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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks G. And its a very goodnight from Hadit! Wishing u all well. Catch u tommorow!


      Newbies Nest

      Morning, Nesters!

      Hadit, I was looking back at my own posts yesterday and stumbled across my Day 6...I said, "I'm not a cussing woman, but Day 6 was a B____!" In the early days and months, you can count on one truth....ok, two truths.....You will never have 2 bad days in a row! I don't know why this is, but it is a merciful phenomenon. #2 Addiction Head (Dick Head) will try any and every trick he can pull out (dick joke, sorry) to get you to cave. He will play on your most vulnerable emotions...your kids....your job....your self esteem...nothing is off limits to DH. Remember, he is fighting for his life, he is sensing that his food supply is shutting off and he is DESPERATE. Change your thoughts immediately! Stop what you are doing and do something else to break the thought wave. If nothing else....go to the bathroom! :toilet:
      I was quite a resistant case, I gave in for a was horrible...if I had just done what I did that last time, and shut him out, I could have saved myself and my family LOTS of anguish. That's the power of this site, in my opinion, you can see what works and what doesn't. Resisting that first drink works!! Giving in doesn't.
      Hang in there is for no other reason than to collect your Full Moon from Jenni. 7 Days is a huge hurdle for us. You have gotten this far, I KNOW you can go further! Great job on getting on top of it and riding it out!! THAT'S how it's done!

      Today is Kuya's Birthday!!!! I have it on my calendar as tomorrow, but for some reason those New Zealanders do everything a day early!!! Happy Birthday, Dear Lady! Thank you for all the time you take to help folks around here! You are very special to us all!! XO, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Morning ya'll,

        Hadit great job on not caving. Every minute we spend getting stronger against AL, our addiction is doing push ups himself to try and get us to cave. Don't give in it just starts the rollercoaster all over again.

        Kuya - Happy Happy Birthday! Hope it is the best day ever.

        Kind of a blah day no sunshine, cloudy with a chance of t-storm in my neck of the woods, so I guess I will just hang with non drinking family, and snuggle in the nest. I still can not drive yet, hubs thinks it is still to early in recovery. UGH!!! Sometimes I feel so confined, I have to call someone to take me anywhere and everywhere.

        Oh well I guess it is for the best for now, but if I don't get to drive soon I think I will scream!!!!!!!!

        Thanks for letting me vent, and everyone have a great sober Thursday.
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          Newbies Nest

          Samstone;1506262 wrote: Hey Fin
          Yeah I know what you mean, the jams can be bad. Good advice

          I see I need to proofread my posts... leaving out words.

          What do you play?

          best to all, hard work today, signing off early and to bed
          Mandolin obsessed currently. What style fiddle do you play? Old Time? Any Bluegrass?
          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

          Go forward boldly and unafraid


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Birthday, Kuya!!

            Happiest of birthday wishes for you, Kuya!! You are a strong, supportive and wise voice to All in The Nest. We fledglings perch on the edge and wait for you to provide needed "nutrition." Thank you!! Enjoy YOUR day!!" :day6:
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1506179 wrote: ...As I get older I am taking back some of the power I lost all these golly if I really don't want to do something, I don't do it anymore! This is my time in life and I'm not going to spend it at the mercy of others! They certainly don't drop everything they are doing for me! Not sure where that came from, but glad it's out!! ...

              Have a safe night in the is the super duper butt Velcro! Tear off a piece and pass it to the right.....XXOO, Byrdie
              Dear Byrdie,
              I really, REALLY, needed to hear all of this. Thank you!!

              I tend to put what others want ahead of what I want. Sometimes this is a nice quality in a person but at other times it is just a sort of sickness. I love the way you say, "I am taking back some of the power I lost all these years..." Yes! I want to be in control of the choices I make. Some folks can be quite manipulative. I married into a family that excels in the craft of manipulation. And they liked me a lot at first because I existed to please them. But no longer. (I think they still like me, but they see that I am growing up.)

              Regarding the "super duper butt Velcro": the craziest thing happened last night. I woke up at 11:40 and my first thought was, "I have 20 minutes to get to the Mini Mart for some beer before it closes. I was absolutely frantic. I was trying to hurry and get dressed without waking my husband. My heart was racing. I knew that I just HAD to get some beer. Just as I thought I could jet out of the bedroom unnoticed, my husband sat up in bed. He was not even aware that I was awake. I stood in the corner of our bedroom, stunned. I listened as he went to the kitchen for a glass of water. I said to myself, "Get your ass back into bed and do not get out!!" Hubby came back to bed and fell asleep - with not a clue of what had happened. WHAT WAS THAT?? :blush:
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                NoSugar;1506047 wrote: This really struck me! For all other drugs, we disparage the "sellers" -- with AL, everything is accepted or glamorized until there is a problem and then AL's victim is blamed for being weak and lacking selp-discipline!

                (Kambob -- I will never use the phrase 'abuse alcohol' again after reading your brilliant post a couple days ago! AL is the abuser of those of us who somehow got in way over our heads).

                The temperance movement clearly didn't work but society's view of all this sure needs an overhaul of some sort!

                Hang in there, everyone!

                :h NS
                Dear NoSugar,

                I've been thinking of your post since the moment that I read it. I haven't come up with any answers yet. Yes, alcohol is promoted and glamorized in all sorts of media. Everyone from tough athletes to micro brew "green people" are given the message that drinking alcohol will improve and enhance life. And I suppose for some people it does. They enjoy a couple of beers with a BBQ out on the deck or a fabulous glass of wine with a fine dinner out on the town.

                But so many of us get caught in the terrible trap of alcoholism: the desire to stop drinking along with feelings of powerlessness and despair. And a shocking number of alcoholics die (and possibly kill others) every day.

                As you say, Prohibition didn't work. Guilt and shame and self-hatred don't work either. Sticking one's head in the sand is equally ineffective.

                But there has to be a solution. Perhaps continued public awareness. Something similar to the education that is being promoted about sugary drinks... :television:
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Newbies Nest

                  Kuya just always has to be one step ahead of us doesn't she? LOL HAPPY B-DAY DEAR FRIEND!!! :h

                  Wow Tess...I guess that was the Demon AL Beast working overtime on your subconscious. The important thing is you didn't ACT on your thoughts. Thoughts are fine as long as they don't lead to dangerous actions. Acknowledge that you wanted beer, but you chose not give in. You know your body does not need it...the Beast needs it to survive, and he is dying, so he got desperate. You won another got stronger, he got weaker!

                  The weather here is very "blah" and I'd love to be at home in bed...

                  Hope you all have a great Thursday!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    K9Lover;1506535 wrote: Kuya just always has to be one step ahead of us doesn't she? LOL HAPPY B-DAY DEAR FRIEND!!! :h

                    Wow Tess...I guess that was the Demon AL Beast working overtime on your subconscious. The important thing is you didn't ACT on your thoughts. Thoughts are fine as long as they don't lead to dangerous actions. Acknowledge that you wanted beer, but you chose not give in. You know your body does not need it...the Beast needs it to survive, and he is dying, so he got desperate. You won another got stronger, he got weaker!

                    The weather here is very "blah" and I'd love to be at home in bed...

                    Hope you all have a great Thursday!
                    Hey K9Lover - the weather here is blah too -- raining. So I'm just hanging out in The Nest. It feels great to be free from years of homework. But, as life goes, it's a time of transition too. Now I'm looking for work. Well, sort of. I want to graduate first. Don't want to miss any of those fab graduation parties... :yeahright: Truth to tell, just the word "party" makes me cringe. Now a quiet getaway -- that's another story. ~ Thanks for your input on the AL Beast. It was the strangest experience last night. I wonder if I was half-asleep??

                    I wish you could be at home snuggled in your bed, too. Ahh, that would be grand. :happyheart:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      Tess, what a frightening event! Those last gasps from Dick Head get less frequent, but when they hit sometimes they are STRONG! They seem to come out of the blue and the next thing you know you are weighing your options! Thankfully, it doesn't take long to see your old ways creeping right back up front and center. How can I sneak it can I lie about it, and how can I get more. You just gotta do exactly like you did and recognize what it is and punch it down. I know they are quit buddy fell at 6 months and I thought for sure I was going to fall, too... somehow I didn't and am I so glad I carried on.
                      Someone asked the other day if it ever ends, the desire to drink. Yes, it does, but occasionally a zinger will come out of nowhere to keep you humble.

                      I think the very least we as a society could do is not allow the advertising of AL on tv and cable they banned the smoking ads. I was never a beer drinker, but the way they market the stuff on tv would make me want to give it a try! I think that would be a step in the right direction...get it out from in front of our faces. I watched a 30 minute program the other night and there were 4 ads for AL during that span of time! No wonder this is becoming such a problem for people the way it is glamorized! Now I'm mad!

                      On that note.... have a great day everybody! Stay strong, you'll never regret being the sober one! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        I have not posted before and cannot participate in roll call as I still have 1- 2 drinks a day. Talking about ads on TV. I was watching Food Network . I love to cook. Great stress release. At the end of the show the chefs all had a toast! Without even thinking I got up and poured myself a toast also!
                        I have been having a very down day for no particular reason. Thinking back on some of the post I've read about moods coming out of nowhere has been helping me get through this day. Yesterday was really really stressful. I thought I am stopping for a bottle of wine on the way home but I didn't and even though my mood didn't change I didn't die. I am not sure how to post or navigate my way around the newbie site. Do you create friends list? Do you follow conversations? Is it rude to change subjects!
                        How to post versus post a quick reply?


                          Newbies Nest

                          Amazing1, welcome!
                          I used the Post Reply on the bottom left side....I am not the technical person in this group by any stretch! Up at the top of this page (the second blue line) see 'thread tools'. You can subscribe to this thread so any time there's a reply you get notified..... You can also change your CP settings and subscribe to any thread that you reply to. You just have to kind of play with it, or at least I did.
                          It is NOT rude to change the subject and talk about what's on your mind! If you really identify with some person, follow them around by clicking on their name and finding all their posts and where they hang out. I have tried the buddy list hasn't worked for me I am apparently not clicking 'save' somewhere.
                          I think this site is challenging to navigate, so I put some links in my signature line below. The Tool Box is the best reading around for us! Take some time and dive into it and see if that doesn't empower you! There are several friendly threads around that you can hop into. I mostly hang out here....I don't go into the Moderation boards or the Medication boards much, since I can't identify with those situations...but you can't really mess up. Just jump in! We're glad you found us.....what brings you by? Tell us about what on your mind. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest


                            I can totally relate to the TV/Cable ads. AL is much more powerful and deadly than smoking. While neither is beneficial to our health many people can drive and smoke without having a wreck and hurting someone but the No1 cause under texting is drunk driving. I totally agree with removing all AL ads.

                            Wonder who one would call to complain???? Hmmmmm.......something to think about.
                            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                              Newbies Nest

                              scared about the weekend

                              Hi all! I have been doing so great all week and I have felt better than I have in years. But WHY WHY WHY am I already starting to think about wanting to drink this upcoming weekend? I haven't had a weekend not drinking in over six months...and that was because I was in the hospital after surgery! I can't believe my mind is trying to trick me into drinking after all of the good I have done this week. I hate this so much! Does anyone have any tips regarding how to get through their first weekend AF? My husband drinks and I am sure he will not give it up. He doesn't really drink alcoholically though...although he does drink a fair amount. I have been good all week since he has not had more than one or two beers at night, but I know he will be downing them this weekend. I am so scared I am not strong enough to be around that!!!!! Any tips would be so appreciated!!! BTW...I am only on day 5 AF. Had been cutting down for months, but decided I needed to do the 30 days.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Fin;1506489 wrote: Mandolin obsessed currently. What style fiddle do you play? Old Time? Any Bluegrass?
                                Hey Fin
                                I scratch old time fiddle, play some clawhammer banjo. Bought me one of those banjo-mandolins a couple years ago, that's fun but can be obnoxious.

                                hard to beat bluegrass mando!

                                Been thinking on this weekend coming up, I think for me the key is not to make a big deal out of it, don't drink, and enjoy. There are a lot of good folks at these things so I just need to enjoy their company and look past the booze. I haven't a drink for 6 days and really has been ok. I've needed water more than anything. I do survey work and we've been chopping lots of brush the last couple days so not drinking and hydrating have been real good thing.

                                have a good one!
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

