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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone - Lav good to see you on here. Weather here very windy but the old nest is holding firm. Thanks so much for your good vibes for November - I'm hanging on to your tail feathers this month cos I know you won't mind pulling this old bird along!
    Chook and Lav hope your aches and pains improve - I use a wheat bag which is very soothing. Can you get hold of one of those? Just a cloth bag filled with wheat and you warm it up in the microwave?
    Lovely to see you cuckoo and Rachel - well done on coming back, we'll help you flatten your demons - we're well known demon killers here!
    All the best to all to come.
    See you later


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning again, Finding - to answer your question about my daughter, no she hasn't faced her problem. I think she has an extremely long road ahead of her. And Lavande - thanks for the positive thoughts for both of us. Thanks Lavande and Tranqwilly for the input on the cd's. I am going to order them today. I asked my husband to read the book so he can understand what the heck I am doing!!


        Newbies Nest

        Another stiff-necked bird here... scootch over on the creaky cranky twig, will ya? :H
        I'm amongst the living again, though... big improvement. Phew. Nasty bug, that was.

        So, I see we have some new faces.... very nice... welcome and/or welcome back cuckoo & rachel!

        My song, there was a thread about 'brain zaps' a while back... certainly doesn't sound pleasant Take good care of yourself :l

        Lav, chook, tranq, sooty, and all.. have a wonderful Sunday! Ughhh... you realize it's NOVEMBER? Holy crap, where did this year go???
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Evening Nesters!

          Sunni, so glad to see you and happy to hear you are feeling better too
          What's with all the stiff necks around here? Is it some sort of bird thing????
          This year certainly has gone by grandson will be turning 1 on the 28th, geez!

          Sooty, I may invest in a wheat bag for the neck discomfort. I had never heard of them, had to Google them........looks like a good idea

          Hi Tranq, know you're out there somewhere - the night light will be on for you as usual.

          Hope everyone is safe & comfy, have a good night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all, I have been away from MWO for a while but I'm here and would love to settle in to corner here if that's cool...... I've not long ago turned 30 feel 45.... time for some changes and here is always a great place to start.
            :h Summer09


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all, lovely to see you Sunni, hope you're soon back on top form.
              Lav I used to make my own wheat bags - I got the wheat from the pet shop and added some dried lavender for perfume. I made them about 18" long and 4 or 5" wide - use any nice material as long as it'll go in the microwave - curtain material, linen, towelling/fleecy type stuff. Only fill bag about half full so you can squish the wheat around your neck - two and a half - 3 mins in microwave - lovely.
              I always keep one in the freezer too for those times when you need something cold.
              I don't know how much they will cost for you to buy and they are very cheap here now, but when they first became popular they were very expensive and there really is nothing magic about their manufacture.
              Anyway whether you buy or make one I hope your aches and pains subside real soon.
              Going to make some soup now ....
              see you all later


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Happy Monday!
                Welcome Summer, glad you're here! Please find a comfy twig & settle right in with us

                Sunni, thanks for stopping in yesterday, it was good to see you!

                Sooty, thanks for the directions. I think I will put together my own wheat bag, no reason why I can't do that. Geez, the mornings are tough until I loosen up in a warm shower.....getting old is NOT fun What kind of soup are you making today?? I'm going to try to squeeze in a pot of Cream of Broccoli - yum!

                I need to get to work, I have enough to keep me busy most of the day.
                Have a great AF day one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy monday, if there is such a thing!
                  I am not a cucumber!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,

                    Cuckoosnest, I need those long-ish term goals out in front of me as well. I think they do help!

                    Mysong, I love the MWO Cds, but any bit of meditation is nice to add to the plan. I?m still not doing this as regularly as I would like, but changing habits is a work in progress. Good luck to you easing off the cymbalta, sounds rough, but it seems that you are going about it carefully.

                    Hey Sunshine, glad you are feeling a bit better. I?ve avoided the bug so far, but we?re not yet at the start of the rainy season, which is when I usually catch something.

                    Morning Prpl, well, Mondays are not my favorite days, but they?ve been a lot easier to face without the hangovers.

                    Hello Lav, Sooty, Tranq, Chick (Doh! :H), Openheart, Summer, Patricia, Rachel?and everyone. I?m right there with all of you who are suffering from creaky joints, aches and pains.

                    Take care everyone.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello, fellow nestlings

                      Thank you, I'm feeling much betters. Even had a pretty productive weekend, all things considered. And how is everyone here doing?

                      Lav, the grand babies b-day is ahead? Or is it past now? Special plans?
                      Sooty, I'll be starting soup in a few minutes as well... it's just that time of year
                      Summer, welcome back! Yes, today is a great day to start, and there's no better place than right here
                      MySong, what did hubby think of the book?

                      Well, I should hobble off and make some dinner - have a great night, all!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sunshine - Glad you're feeling better. Hubby didn't read the book yet. Will suggest it again this week. I have an appt with a dr tomorrow to talk about the topa. Did you use it?


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hmmm. Summer09, you're definitely going the wrong way. 30 and feeling like 45? I'm at 53 trying to get back to 30. Lol!

                          Sunni, welcome back. Glad you're getting back up to speed.

                          A wheat bag huh Sooty? I think the closest I've come has been wheat bread in a plastic bag. Does it work if I toast it? Just kidding. Maybe I'll look for one online.

                          Hey Prpl. Mondays have been happier for me without nasty hangovers too. Happy Monday to you too my friend!

                          Song, I didn't use topa -- after reading the book and learning about the side-effects I decided to just go with the cds and supplements. I'm on the thin side and Roberta made a point to warn about weight loss. For some that may not be an issue. I felt like the supps and cds worked very well for me.

                          Have a great evening everyone!
                          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Monday's are not so bad anymore that I can depend on being clear headed, bright eyed, bushy tailed, ha ha.

                            Finding, I'm thinking about starting a new thread called Creaky Joints, Aches & think anyone would be interested???? Ugh, sometimes it just doesn't seem fair! I'm such a weenie about taking meds so I'm relying on Arthritis Strength Tylenol & prayers

                            Sunni, glad you're feeling better friend! I know the H1N1 virus is in the area, it just hasn't come thru my door yet! My grandson's first birthday is on the 28th. He is actually having 3 small parties - long story - don't ask! One of them will be here just for relatives & close friends. My son's BD is on the 25th so we will combine them, that's for sure Busy, busy days ahead for me

                            mysong, hope you are well! I didn't use any meds, sorry I can't help you out there. Hope your Doc is helpful!

                            Tranq, I have tons of leftover fabric around here. Now I just need to find some wheat - I'll sew togther wheat bags like Sooty suggested & send you one
                            I'm 55, if I could wake up tomorrow being ??? (anything less than 55), I'd be happy

                            Well, we can always wish....
                            Have a great night everyone!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey all,

                              Massage sounds good, but no masseuse handy. The wheat bags are nice, but no micro wave, (but they really do feel good.) My remedy tonight is Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie (down the hatch). I doubt it will help any aches or pains, but figure I should do my share of research for your new thread Lav.

                              Mysong, sorry I can't help you on the topa either. Glad you're getting info straight from the Doc.

                              Good night all


                                Newbies Nest

                                TranqWilly;749580 wrote: Hmmm. Summer09, you're definitely going the wrong way. 30 and feeling like 45? I'm at 53 trying to get back to 30. Lol!

                                Sunni, welcome back. Glad you're getting back up to speed.

                                A wheat bag huh Sooty? I think the closest I've come has been wheat bread in a plastic bag. Does it work if I toast it? Just kidding. Maybe I'll look for one online.

                                Hey Prpl. Mondays have been happier for me without nasty hangovers too. Happy Monday to you too my friend!

                                Song, I didn't use topa -- after reading the book and learning about the side-effects I decided to just go with the cds and supplements. I'm on the thin side and Roberta made a point to warn about weight loss. For some that may not be an issue. I felt like the supps and cds worked very well for me.

                                Have a great evening everyone!
                                Hey tw,

                                I'm new here. I've just been reading posts and scanning and trying to figure out a plan. I was wondering about the CDs and the supplements, so thank you for saying what you did. I think I will order them, as I need a starting out point. (The weight loss sounds great to me! Who is Roberta?)

                                I do have a doctor's appointment this week to discuss a medical aid to assist in stopping drinking, but I don't know how that will go over with the meds that I take.

                                Thank you for your post.

                                (Is this where I start out and introduce myself? I haven't done that yet, and I'm not really sure where to start.)


