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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi All.

    Cold and wet here. Yep Find, I'm all pasta-ish now. I have some neck and shoulder problems that computer work really doesn't help, which also get frustrating to me since the tension and discomfort builds to a really annoying level. She really does a great job of getting everything loose again. I'm lucky to have a great therapist.

    Song, Mountain, glad your stuff came. I couldn't believe how much I was able to accomplish using Roberta's program and the good folks here.

    Chicken, you're a great influence - still plodding along aren't you? Nobody in this ss really that much different, except you've been through a lot and you are still here trying. There's not much anyone can do, and like Lav says - it's a process.

    Sunni - take care and get well. I guess I'll hang-out here for a while before I fly up to get you guys. It's tough flying with a sterile mask on my beak. Kinda gets caught in the wind like a parachute.

    Take care everyone.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Nesters,

      Glad some of the 'old folks' checked in today - getting a little quiet around here!

      Tranq, I may ask you to send your therapist over here. I've been having neck problems for a couple of hoo! Stay loose

      OK, I'll say good night & leave the night light on.
      Wishing everyone a safe night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Boy oh boy do I feel the neck issues. I have tried all sorts of home remedies for this and they are not so pretty! I have noticed that when I drink, my glands are very sore--one time I "googled" where all of our glands are and--by george, all of them were SORE! And what is one job of the glands? To absorb toxins. Go figure.

        Thinking of you all and wishing you wellness and strength.
        :h open
        "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all

          Haven't posted on this thread before but have followed it ever since Renewal started it. I'm going to try and do an AF November and looking for a thread where I feel comfortable . . . hope this is okay? Am going to take some time out to catch up because I haven't posted since August . . . .

          Short term goal 7 days AF


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Patricia! Welcome! Glad you're going to go for it in November! If you've been following this you know you can feel free to ask or say anything you want. Birds of a feather stick together (I wonder who said that? Must of been Lav).

            Open, yep, shoulders. I don't know about glands, but I know my shoulders got worse when I drank a lot. But docs tell me its a bone/muscular thing. I also have some boney muscles that go crunch when you press on them (trigger points). Funny thing is, I used to think it was all just tension and stress and a good reason to drink. Ha. Then it would get worse and I'd drink more to get rid of more stress... When I figured this out I realized that regular massages were the better way to go.

            Well it's early here but I have a pretty busy day ahead. A couple of birthdays for very close people, along with the normal weekend stuff. And TRICK OR TREATERS. Happy Halloween!

            Take care all!
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Happy Halloween (if you celebrate)
              I actually miss having Trick or Treaters since we moved to this rural area! No way for the kids to get around.

              I'm afraid my aches, pains & crunches are age related, arthritic type. The abuse that you heaped on your body as a youngster shows up in crippling ways after you turn 50! I just want to soothe things and not fracture anything at this point

              openheart, drinks plenty of H2O, flush out those glands.........

              Welcome Patricia, plenty of room in the nest as always! We have missed Pops & G, they are taking an extended break but hope to hear from them soon. Please just shout out if you need a hand with anything, OK?

              Enjoy your day Tranq, trick-or-treaters & all!

              Take care everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Lav, quiet here in the nest today but good to see you. I know what you mean about the aches and pains that come with age ... any exertion leaves me stiff and creaky afterwards but we've got to keep moving. My grandma used to recommend mowing the lawn (with a manual mower) to help her rheumatism!
                I just posted on the Operation thread that I'm feeling a bit more positive today - perhaps you could bottle some of the Lav-attitude along with the soup and send it over here?
                November tomorrow a new start
                See you later


                  Newbies Nest

                  2nd time newbie

                  I am back to the program - had great sucess last year with the program but fell off the wagon due to family issues. Now have health issues that are forcing me to address my demons. Happy to be taking the necessary steps:new::upset::thanks:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Still a bit on the quiet side around here.......hmmmm!

                    Ms Sooty, You help yourself to great big dose of Lavan-ittude whenever you need to
                    It's funny, how a pot of soup and a big helping of attitude always seems to motivate me! You are going to have a great November, I just know it!

                    Hi rachel, welcome to the nest! I'm glad you thought to stop in here with us
                    Find yourself a comfy twig, settle in & let us know if you need anything!

                    Well, Halloween is over, the month of October is over as well as daylight savings time! We wake up tomorrow to a brand new month, full of possibilities! Let's all make every effort to take positive steps & move forward

                    Wishing everyone a safe night (the night light is on Tranq)!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Same here with the sore neck..have booked in for a massage in a weeks' time,but urgh..until then have to just medicated and hope for the best!
                      Commiserations to anyone suffering sore neck/back etc.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning, all. Lavande, I decided to take you up on your invitation to pop in and say hello. Feeling much better today and looking forward to a sober November.

                        Rachel, I too had successs with the program last year but the past 3 months I have been back sliding big time. I am aiming for a totally sober November and each month after that. I know I need to take it a day at the time but my eye is on the big prize.

                        Sooty and Chook, sorry about the aches and pains. I can certainly sympathize.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning everyone! The aches and pains - I used to have them regularly due to fibromyalgia. Then I started taking cymbalta and that really helped. I decided to wean myself off of them last week since I am starting the supplements and want to try the topa. Weaning off of that stuff is harder than I thought. I started feeling odd on Thurs and by Fri I realized I shouldn't even be driving. I slept in the afternoon then googled "cymbalta withdrawal" Fri evening. I found a site that called what I was feeling "brain zaps". It's kind of scary. Anyhow, I am back on it and going to wean off really slow! Sat was my second full day of supps and I felt better than I have in a long time. Don't know if it was the supps or the enthusiasm I feel starting this program. Have those of you who have found success with this used the hypnotherapy? Any comments on that would be appreciated. Have a great day!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Aw Chook - you have the neck pain too? Sorry to hear that, it must interfere horribly with your clucking!! Hang in there little friend

                            Cuckoo, glad you you flew into the nest! Find a nice twig, make yourself comfortable. Please give up a shout if you need anything, OK?

                            Rachel, hope all is well with you today!

                            Sooty, how are you today? Is the damp weather still getting to you too? Pretty soon I will be parking myself in front of the fireplace or woodstove for extended periods of time for some 'heat therapy'

                            Wishing everyone a great AF November 1!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi my song, we cross posted!
                              I'm trying to stay away from all Rx meds........I seem to have difficulty taking just about anything these days. I think the Hypno CDs are wonderful Did wonders for my attitude!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all from here!

                                Song, yes the supps make a difference. The hypno cds are very good as well. They take about 30 mins, but are extremely relaxing. They also seem to put my mind in a better place.

                                Hi Rachel and Cuckoo. Take care all!
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

