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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters on the first day of June

    I'm up earlier than I'd like but one of my dogs is an early riser!

    free at last, wishing you safe travels!

    Samstone, good luck with your zoo

    Off to get more coffee & complete the waking up process. Wishing everyone a wonderfil AF Saturday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters! There is nothing like the first day of the month to inspire me to make changes and turn over a new leaf. So for anyone struggling, let's make this a great June. Get rid of all the booze in your house and commit to a better, healthier life!
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters
        First I would like to say that I have had to change my name, I could not log in, so I tried to think of something that identifies me, and when I realized there is more to life than AL I knew I had to be "Moretoit"
        I was Donehere, and in all honesty received very little support from the nest, and was almost done here. However for those of you who did offer their time and energy thankyou. I have been in the nest a few years ago and know from personal experience how warm and welcoming it is, that and I am no quitter.
        I woke this morning feeling free, I hope it continues. I have been AF since May 15th so I am starting day 17.
        Over the past few weeks I have been on one Hell of an Emotional Rollercoaster. All my ups and downs, sudden curves in the road all happened in a matter of minutes.

        I focused on all the negatives in my life instead of all the positives. So here I am trying to see life through rose coloured glasses, and hope and pray this journey has leveled out.
        I want more than anything to enjoy my life as I do have a rare lung condition that will eventually limit my quality of life. I watched my Mother with this so I know what to expect, and I can tell you my Mom never whined or complained.
        AL, we all know depresses us, and we think of so many negatives, it also can bring out the nasty in some people, like my father was, not me, I thankfully did not inherit that.
        Today I give thanks for the children and grandchildren I love more than life itself, and for the man in my life who sees me for who I am and loves me inspite of it. I am thankful for my talent and will start to put it to use.
        So nesters, hope your morning is starting out clear headed and AF.
        Staying AF today for I love my life and know there is "MORE TO IT"


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Moretoit! I'm so sorry you have had a rough ride these last few weeks! Good for you for staying AF!

          I checked out your history as Donehere and noted that you had just 11 posts since you joined. The Nest moves very quickly and that's a good thing, but people who post infrequently do tend to get 'lost'. It's very unfortunate! Can I humbly suggest that you post a bit more, share your thoughts and struggles and allow us to get to know you better? We are all here for you and pulling for you to succeed!

          Edit: Oh, and please look for the AF June thread and come post there, too. It will be slightly less busy.
          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


            Newbies Nest

            Siren, piper, little beagle, halo, G-man,

            Thank you for the positive posts. I am back and more determined than ever. I refuse to let this disease beat me it has taken enough from me so NO more.

            ODAAT, those are my words to live by. Starting back my daily quite time and meditation, and resolved not to drive by myself for atleast 30 days. It seems to always be my downfall.

            Wishing everyone a safe and sober Saturday.
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Moretoit
              I might suggest that if you are not an active poster to at least do the roll call. For me it is not so much a matter of how many days but a great way to start the day with a "not drinking today".

              Here's to your rose colored glasses! Keep them on!

              Best to you
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Newbies Nest

                Life is SO MUCH BETTER in the morning hangover free!!!!!!!!!

                Here is my short gratitude list for the day (feeling very motivated so need to get outside and do some yardwork before the heat of the day drives me back inside)

                1. I now officially have 4 complete months AF: feb, march, april and may!!
                2. Despite INTENSE cravings last night, I DID NOT DRINK.
                3. Without MWO, I would be very hungover right now.
                4. Without AA meetings, I would be very hungover right now.
                5. Because I am NOT hungover, I am going to have a fabulous day
                6. I am grateful to be alive and relatively healthy
                7. Most of all, I am so very grateful to be AF and have company from MWO in this healthy journey of mine!!!!

                Have a great day everyone

                (Note to self: look at this post late this afternoon in the event the cravings hit again which I think they might given these past few days)
                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well Done Jenni, You must be so proud of yourself; 4 months............ that is fantastic!!! I know you have done it tough some days but you have DONE IT! And you are awake this morning without a Hangover. Doesn't it feel good ? It is so much worth it. Iam 24 Days af free. I have just got back from a dinner,also had one last night and managed both af!!
                  Keep going now Jenni,Sorry the cravings are still hitting you hard. :l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Night Nesters, Sorry I havn,t posted much in the last 24 hrs. Havne't even caught up with all your posts. Its been a super busy sat. Hope everyone is doing fine this weekend. 24 Days af today. Catch you all tommorow. 11.15pm in oz


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy June 1st! So my journey begins and I am going over to log in on the June thread. Still feeling blah, but that could be the ear infection still as well as the lasting effects of a hangover ;( Hope everyone has a great day. I'm looking into more information on how to "rewire" my brain to rid it of AL for good!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks Siren and Samstone, I wish I could have posted more as Donehere, but my computer had then and still does have a mind of its own, but with my new rose coloured glasses I refuse to get frustrated anymore. I have gone from typing I am guessing over 100 words a min to maybe 10. To be positive at least there is a 1 in front of the zero.
                        Jenni, congrats on your 4 months, I managed 3 months at least afew years ago, after that it was 2 then 1,then weeks. I hope the cravings also stop, I honestly thought mine were from coffee after 2 weeks. One thing I did before which sounds weird is I brushed my teeth everytime I had cravings, it always seemed to take the cravings away and made sure I had nice fresh breath I think I will do it again.

                        So I will look into the Rollcall and AF June thanks for the tips.
                        Enjoying Life and Staying AF for there is so much Moretoit


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Moretoit!!!
                          Yes, I do the "brush teeth" trick....I couple it with going straight to bed even if it is only 8pm. I read or watch TV in bed with teeth brushed. It really does work!! My biggest problem is from 4 to 8, especially on weekends.
                          Today I booked a massage at 4pm. That will help
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello One and All,

                            Wow! Things do move quickly in The Nest! If I'm gone for half a day, I miss so much. There is a lot of great stuff here!!

                            Congrats to those who are racking up days, months, and years of AF time!! :wd: Admiration for those who are courageous enough to brush off and start again after a slip. Way to go!! :cheering:

                            We're supposed to get some sun today, so I will be working in the yard. Gonna have a cup of coffee first!!

                            Have a delightful AF Saturday. ~
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow Jenni, I am surprised about the teeth brushing, wonder why it helps, or is it simply giving us a clean feeling so overall we lose the craving. I also go to bed early either with a good book or movie, and of course not to forget my faithful dog.
                              Anyone else have any winning ways to curb cravings that are strange but true.
                              Staying AF and enjoying life for we all know there is so much "More to it!"


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi,sorry you feel that way,l am sober for 2 months and 2 days,every Friday l am miserable,but after l cry and get my emotions out LM great,you have to let your feelings out,that's why your miserable,works wonders for me,can't hurt to try.good luck ,hope it works,remember you drank to cover your emotions,a lot of the times LM sure,l did ,have a great day!

