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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening the Nest1

    Doing okay, Day 3 AF tonight...working hard at it..once again! Kind of consolidating my energy for myself right please don't think I am not listening, or not being supportive,especially to all of our Newbies.
    Welcome,welcome and be kind to yourself and most of all ALWAYS reach out for someone to help,even if you keep sinking, they will slow your descent long enough for you to find a foothold back up again!!!!!
    We are all offered free vaccines here Sooty for H1N1,except under 10yrs! I've had it despite my trepiditions..but then,I'm in the so called 'frontline' and have seen SO many coming through with it! The pathology labs have stopped testing now..too many, too late they say! Can't keep up with the tests and no point now that it is here in the community!
    Stay sttrong all!
    *cluck* ( just for you Lav!)


      Newbies Nest

      Morning, Thanks for the welcome Sunshine and yes Lavonde, Sat was a rainy one, but yesterday made up for it! Tranqwilly - I love "killing me softly" too. Couldn't get it out of my head this weekend. I did better Sat night, but last night it was business as usual. I had a really busy day yesterday and it seems like when I'm busy I don't even think about pouring a drink (and another and another), I just do it. So of course here I am drinking coffee hoping the caffeine kicks in soon. I really hope the supplements and book come today. I am afraid to go cold turkey, but yet trying to cut back really doesn't work for me. Open Heart - be proud of those 6 days. If you did that you can do it again and go longer. And Donz, if you are like me you don't even know how to sleep without drinking. Have a good day everyone!


        Newbies Nest

        Can't hit the coffee MySong. The shakes are bad enough so I stick to decaf (wussman) But it helps
        Long Road
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
        Eleanor Roosevelt


          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters,

          I'm back again!! Hope everyone had a good night & is ready for a new day

          To all of our newest newbies - remember quitting drinking is a process, not an event! Do your best to keep your focus, place one foot in front of the other, conquer one day at a time, OK? We call it progress not perfection! Be sure to do lots of reading, you want to learn something new every day. Don't worry too much about poor sleep in the beginning. It's a temporary thing, we've all been through it. When your body heals from the AL abuse, everything will improve, honestly

          Sooty, glad to hear you're in good shape! The H1N1 virus is popping up all around us & there is no vaccine available yet......what can you do but wait, pray, wash your hands, etc.

          Chook, thanks for stopping in! You keep going girl, you're sure to be feeling better very soon. You are a lot stronger than you know. Glad you got a dose of the vaccine, you don't want to be bringing that virus home to your kids......

          OK everyone, set yourselves up for a good steps in the right direction!!
          I'll check in later.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nesters:
            I haven't posted for a few days, struggling with being AF, still trying to justify having just a few?? although I know I can't, going to AA mtgs. etc. H1N1 vaccine has started in Canada but I think just back east for now, it sure is a worry tho, isn't it? Rainy here in BC....hope everyone has a great day.
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome and hello to mysong, donz, LR, ellebabes

              Milly! Hello – good to hear from you. It is tough work in the beginning, but so worth getting a few AF days together! Keep up the fight!

              Sunny – War of the Roses – loved it! I still remember the scene about the p?t? (ewww).

              T’sHope – This past weekend was a tough one for me too. I did hang in there – glad to see that you are too.

              Openheart, about making a plan…I imagine there are as many ways to do that as there are people who have done it! I felt similar to you in being afraid to make a plan because then I might fail or resist it. What I’ve done is probably closer to just journaling. I use the discussions here on the boards as inspiration for a question I want to answer for myself and then write about it. The other day I wrote about “warning signs”. Feelings of anger or depression are probably top of my list that trigger my wanting to drink, so I wrote about that, and I wrote out a “plan” of what I can do to help me manage those feelings. I know in the back of my mind that I need to get out of the house, go for a walk, or interact with folks, but it was helpful to me to take the time to write these things down. So part of my plan involves spending time with my thoughts, about why I’m not drinking, why I was drinking and how to avert disaster. One of my first reads on this board was a thread on healthy changes since going AF:

              It was very inspiring to me.

              JC, Sooty, Chicken, Tranq, Lav, hope you are doing well! Need to get going on work, so will see you all later.


                Newbies Nest

                Afternoon all! Today finds me in good spirits. Heading for four weeks AF this weekend. You know I can't remember when it has been this long, and, thing is, I'm not obsessing over having a drink. I feel good. I can actually get some work done. My relationships are going well, for once. I really think that I may enjoy this.

                Good luck to everyone, no matter which path you may choose.
                I am not a cucumber!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters!

                  How did Monday go for everyone?

                  Milly, glad you stopped by. Sorry to hear you are struggling though. I'm a bit confused - you are attending AA meetings and still drinking? I thought the two didn't mix. I remember when you started going to AA, you felt it was helping you so much. Perhaps you need to accept this as a lesson learned - most of us are not able to drink moderately. I started out trying to moderate - it just didn't work for me. Everything became much clearer & simpler once I accepted that AF was the way to go. Something for you to think about

                  Finding, the list of health changes since going AF is big! I just wish it included losing a few pounds....... I think my problem is that I also quit smoking this year so I have put on a few.

                  Prpl, going on 4 weeks - terrific! You must feel great & proud. Keep going, you'll love it!

                  Well, it's not 8 pm yet but I'm signing off - will leave a night light on for the late comers......
                  Have a safe night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone.

                    A little rainy but near 60f today, so I was out and about tonight. Thanks for keeping the light on Lav - I'd hate to break my beak flying into something hard.

                    Prpl, going on 4 weeks - That is really great! You have a lot to be proud of! Good job.

                    Finding and T's - The weekends are tough, good job hanging in there. I found it was helpful to know what I was going to be doing, and to have a plan for dealing the situations and temptations that might arise.

                    Finding - I keep a journal too. It really helps to get thoughts down on paper. It's funny how thoughts come out on paper in much different ways than when I just think about things. I do think it's very helpful; seems like it helps me know myself a little better.

                    Song - I really had a hard time with Sunday nights. I always had it full of cooking and household chores, and it always lead to a bad hangover on Monday. I kind of shifted things around, if I can, so that Sunday nights are more relaxing.

                    *cluck* ( just for you Lav!) Nice cluck Chooks! ;} Glad you're feeling like yourself. It's smart to be selfish with the energy now - you need to make some Chook-time. Like you offered - be good and kind to yourself.

                    Milly - Hi. Sounds like you're doing okay though. Right? Yep, it can be a struggle, but I think you know it is worth it.

                    I don't know what's going on with the swine flu here. All I know is I had a flu shot once and ended up getting the flu from it that night when I had company over - I ended up in bed all night. Then I got the flu anyway six weeks later anyway. So I'm not sure I trust modern science with this one either. Hope they find the pig that started this...

                    Dumb Fruits: mexican swine flu : patient zero identified

                    Take care all. G'nite.
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening everyone,

                      Lav, I quit smoking many years ago for several years and then started up again (dumb). It was the hardest thing to kick so I applaud you for doing it! I know I have to do it again and I remember gaining a few pounds, too. Sucked, but as my Dr. said, "A few pounds or a few years?" And they do come off eventually!

                      Well, I was going to write a nice long note, but clicked on TW's link, so now I'm off to email the linky to all my friends!

                      :H:H:H - Love it!

                      It's chilly and windy here. Nestle in for the night everyone. See you tomorrow.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all, still breezy but dry (hooray) in this end of the nest so I just gotta get outside for a walk. The clocks only went back 2 days ago and I feel jet lagged and depressed at the thought of winter.
                        Still its good to be facing this AF - glad to say I got over my blip at the relatives reunion last week and it feels so good to be "clean" again. Seems these days that one day of drinking takes about 3 to get over so why bother I ask myself?
                        I am definitely getting to the end of the month AF and hoping for a very successful November.
                        See you all later, have a good Tuesday
                        love Sooty


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning everyone! I keep reading about making a plan and I have one as far as reading the book and starting the supplements (which I am anxiously waiting for), but I just realized I simply need one for getting through the day. I read the toolbox yesterday and found it helpful. I need to go back and read it again when I am feeling like pouring a drink. I hate not feeling in control.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Ugh, it's dark, damp & chilly here today, not my kind of day! But, I will make the most of it, I promise

                            Tranq, glad you landed safely in the nest last night. We really don't want any broken beaks here!

                            Finding, I'm thinking of leaving instructions for my family - if I ever start smoking again to just go ahead and remove my head!!!! This absolutely HAS to be my last quit - I don't ever want to go thru this nonsense again

                            my song, the good thing about making your plan is that you can make it exciting for you, something that is comfortable & you can stick sure you include things you enjoy that will keep you away from AL. Take a walk, cook a meal, go to the gym, spend time with children, volunteer work, shopping, etc. Schedule your activites during your 'witching hours' when you would normally be drinking.
                            The main idea is to distract yourself, break old habits & substitute new healthy activities You will feel your control returning & that is a great feeling!

                            Have some work to attend to this morning then the afternoon is set aside for making a pot of the famous Kennett Square Mushroom Soup - warms the soul

                            Have a great Tuesday everyone!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Lav are you going to post the recipe for the famous soup?
                              I got out for a walk and feel better for it - everywhere damp and covered in fallen leaves but the colours are lovely and there's that special musty autumn smell - probably rotting vegetation but that doesn't sound very romantic!
                              Have a good tuesday folks,


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning nesters:
                                Lav - Yes, I know going to AA mtgs and lapsing between is ridiculous, however, maybe one of these days it will stick. My hb is having trouble with the whole thing....he takes everything so personally that with my heightened emotions and oversensitivity he's not sure what to do, so he pouts.....good god.....and then I want to drink because he makes me so mad, lol. No excuse, but there it is. Day 3 again for me... hope everyone has a good day.
                                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

