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    Newbies Nest

    Patrick;1506958 wrote: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUYA
    and just for you
    some fart jokes[/video]]Billy Connolly Tells Just About the Funniest Story Ever - YouTube
    Thank you Pat.......I reckon it WAS the queen mother! :H:H


      Newbies Nest

      whitemarshmom;1506936 wrote: today will be day 3 AF for me, I know the weekends can be tricky.. I have 2 young children, and i suffered from anxiety attacks which would make me turn immediately to Wine and cigarettes to calm myself ( self medication) my Dr diagnosed me with GAD ( generalized anxiety disorder, ( one time the anxiety was so severe, i thought i was having a heart attack.... he perscribed me wellabutrin and high blood pressure medicine... Its helping ALOT, since im taking it regularly now instead of sporadically, He wrote it is Imperative that i stop drinking.. The wellabutrin is helping with the cravings
      Great stuff Whitemarshmomma.

      Keep it going friend.

      G bloke.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Newbies Nest

        Dottie Belle;1507141 wrote: Got dads furniture was way too hot to do this ourselves and I got over heated and darn near passed out....thankfully we ran into one of the owners of the facility and he offered 2 of his folks to help us move the rest of the stuff in...I could not have done this...what is wrong with me anyway....ugh.....tomorrow I will set up the room after we move him there...I was just out of steam today...
        Dear Dottie,

        "What is wrong with me anyway..." There is nothing wrong with you!! You are exhausted, mentally and physically. I can't begin to imagine all that you are going through!!

        Thanks for checking in with us on a regular basis. We care a lot about you.

        Hey, were you able to throw you dad's duct-taped jacket into the burn pile??...

        Water. Drink lots of water. Yes, I am a nag. You need more nagging in your life, yes? :what?:
        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

        The man pulling radishes
        pointed the way
        with a radish. ISSA


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters, Just a quick hello. Its a bleak day in OZ, wet cold and generally winter conditions. So I intend to catch up on all your posts and keep close this weekend. I am on Day 10 today af and I really didn''t think 10 days ago I could do this. But here we are af and feeling good. I have to say though after work last night (Frid) I did just about everything to NOT pick up that bottle. The cravings were bad, real bad, but somehow I rode them out and to wake without that hangover and feeling of guilt is the best feeling. Hope you are all managing this weekend to stay af. W/E are allways difficult, but as someone said it really is only another 2 days in the week. Catch up later and good luck everyone. Keep strong and stay close.


            Newbies Nest

            Rough few days. Help for cravings

            Last few days rough. This is day 4 and the craving yesterday and today nearly did me in. I was close to buying a bottle both days. A lot of stress has added to my cravings I am sure. Its weird because although I had a glass every few nights (at least) I find this dry out to be real rough. The cravings.. oh my. One glass of wine would suffice but who am I trying to kid.. I would not stick to one glass. So much going on all at one. Its like the enemy is taunting me with life circumstances. Not looking forward to this weekend in any way shape or form. My husband comes back from a business trip tomorrow and I just know the stress will kick in high gear... as if where it is now is not enough, so thankful I have my own place

            I will do this. I just wish there was a magic pill to rid the cravings. I have a bottle of Kudzu but last time I took it I didn't notice a thing. That was last year. Any cravings suggestions out there.. and irritability.. oh my I just wanta shoot something


              Newbies Nest

              Justyo, your best defense against a crave is to EAT. Eat until you are FULL! You'll find that on a full tummy, drinking becomes a lot less important. You will find triggers to be Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, or HALT....when you have a craving, think about if one of these are going on...usually, it's yes! Many times what I thought was a craving was really EAT!
              Stay safe nesters! We'll see you here sober in the morning! XXoo, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                justyo;1507170 wrote: Last few days rough. This is day 4 and the craving yesterday and today nearly did me in. I was close to buying a bottle both days. A lot of stress has added to my cravings I am sure. Its weird because although I had a glass every few nights (at least) I find this dry out to be real rough. The cravings.. oh my. One glass of wine would suffice but who am I trying to kid.. I would not stick to one glass. So much going on all at one. Its like the enemy is taunting me with life circumstances. Not looking forward to this weekend in any way shape or form. My husband comes back from a business trip tomorrow and I just know the stress will kick in high gear... as if where it is now is not enough, so thankful I have my own place

                I will do this
                . I just wish there was a magic pill to rid the cravings. I have a bottle of Kudzu but last time I took it I didn't notice a thing. That was last year. Any cravings suggestions out there.. and irritability.. oh my I just wanta shoot something
                Have you got L glutamine? Really helps with cravings and mood. Also get some inositol or GABA.

                The stress is just the withdrawal talking......believe me alcohol will only work for a few hours then you have to start all over again and be back here in 4 days ( could be much longer though) in EXACTLY the same position.

                EAT ..... Fill yourself up, then eat something sweet. Then relax and rest if you can.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Justyo Can I suggest you have a look at the Meds Section of MWO`. Different drugs work for different people. I personally have tried Naltroxone and Campral. Unfortunatley,they did nothing for me,others have had success with them. I am currently taking AB (Antibuse). It does nothing for the cravings but does STOP you drinking. Its not a drug to mess with.IF you drink whist taking it you become violently ill!! I did once,it was hell! What it does do is take away the mind games ie DO i drink OR don't i? There is no option,you just can't. And it takes 1 to 2 weeks after stopping the drug before you CAN drink again.I know if I wast taking this drug I could not have stayed sober for 10 days! Hope this helps,in the meantime just keep posting'. :welcome::welcome:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Yes Tess I do....the duct tape jacket will hit the trash tomorrow when we move him...we have 2 for him to choose from both the same color/style..well as close as we could come..wouldnt think it would be so hard to find a jacket....but we triumphed....

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Saturday, and DAY 20!

                      Greetings to all fellow 'Newbies'!

                      Once again, it's good to be here in the nest. The supportive comments from you guys are very much appreciated; I no longer feel alone in this. Just back from coffee with a dear friend who's very supportive and happy about my new AF status. I explained the Campral is helping me with the physical, cravings side of things, while MWO is a real balm for my psyche.

                      Am starting to feel like a new, and more authentic, person, with a renewed optimism and appreciation of life on this planet. Mindful, though, that i've reached this point many, many times before, so will remain vigilant. MUST make this time an ongoing success.

                      On a different note, does anyone know if there's an option to change one's User Name?? I set up my account some time ago and was very drunk at the time. The name "Brandivino" is beginning to annoy me; it's a link to the origins of the whole alc abuse nightmare. I'd prefer to be looking forward, with a more positive name!!

                      Best wishes to all. Anyone who's struggling, or who would simply like to 'swap notes' with me is most welcome.

                      Time for some yoghurt and a cup of tea, read a book (how great it is to be able to read again!) and then a good night's sleep.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Cloudy & cool here this morning & not the weather I was hoping for today. I am throwing a small family celebration this afternoon for my DIL graduating from college today

                        Brandi, others have changed names but not sure how. I suppose you could just reregister as a new member & put a note in you signature line 'formerly Brandivino'.
                        I like your comment about feeling more authentic ~ so true

                        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
                        Dottie, take it easy on yourself, please.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nesters, Another big goal achieved tonight. I had a social dinner to go to and had no idea how I was going to deal with the alcohol that would be there, so went to the liquor store and picked up some German AL free beer. Nobody really noticed I was drinking AF beer and I had a great night. Didn't have any cravings for the real stuff, in fact I didn't give it a lot of thought!! Brandi, Good to see you are doing so well! Isn't it great to have a clear head instead of drifting through the day in a haze thinking about the next drink?? I am about to go to bed so will catch up tomorrow. Keep strong Nesters,we can get through this weekend af!!! Brandi, I changed my name by reregistering.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for the wecome back Today is the beginning of day two. The first thing that came to my mind about slavery to alcohol was "Is the nest kind of like Uncle Tom's Cabin" A place to escape and find the right road to take us to freedom.
                            I remember when I was here before, I took great relief to know there were friends just an arm reach away at my keyboard.
                            As I said before, quitting is not a problem, I cannot stop starting!!!
                            I thought of maybe havin a beer instead of wine, but I know.
                            I have no alcohol in my place, my ulter-ego takes care of that, I do have many reminders (dead solders) hate that phrase, I guess I could just say empties.

                            You see there are issues I am dealing with, trying to find work, I wish I had never taken time for myself last year, for it has out run its affordability.
                            Also, my brother has an inoperable tumor on his brain that is causing him to go blind and more are cropping up. We are 11 months apart, he used to say I was older, he did it so much he began to believe it. He is the middle child, who fought hard to live as a siliac baby. Actually he was one of the first to ever be put on soy and it saved his life. So he should not be fighting this now, truth be known he is not fighting. He was only given 2-3 months back in March, he is not ready, I can tell when I speak with him, but I also know unless there is a miracle, he will not see his 59th birthday in Oct.
                            So when I think of him, naturally I want a glass of wine, BAD!!!!! I think of him alot, it actually puts finding work in the back corner.
                            So thankyou again, I know I said my life is moving in a positive direction, and it is. I have met a wonderful man and he is supportive of everything in my life, but I have never told him about my AL dependency, there I said it.
                            I have managed to keep it from him for over 6 months, I do not miss it when I am with him, but when he goes away like now, he is gone to Germany till 5th of June, and I do not want this deamon coming between us.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning, Nesters! It's a beautiful day to be sober and alive!

                              It is an amazing thing when the AL fog finally lifts and we can see that this really IS the right path for us. Getting your mind right is 90% of half the problem (thanks, Mom, for that crazy phrase). I quit a 100 times....but it never stuck until I got that last HOPE out of the back of my head that I could drink again. Once I LET THAT GO for good I found success. After all, how many Day 1's did I need to show me that me and AL are NOT the match made in Heaven that I thought we were? If drinking AT situations and people could change them, I'd be rich, thin and married to someone else!!! :H:H:H Drinking to change a situation only changes one situation...and it makes that one worse! Every time! There is not ONE EXCEPTION to that rule either. Drinking NEVER helps. Life hands us some sorry cards at certain times in life, but it also deals us some good ones, too. Like finding MWO, that was a really good day! Drinking at things we cannot change is fruitless....This whole sober thing is a learning curve...but there's one thing that doesn't change....the longer you go without AL the more clearly you can cope! AL IS THE PROBLEM as it turns out. Don't ask me how I got off on this tangent, but I see folks come to this site in the pits of despair...they come here initially because they thingk they have an AL problem, right? But once they get some AF time in and start thinking about it, they blame everything else in the book except AL! They blame their wives for nagging or their idiot cuzins, or the guy who puts cheese on the nachos at ball games, we blame everything else for our problems except AL! THAT is the power of addiction!! I wish I could just take folks a month down the road AF and let them see what their lives will look's just amazing the difference just 30 days make. It is ALWAYS a difference for the better. Whatever it takes, get thru this day will never regret it! Dig your heels in and DO NOT GIVE IN no matter what and no matter who! Have a wonderful, sober Sattidy! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 5...feeling so much better

                                Last few days... um..hell. But today feels good. I did make it through the night.. I put my jammies on and that told me that NO your not going to the corner store. I really appreciate the advice. I am gonna try the natural sups suggested by Kuya :thanks: and hope they help in the coming days. Mood is a killer. Ugh the irritability is tough. Craving.. yikes. I didn't have a plan.. hello.. just did it and well with life circumstances and the detox of it all. Its been a hard 5 days.

                                I am very thankful for those who take the time to respond. Your a blessing. Thank you Kuya, Byrdie and hadit for the words of encouragement to this post. :thanks:

                                Today is a good day... claiming it and making it happen. :h

