Hello Nesters,
I put the finishing touch on our back yard today by planting a very tender "baby" tree, a Nyssa sylvatica -- better know as "Wildfire." Oh, it's only about 3' high and already so beautiful. I will tend to it with the care of a mommy.

I am so happy and grateful to be sober today and every day.
Fellow fledglings, I am proud of every single one of you. Each of you inspire me to keep fighting the good fight. I can't say it enough: sobriety is totally worth it!! Hmm... would I rather be near death in a hospital bed due to complications from alcoholism or planting a living, oxygen-giving gem in my yard?? Really, the choice should not have been so difficult. But it was!! That's the power of addiction.
So we stay strong together. Hugs to All. Welcome new comers or those considering stopping in for a while. Pull up a twig and get comfy. Passing butt Velcro in every possible direction.
