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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Great to see everyone is so positive here! Weekends are always a battle but MWO is a great place to take time out and reflect, I loved reading the posts this weekend and well said Hadit, you make great points!!
    I'm 7 days in AF and couldn't have done it without finally finding a place where I can be honest and admit I'm a drunk!! I wasn't telling anyone who knows me (although surely they guessed?!?!?!). Reading similar stories and being able to say I'm struggling is helping through this, I hope I can help others as well!


      Newbies Nest

      Great job L^3!! 7 days is incredible!

      Hi Nesters! Let's all be extra strong as the festivities start later. Come back to the nest and check in if you need some support, K?
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


        Newbies Nest

        JackDanielsGirl;1511039 wrote:
        To anyone who has "fallen" I know there is hope. Its like a kid riding a bicycle who falls, we as parents clean them up, say its ok we all do it, and then we put them right back on and they ride as if they have been doing it all their life.
        We all fall down sometimes (I don't mean just with AL but with many things in life). But your attitude is so hopeful... I love it! I'm in the same boat as you... I've gone days without AL just to slip and give into temptation. However, I'm so proud of you that you realized what you were doing and slowed down! I think that's wonderful and definitely not to be judged. From having been in the MWO community for months now I've come to realize that everyone's journey is different. It's with love and support that we all make it through. So glad that you are still here
        Would you like you, if you met you?


          Newbies Nest

          Live_Love_Learn;1511250 wrote: Great to see everyone is so positive here! Weekends are always a battle but MWO is a great place to take time out and reflect, I loved reading the posts this weekend and well said Hadit, you make great points!!
          I'm 7 days in AF and couldn't have done it without finally finding a place where I can be honest and admit I'm a drunk!! I wasn't telling anyone who knows me (although surely they guessed?!?!?!). Reading similar stories and being able to say I'm struggling is helping through this, I hope I can help others as well!
          Live Love Learn: You have conquered something huge!! You have remained free for each and ever day of the week which is a giant step. On behalf of all nesters, I bestow upon you the one week prize:


          We are so glad you are here!!!!!!
          I just won't anymore


            Newbies Nest

            hadit;1510871 wrote: Hello Steadfast, 28 days WOW!! that is a real achievement. Hope your foot recovers soon. I am about to hit the sack ,its 9.30pm in Australia and I have an early start tomorrow. I have had a great al free weekend.Spent loads of time on MWO reading as many posts as I could. Day 19 tomorrow. This weekend is my 3rd af one in a row. Never thought in my wildest dreams I could get this far. Catch up tomorrow.
            Thanks, Hadit! Yes the weekends are milestones, and isn't it great to be getting more out of them than a hang-over and empty wallet! Best wishes to you!
            AF free since April 29, 2013


              Newbies Nest


              Hello Nesters,

              Just been catching up on all the posts. Everyone, regardless of their circumstances, seems to be doing well.

              JDG, i think you're amazing to have been able to reign yourself in and stop at just a few beers. I feel very precarious still, and know there's no way i could stop at just a few. :goodjob:

              After a good weekend i've been very cranky today. It's as if after being AF for a month i expected to keep feeling better, but i've suddenly 'plateaued.' I got very cranky with my partner before, so thought it best to retreat to another room and get on to MWO.

              I KNOW i'll be glad to wake up tomorrow and realise i'm still on course, but right now my head's screaming for Al. This has happened in the past, so i'll just have to ride it out. Don't even want to think about the grief stage of things; accepting i can never drink again is too much right now. People on MWO who say words to the effect of "Just get through today" are spot on; that's the way to go.

              That's it from me, all the best everyone,
              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning all,well another weekend past and this time was easier than any other,soo happy for that,you know steadfast maybe your diet is lacking something l read the post from kuya,you should checkit out,very good advice in the article,but l have had those same days as you,a good cry always helped me get through it,at least your getting through it alcohol are doing great,this ISn't always an easy journey,almost 2 months for me and it's getting easier,hope it stays that way,but it is only a thought and a thought can be changed,have a really great day ,today will be better!


                  Newbies Nest

                  jenniech;1511256 wrote: Live Love Learn: You have conquered something huge!! You have remained free for each and ever day of the week which is a giant step. On behalf of all nesters, I bestow upon you the one week prize:


                  We are so glad you are here!!!!!!
                  Well done LLL! Keep it going.

                  Congratulations on 28 days AF Steady Eddie!

                  Winding up day 15 here. Take care everyone and think positive.

                  Hiya Bcp!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Newbies Nest

                    You guys are am inspiration!! We are in this together and I can't thank you enough for being here xo


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm Back!

                      A very good morning to all,

                      My heart is overwhelmed at all of the positive posts regarding my slip yesterday. I can not express what my heart is feeling right now.

                      :thanks: to each and everyone of you (too many to name) but you all know who you are.

                      I am grateful that I stopped at just a few. I look at this as a learning experience. Does it mean I can moderate and drink a few, or just every now and then........absolutely NOT! I know if I try that I will be back on the rollercoaster of death. This thing almost killed me numerous times, wrecks, coma, etc. I was surely closing in on death when I finally made the decision to stop. Many people have told me how horrible I looked, and now they say you look great.

                      Ok yes I drank and stopped very early; however NO more.
                      Daily check list:
                      - anti AL armour (mwo post) - check
                      - honesty - check
                      - remember what it took from me - check
                      - butt Velcro on both cheeks - check
                      - nest belt - check
                      - knowing I have precious friends here to support me - check, and priceless
                      - day 1 after 22 days - in progress, but will be checked tonight.

                      Sorry for the lengthy post.

                      Love to all,
                      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow, so many inspirational posts over the weekend!
                        Whether you are on Day 1 or Day 101, remember this is a process. It is human nature to want things to be fixed with a couple of days of 'sacrifice' but we didn't get into this boat overnight and it takes a bit of time to right the course. In the great scheme of things, it takes remarkably LESS time to get out of it than it does to get into it! Just look at the 30 day Acceptance Speeches in the Tool Box! There are peaks and valleys in the process, too...but if you really examine things, the plateaus we hit getting sober where we feel BLEH are 1000 times better than the best times we had drunk. I wasn't even getting hangovers there in the last few years (pathetic) but waking up with the GSR Brothers (guilt/shame/remorse) was just more than I could bear. EVERY day I started out with THIS IS IT! But by 3 or 4 in the afternoon, Dick Head was in his full glory and I was back onboard, swearing that I would really WATCH IT this time. If you are brave enough to have a video of yourself in the pits of despair, hang on to when you reach some of the pits and valleys of getting well again you can see just how far you've come! If you don't have any videos of yourself, just take a peek at those Rain In My Heart documentaries in the General Discussion threads. Unfortunately, I could see myself in those people. Gulping (7 gulps each time) hidden wine and vodka I had hidden in my closet. Wherever you are in this journey, I bet you are miles ahead of where you were 30 days ago. Just by being here you are making forward progress. So hang in there, the rewards may be just around the corner! You will not have 2 bad days in a row!! Stay the course, you will never regret being sober!! XO, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning Nesters,

                          A quick stop-by for me to wish everyone well! Feeling great on day 10. Stay strong everyone.

                          Great posts here - glad to be among you. And, Byrdie, thanks for the in-depth post. I'm always inspired by your no-nonsense advice.

                          On my way to create some new healthy neural pathways with exercise! Out with the old, in with the new!! YAY



                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all,
                            I have been on a roller coaster of drinking/not drinking since the beginning of the year...stress and guilt from putting dad in the "nursing home". This MUST stop...
                            I am on day 2 today...yesterday was really hard and last night was hard too but my life depends on kicking this or I cant take care of anyone. Dh needs me and dear ol dad does too so started my day with a green smoothie and have much to do....

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dear Sweet Fellow Nesters,

                              I've read through posts to The Nest since I was here yesterday morning. Here's who has flown in over the last 24 hours: Jennie, Samstone, JackDanielsGirl, Unwasted, Byrdie, NoSugar, hadit, OldLifeOver, Guitarista, halo, Derek, Dottie, Lav, little beagle, FreeFly, Mein Sonnenschein, Cocoflo, Live_Love_Learn, Siren, Steadfast, and bcp2013. If I have missed any peeps, please post and let me know.

                              What strikes me is the love and care here; the acceptance, forgiveness, and humor.

                              Here is something from Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things:

                              "I suppose you think this has nothing to do with your question, Johnny, but it has everything to do with my answer. It has everything to do with every answer I have ever given to anyone. It's Sugar's genesis story. And it's the thing my mind kept swirling back to over these five weeks since you wrote to me and said you didn't know the definition of "love."

                              "It is not so incomprehensible as you pretend, sweet pea. Love is the feeling we have for those we care deeply about and hold in high regard. It can be light as the hug we give a friend or heavy as the sacrifices we make for our children. It can be romantic, platonic, familial, fleeting, everlasting, conditional, unconditional, imbued with sorrow, stoked by sex, sullied by abuse, amplified by kindness, twisted by betrayal, deepened by time, darkened by difficultly, leavened by generosity, nourished by humor, and "loaded with promises and commitment" that we may or may not want or keep. The best thing you can possibly do with your life is to tackle the motherfucking shit out of love (emphasis mine
                              ). And Johnny, on this front, I think you have some work to do."

                              "But before we get to that, I want to say this, darling: I sort of love you

                              When I first read this I cried. I knew that I had "some work to do" in the area of love.

                              In The Nest we give and receive the love needed to conquer alcoholism. Love does not get much better than this!! :rockon:
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                Awww, Tess what a beautiful post. You are so sweet. I love Cheryl Strayed. I have both Tiny Little Things and Wild (one of my all time favorites). So glad you're here.


