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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Still damp & gloomy looking here on the east coast, oh well.

    I have no special plans for this long holiday weekend, will just hang around & try to get some yardwork done if it ever dries up out there.
    What is everyone else doing this weekend? Most importantly, how do you plan to remain AF?

    Have a great AF Friday everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      AF weekend, here we come!!!!!
      Things I will be doing this weekend BECAUSE I will NOT be drinking:
      1. I will have conversations with my husband and children at night; my contribution will be coherent and meaningful and I will REMEMBER exactly what I said.
      2. I will wake up refreshed and ready to tackle each day of the marvelous long weekend
      3. I will continue to fine tune my attitude with gratitude
      4. I will read and post here as much as my wrists and fingers can take it
      5. I will cut some pretty flowers in my yard and make a nice bouquet
      6. I will ORGANIZE......this is not the only nest where I hang out!! Need to organize my own personal nest......closets and what have you (I actually look forward to, am I old :H)
      7. I will sit through a long day of soccer games (tournament) and I will be able to stomach the idle chit chat of the other parents. I will have the patience to get through it since I won't be hungover. I will listen to all of their plans about all of their stupid beach houses and not get resentful.....
      8. I will treat myself to an ice cream cone to welcome the summer
      9. I will read my book that gets awfully neglected during the work week
      10. I will reflect but not dwell on my past. I will look forward to, not dread my AF future and I will stop and smell the pretty flowers and appreciate how very lucky I am at this very moment.

      What will you be able to do this weekend AF that you would not do due to AL?
      I just won't anymore


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Lav, Was going to be a social weekend which I have been trying to avoid,but have caught the dreaded lurgy, so will probably stay indoors and try to shake it off before work on Monday.


          Newbies Nest

          Jenni, I will be reflecting on HOW I have been able to stay Sober for 16 days and how I got through the last 2 weekends af. I will be thinking about what made it work for me and how can I may it work again THIS weekend! Thanks for the post. and Good Luck this weekend!


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning,

            Good to hear your interview went well K9. Mine did too, optimistic about getting an offer. Hope we both get good news soon. Enjoy your vacation.


              Newbies Nest

              Jennie, love your post! Especially #7! Hope the tourney goes well, they are playing evenly matched teams, and that the weather is great!


                Newbies Nest

                jenniech;1509990 wrote:
                10. I will reflect but not dwell on my past. I will look forward to, not dread my AF future and I will stop and smell the pretty flowers and appreciate how very lucky I am at this very moment.
                I love this. This is the bottom line for all of us, right? I'm sure at one point in time we have all dreaded a life without AL. It becomes engrained in our daily routine, becomes as normal as brushing your teeth. Letting go of this habit is difficult. But as you said... this is the past and very unproductive to dwell on it.
                Would you like you, if you met you?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all,

                  It is a lovely muggy day here in the deep south. LOL

                  kuya, dottie - sorry to hear of your parents ALZ, that is a very debilating disease and hard on the family.
                  Lav - wow, your dad really think you poisioned him? That's amazing.
                  Jenni - I plan on spending time with my family, floating in the pool and reflecting on how wonderful the past 21 days have been, sober.

                  Think I may catch some rays today, after cleaning, laundry, and errands of course.

                  Hi Gman, hadit, cocoflo, MS and any one else I might have missed.

                  Joining in for a AF Friday, and holiday weekend. How 'bout ya'll?
                  Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                    Newbies Nest

                    JackDanielsGirl;1510021 wrote: Morning all,

                    It is a lovely muggy day here in the deep south. LOL

                    kuya, dottie - sorry to hear of your parents ALZ, that is a very debilating disease and hard on the family.
                    Lav - wow, your dad really think you poisioned him? That's amazing.
                    Jenni - I plan on spending time with my family, floating in the pool and reflecting on how wonderful the past 21 days have been, sober.

                    Think I may catch some rays today, after cleaning, laundry, and errands of course.

                    Hi Gman, hadit, cocoflo, MS and any one else I might have missed.

                    Joining in for a AF Friday, and holiday weekend. How 'bout ya'll?
                    I'm all for joining in!
                    best to all
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      jenniech;1509990 wrote:
                      What will you be able to do this weekend AF that you would not do due to AL?
                      I will be so relieved not to be sneaking around, trying to hide the (formerly!) sad truth from the people I love most.

                      Happy Memorial Day weekend - and a big THANK YOU - to any MWO veterans!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mein Sonnenschein;1510014 wrote: I love this. I'm sure at one point in time we have all dreaded a life without AL.
                        MS, I agree we likely all have dreaded it but since we are here on MWO, I think we now dread a life with AL more. Although the former may seem like the lesser of 2 evils early on, it isn't!! A life without AL can be an authentic life - with all of the inevitable ups and downs. You can be done feeling like this:

                        Mein Sonnenschein;1509969 wrote:
                        I feel like I am ALWAYS pretending and I'm never "me". It's all a show. ... How many times have we all wanted to scream "this is not the real me"? I want to get to where you are... liberated
                        :h NS


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning, Nesters!
                          Lots of positive energy here! Success breeds success!
                          Here in the US, we are heading into a 3 day weekend, this means extra butt Velcro for all! Just imagine HOW wonderful you will feel on Tuesday morning when you can say I DID IT!!! Keep going, nesters! It's just NOT worth it anymore, AL is yesterday's news!!!
                          I am so proud of each and every one of our folks here. We are proving that this CAN be done with support from our friends!! Zero Tolerance!! Nary a sip! You will be so happy you DIDN'T! Pride in oneself, is priceless!!
                          Stay strong, eva'body!!!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            jenniech;1509990 wrote: AF weekend, here we come!!!!!
                            Things I will be doing this weekend BECAUSE I will NOT be drinking:

                            3. I will continue to fine tune my attitude with gratitude

                            What will you be able to do this weekend AF that you would not do due to AL?
                            I love this, Jennie!! Thank you!!

                            After reading all of the positive posts in The Nest this morning, I think I'll start the long weekend by turning up the music and dancing with joy. My dogs will join me, no doubt!! :dog::dog: It feels so great to be free from sneaking, pretending, lying, and walking around in a thick fog. ANYTHING that I accomplish this weekend will be far more than what I accomplished while drunk.

                            Okay... the music is rocking!! :rockband:
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Peeps! It has been a while since I posted on here but I just wanted to check in and and let everyone know that today is my 10 month anniversay being AF! I thought it was a good time to read back over my posts and see where I was and what I was struggling with last year at this time. It is so nice to come back here and see so many familiar "faces" and although I have been MIA from the posts on here you have all been close to my heart and your words of wisom have echoed in my brain daily.....thank you to everyone!
                              AB Club Member
                              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Des, I remember you from back when. Thank you for letting us know that you're doing so well! 10 months is awesome. I blew it after 7, but am back with new resolve. It's heartening to hear from those of you who are succeeding.

                                Hi to all the nesters - hope everyone has a wonderful AF weekend.


