold here on the east coast again ~ what's up with that??

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

