Monday's are not so bad anymore that I can depend on being clear headed, bright eyed, bushy tailed, ha ha.
Finding, I'm thinking about starting a new thread called Creaky Joints, Aches & think anyone would be interested???? Ugh, sometimes it just doesn't seem fair! I'm such a weenie about taking meds so I'm relying on Arthritis Strength Tylenol & prayers

Sunni, glad you're feeling better friend! I know the H1N1 virus is in the area, it just hasn't come thru my door yet! My grandson's first birthday is on the 28th. He is actually having 3 small parties - long story - don't ask! One of them will be here just for relatives & close friends. My son's BD is on the 25th so we will combine them, that's for sure

mysong, hope you are well! I didn't use any meds, sorry I can't help you out there. Hope your Doc is helpful!
Tranq, I have tons of leftover fabric around here. Now I just need to find some wheat - I'll sew togther wheat bags like Sooty suggested & send you one

I'm 55, if I could wake up tomorrow being ??? (anything less than 55), I'd be happy

Well, we can always wish....
Have a great night everyone!