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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    What you describe in your post is what I'm trying to focus on too. I'm reading a book called Thrilled to Death which is about how we can't feel pleasure anymore because we're so used to overstimulation. For me, that stimulation came from alcohol. It applies to any drug, thrill seeking - whatever.

    I'm trying to enjoy the little things - the beauty of life just as it is. I hope you'll continue to read and post. It really helps!

    Hi Dottie - I think weekends are harder because the association to it being a time to tie one on is greater - the not working the next day trap. No, then we just waste the next day with a hangover.

    Hadit - WHY this time? I think it just finally got painful enough (I hope I don't have to relearn this ridiculous lesson again)! My last two hangovers I spent the entire day in bed - what an absolute waste - to not only feel like shit, but then to turn into a vegetable on top of it (not to mention what we're doing to our bodies that we can't see). Craaaazy!!



      Newbies Nest

      Derek - you are taking a step in the right direction!! I was you so many times I can't even count. Had the resolve only to cave at the end of the day....but you can do it!! If I can then you can too....just keep what matters most to you at the forefront of your mind.

      Dottie belle - I can totally relate!! That is why I am posting here now and then I am heading out to an AA meeting....I am not much fun these days but TOO BAD....I FEEL so much better than I would if I were drinking. There is absolutely no question about that.
      I just won't anymore


        Newbies Nest


        I am not much fun these days but TOO BAD
        Me either - and I think that has to be our attitude. We have to save ourselves. I'm not going to worry about entertaining others at my expense!


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks to G, Byrdie, and Hadit,

          Yes I am glad I pulled up before nosedive. It has taught me something, even if you see the "wagon" pulling out of sight, you run faster than ever before, catch it, and hold on as if your life depended on it, because it DOES.

          I don't look at this as failure, failure would have been continuing to drink to oblivion, it has been a lesson. When you least expect it AL is there waiting to pounce and if we are not ready it will take us.

          So as bad as I hate it, I have to start my days over again. UGH!

          Tomorrow is a new day and next time, I will be ready.

          Buckled up, Velcro securely in place, and headed to bed.

          Thank you all for not condemning me, I pray all newbies, and oldies, learn from my experience.
          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


            Newbies Nest

            Good Stuff JD, We have all done it many times. My slips have just reminded me,and I do NEED THAT sometimes, life is soooooooooo much better without Alcohol. It has also taught me to have a plan ready all the time, so that when al beckons,and you can never tell when that will be, you can say NO! Well Done on bouncing back!


              Newbies Nest

              JD Girl
              don't feel bad, it could/can happen to any of us. I'm totally convinced this isn't just any beast we all deal with, this damn thing is conniving, ruthless, unsympathetic. It knows how to twist any event into a celebration, be a reward, be a shoulder to cry on, will tell us anything, just to get us to take a drink.

              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Hello & welcome Derek & Old Life, glad you found us
                JDG, double up on the butt velcro, you can do this!

                I had a great day, took my grandsons to the zoo - nice
                The 4 1/2 yr old is staying overnight with me & I love having him here. He was my primary motivator for finally kicking AL out of my life & having him here reminds me of how grateful I am

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  it is simply AWESOME that you came back after just a few. You stopped and came back here and you were honest. That is SO HEALTHY...good for you!!

                  You won that battle today and I sincerely applaud you for that. Stay the course!!
                  Beat this thing with us!!
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    well it is 10pm here so I survived the cravings tonight....what a mess.....well on to tomorrow and another day to excel and beat this darn thing....

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm through the night too.

                      What got me through was that I had a long chat with my girl about my trip the park to reflect on me and the world and she appreciated my honesty. We are in a very good place tonight.

                      You helped me be honest with my life tonight.

                      I'll see you all tomorrow night.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Derek, oldlife
                        we all fight the same fight. Everyday.
                        One day at a time. You can make it
                        I quit because life is too short to not really live it. I havn't been really living for a long time. Each day is now a gem.
                        Jdgirl. Don't let one slip stop you. Keep on fighting. Don't let that sneaky demon win.
                        Nite all.
                        Day 28. :dog::dog:
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well done JD for catching up with the wagon. Definitely no failure, just hold on tight now.

                          :welcome: Derek & OLO (like your name like that!). I hope you stick around, you've found a great place.

                          Hope everyone enjoying last day of holidays. I was tempted last night, having today off and all, but happily awake bright and early with a lovely clear head. So happy I didn't cave.

                          :lFF Day 6
                          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning from Germany. I briefly read through some of the posts from this past weekend and I am still amazed by all of the love and support in this community. Everyone here has something wonderful to contribute whether it is supportive words, a life story or a request for help. I know I do not post as much as I should (I feel like I complain too much!) but I do want to let you all know how much I appreciate EVERYONE here.
                            Would you like you, if you met you?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning,

                              JDG, you've accomplished so much. I know you can regroup after a small mistake!

                              OLO, welcome! The first few days are the hardest, so you've made it through the tough part. This will be such a positive change for you and your family. I know you can do it.

                              Wishing everyone a peaceful, AL free day,


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                Wishing everyone a safe & healthy holiday!
                                Take a moment to remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedoms. That's what this day is all about

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

