that made me laugh Tess....I haven't raised a teenager, but I've been one. But it's a really good point. I keep trying to remember (way back then!) what it was like when I was a teenager....helps me to not judge him so harshly. He talks to me - he probably tells me more than most teens - but those times when he shuts down - oh, like a dagger through my heart...
(actually unwasted - it'll be 2 in Sept!) And yep - I hate when you try to help someone and then they are gone - but I try to remember the craziness that went on in my own brain (and still does sometimes!) regarding drinking....that one minute you are totally committed and the next, you are convinced that you are no worse than anyone else. The scales have to tip so far, I think - that you can't kid yourself anymore....that you want it 100%. Not 99.9%....cause that .1% will win....