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    Newbies Nest

    BCP, it is not unusual to have wobbly feelings at 50 days....remember you are letting go of a major relationship and you are grieving. I post this for many at 30 days, because that's when most hit the depression stage of grieving. Remember these stages come and go and sometimes we go back and forth a few times before moving forward. But as you stay sober, you WILL move forward.... here's this post on the stages of grief:

    As I mentioned to a response to Allan yesterday in his thread....he'd reached his 30 day goal and then felt like a bride coming back from her honeymoon...NOW WHAT? I was explaining to him that breaking free of alcohol is, in effect, ending a relationship. And I mean a long-standing, hard-core, abusive, solid relationship. In essence you are going thru the 5 stages of grieving. Anger (what brought you here..."I'm SICK of this crazy life!"), Denial (Maybe I'm not all that bad! What was I thinking? Other people drink as much or MORE than I do' I think this is where the biggest Pity Party is comes after the first 2 weeks and before day 30), BARGAINING ( why don't I try to moderate? Other people are able to do it...if I could just have one precious glass of _____ I'd be ok, THEN I'll get right back on track..), Depression (Is THIS all there is? Where are the balloons? Is this as good as it's ever going to get? ' Well shit...'.) and finally, acceptance. Let me tell you, this is where it's at. You finally are able to accept that, NO, you CANNOT drink ....AT ALL. Not one, not ever.....and you are ok with this. This is the stage where you can see AL for what it really is....a DRUG. Some people abuse drugs and some people don't. We do. Each stage in grieving is very important. Once you can see what is going on and that you aren't going crazy, it least it did for me. What you are going thru is the natural stages of loss. If you stay the course, I promise it will get better....I can also make a promise the other way, too....if we stay on the path we were on....well, you get the picture. I can assure you there will be a day where you don't even think about AL! As hard as it is seems hard to believe. As hardcore as I was, I can now come to the end of an evening and think...I'll be dam, I didn't even think about it. THAT is amazing! You will get just takes some time. Please hang in with can do it! If I can do it, you can too!!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Well I haven't been here in a while. I find it difficult to log on when I am drinking. I had 14 days AF when I was here last. Then I decided I would moderate. And I did ok but lately I'm back to my old habits. But what worries me more is my husband is drinking way more than he ever has. I worry so much about him. tonight we went to dinner with my toddler and there was a band and pub atmosphere and we had a great time. But now I'm awake at 2:30am and I'm thinking what a risk I took with my daughter! We left at 8pm but were both pretty drunk. We taxied home but all the details are very hazy. Why did I risk things getting out of control!? Soon she will be old enough to notice mum is drunk. What a scary thought.

      I want to stop drinking. I want my husband to stop. Tomorrow is my new day one.


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome Back, Running Aussie!

        It sounds like you learned something about moderating. It is a hard lesson that most of us have had to learn for ourselves . So now you know .

        This can be your last day 1! Stick with us - good times and bad, ok?

        I'm glad you are back!

        :h NS


          Newbies Nest

 sorry to hear about your dad. :l so glad you have some good sober time now and can grieve for him properly, not through the haze of alcohol.


            Newbies Nest

            1 month on bac... important question

            Hi and thanks for the great website. Read doc A's book and started on bac a month ago. I'm up to 150mg a day, increasing 25mg every 3 days. Once I hit 200 next week I will only increase by 10mg every 3 days. I'm really sleepy but that's OK since I'm retired. Not doing any driving except 5 miles to town. Other SE's for me have been pins and needles in hands and arms, weight gain and hallucinations or weird dreams .... haven't figured out which they are.
            I just ordered more tabs from goldpharma. My question is this.... what is the difference between Baclofen and Baclofen AWD? I ordered AWD since it stands for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome but now I'm having second thoughts as the only symptom I have is craving which I'm fixing by still drinking a few glasses of wine. I don't think that would be considered part of a "withdrawal Disorder"?? The AWD costs a bit more so I thought it might be different and better somehow??? Always looking for the easier softer way out! Went to AA for 14 years then retired from teaching and relocated and have been drinking again for 12 years. Tried AA again but since I really don't want to go through white-knuckling it again, Baclofen sounds to be the perfect answer. I know I can stop once I don't find it attractive any more.
            I think goldpharma might call me tomorrow since it's my first order from them so if anyone is reading this today (Sunday) and has an answer to my question could you please post a reply.


              Newbies Nest

              My condolences to you and your family Fin. Take care of yourself, and use us here as much as you need to if it helps.

              Welcome back Running Aussie. Time to kick some arse.

              Thanks Nursie!

              Day 8. Bring it on.

              Edit: Hi Meggie. Welcome. Your question is better off being posted in the Meds section of the site where most baclofen user's post, so you're likely to get more informed answers. There are many threads, or you can start your own. Here is a random link/thread where you could start. Best wishes, G bloke.


              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Meggie!
                I'm not sure we here in the Newbie's Nest are going to know the answer to your medication question. On the new posts section, look to the right side and you'll see that section over there. That's prolly going to be your best resource for which medication to choose. We here in the nest are dedicated to helping you stop completely, so if you choose to do that, come on back! All the best to you! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  G-man, GREAT job on 8 days! You should write a song about the day after your full moon rising. Or not.

                  Nursie! 90 days, gosh! That is big news! That earns you 3 hats!!


                  At 100 days you get 'The Bird' and at 150, the coveted Flying Underpants!!! (that's what everybody strives for!!)
                  What an inspiration you have been to everyone here! Hearty congratulations!!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1507845 wrote: G-man, GREAT job on 8 days! You should write a song about the day after your full moon rising. Or not.

                    Nursie! 90 days, gosh! That is big news! That earns you 3 hats!!


                    At 100 days you get 'The Bird' and at 150, the coveted Flying Underpants!!! (that's what everybody strives for!!)
                    What an inspiration you have been to everyone here! Hearty congratulations!!! Byrdie
                    Yes, I should write a song about the full moon rising!

                    And isn't that Nursie an inspiration! I'm going for the 100 day club, THEN, it will be the flying underpants to be sure.

                    I'm also a biker, and I've just thought that I should get these patches on my leather vest......the moon, the hat, the bird, the flying undies etc, at each stage of that AF achievement. Imagine the questions! I could keep it all a mystery and say that each patch represents some very heavy duty personal achievements, which of course they do.

                    Take care y'all. Think positive.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Newbies Nest

                      Flin, Sorry to here of your dads passing. It is always a very sad time when we lose a loveone. Keep strong Fin.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fin I am so very sorry for your loss.

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          I am so sorry for your loss Fin. Losing a parent is so very hard. Stay strong and as Kuya said, thank goodness you are sober to truly grieve properly. :h

                          Guitarista: I LOVE the idea of a patch for each milestone in MWO for your jacket. Imagine if you had them on your jacket and you were going about your day and some stranger came up to you and said "Wow!!! You got the flying underpants....good job!" They wouldn't really be a total stranger if they knew what the flying underpants stood for.....Now wouldn't that be a mind blower? :H
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Guitarista;1507849 wrote: Yes, I should write a song about the full moon rising!

                            And isn't that Nursie an inspiration! I'm going for the 100 day club, THEN, it will be the flying underpants to be sure.

                            I'm also a biker, and I've just thought that I should get these patches on my leather vest......the moon, the hat, the bird, the flying undies etc, at each stage of that AF achievement. Imagine the questions! I could keep it all a mystery and say that each patch represents some very heavy duty personal achievements, which of course they do.

                            Take care y'all. Think positive.
                            This would be soooo much cooler than AA chips! :H:H

                            Good going Mr G BTW.....


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Fin, sorry to hear about your Dad. Please know that we are all thinking of you & your family at this time.

                              Hello & welcome Meggie!
                              I hope you found your answers in the Meds section. Drop by anytime & let us know how you are doing

                              G, I live in an area where there are plenty of bikers & I promise you I have never, ever seen anyone with a 'flying unders' patch on his jacket :H :H You will be unique & I hope you travel with lots of friends :H

                              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                So sorry for your loss Fin

                                G Bloke - haha, that would be great - definitely get people thinking

                                I'm struggling a bit today - day 11. So I'm going to snuggle up in the nest for a while and distract myself from stoopid cravings!!

                                Hope you are all well *hugs*

