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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    My mother had a heart attack at age 43 from her cigarette habit. Her life was definitely shortened. She died relatively young.
    Good work quitting & good luck.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning nesters, beinning Day 18,still wearing my rose coloured glasses.
      I have been battling a different fight, for the past few days I have had a pain in my right lung, that is one that was punctured during a routine lung/bronchial tube scope 4 years ago. That and I cough most of the night. I do not want to be sick for I see my brother tomorrow and he is so suspepable (poor spelling) to infection, not sure what to do. We will see.

      Welcome peanut, I know what a challenge it is to admit to ourselves we need a change in our lives. Keep coming back, I also found out self pity takes a strong hold until we shake off its choke hold.

      Steadfast, I also wrote two long post when I was changing my name and the same thing, and once the internet went down. I guess being long winded does not always get the point across, at least for me.

      Kuya, I applaud you and Alan for your being AF for 9 months, it is a nasty road trip. I also quit smoking years ago and also weined myself. I also kept my smokes and ashtray out of sight, began to time my smokes, then began to cut the nicotine in the smokes. I ended up smoking cigarettes with so little nicotine and tar it was like sucking air. By this time I was smoking only a few a day, then I jumped into a pack that had one of the highest nicotine. Yes this took time, I could never go cold turkey forI was almost a 2 pk a day. When I quit I had almost a full pk. Regardless of how one quits it is hard. I seem to find AL harder, it is probably because of the years that have past.


        Newbies Nest

        I am back......I have been feeling overwhelmed with all of the crazy changes in my life. So I kind of crawled into the safety of my emotional "cave", I have some great friends who have been coaxing me out of it! I am so grateful for them, you know who you are, thank you!
        Culture shock is an understatement! I have learned not to take electricity, hot water, running water, and the Internet for granted! I have sampled some of the South African wines and did drink moderately on one occasion; while I felt the wine tasting were "ok" just felt like the moderate drinking occasion just wasn't ok, I wasn't being true to myself, to my commitment to myself, so I have discovered this tasty nonalcoholic drink called the Rock Shandy.....and I LOVE IT. I hope everyone is well, it is going to take me a while to read back and catch up, pray that my Internet connection stays strong. Miss everyone XOXO
        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
        ~Author Unknown
        AF since February 4, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Hello hello!

          I smoked from age 13- age 25 so gave up 16 years ago.. I can honestly say, I will never smoke again. I have absolutely no cravings - ever! And I used to smoke 30 a day in the end...

          I had no intention of quitting but I saw my cousin's husband who was a chain smoker and he told me he had quit smoking... Easily... And had no cravings at all. I had tried to quit several times and had the most horrible cravings so was intrigued. Basically, he read Alan Carr's Easy way to quit smoking and gave me the book. I read it cover to cover in one go! Smoked my last cigarette and quit! If ever I had a craving, I imagined a nicotine devil living in my body... If I smoked, I made him more powerful and if I didn't, I starved him to death... It worked! He died and I was free from smoking!

          Good luck to anyone trying to quit.
          AF since Halloween 2016

          Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters,

            Wow, what great stuff going on here. Big congrats to Allen and Kuya! Thanks for inspiring us! And Byrdie there is just never a way to thank you for all you do here. You and Lav are the stalwarts and voices of long- term wisdom that keep us going. :l

            Kuya, what a fantastic explanation of the kindling effect. I've been immersed in reading about the impact of alcohol/drugs on the brain so I'm right on board with you! I'm determined NOT to be a serial relapser!! Really glad to hear that you're kicking cigs too. The patches were my way out of that trap. Crazy isn't it that we fight being natural and can't seem to just appreciate the incredible machines our bodies are without inundating them with toxins!.......Craaaazy..........or more aptly put.......ADDICTION. But, with the vast wisdom of those on this site, and arming ourselves with all the knowledge that's now at our fingertips via books, the Internet, etc. we now have access to the tools we need to conquer these vices! YAY. Knowledge is power as they say. And the support that goes on here is AMAZING!

            More, so sorry to hear about your lung problem. That's awful. Sending you healing vibes. :l

            Peanut, welcome back!

            X post ORS and Wine No - :l

            Big shout out to all here - have a super AF Sunday!


              Newbies Nest

              Oneredshoe !!!!! Hello my friend.:h

              I knew it would be a BIG adaptation for you.....and will still take some time. So good to see you and good on you not to slide the slippery slope. Stick with it my dear.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Welcome back Peanut
                Stick around with us for a while!

                Oneredshoe, I can't imagine all the changes you are dealing with but I see this as an opportunity to reinvent yourself in a healthy & strong way! Hope you can stay with us as well!

                Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF Sunday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Oneredshoe;1514177 wrote: I am back......I have been feeling overwhelmed with all of the crazy changes in my life. So I kind of crawled into the safety of my emotional "cave", I have some great friends who have been coaxing me out of it! I am so grateful for them, you know who you are, thank you!
                  Culture shock is an understatement! I have learned not to take electricity, hot water, running water, and the Internet for granted! I have sampled some of the South African wines and did drink moderately on one occasion; while I felt the wine tasting were "ok" just felt like the moderate drinking occasion just wasn't ok, I wasn't being true to myself, to my commitment to myself, so I have discovered this tasty nonalcoholic drink called the Rock Shandy.....and I LOVE IT. I hope everyone is well, it is going to take me a while to read back and catch up, pray that my Internet connection stays strong. Miss everyone XOXO
                  Hi, ORS!

                  It is so great to see you back on MWO and particularly in the Nest :l ! I hope your Internet connection is good enough that you can hang out here with us for a bit each day - the more sober people, the merrier (who would've thought sober people could be so happy, but they are!).

                  I'm glad you've decided not to try to figure out how slippery that AL slope is! It just isn't worth the risk, IMHO. You'll probably have to import Rock Shandy here once you return .

                  Good luck adapting to all the differences in your new home.

                  :welcome: back! Love, NS :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi ORS,
                    How wonderful to wake up from my jetlagged state to see your return to MWO. We have missed you but know the huge this change will be for you.

                    Believe me, I know fully about the poor/nonexistent internet connections (I have to log on after midnight, if I want to get any decent connection), the lack of basic amenities. But, this is an adventure of a lifetime, and it sounds as though you are embracing it -- for all the learning that can come from this.

                    Wonderful to see your post. You are in our thoughts.
                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      Newbies Nest

                      sick and tired

                      I drank last night and woke up this morning feeling shaky and dizzy. I am crying my eyes out as I write this because I screwed up again. I want the dizziness to go away, how long does that take? I don't usually get that, mostly shaky and naseaus sometimes a headache.

                      I'm sipping tea and water, but I really don't feel like eating. I opened up the last eight beers I had and dumped them, no alcohol in the house. I had to make my son french toast for breakfast and I was sooo dizzy. My last drink was a 8pm last night so it's almost 13 hours without any. I know this will pass, but it sucks.

                      I filmed myself with my phone this morning and gave myself a speech on this what drinking does to you and will play it each time I have a craving, but I need to get through this:upset:

                      I keep thinking as each hour goes by, I will feel better, but so far, not so much. Another wasted day ;( Last Sunday I spent it drinking all day, this Sunday I'll spend it trying to get through the discomfort.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Struggles! Good morning - sorry you are feeling poorly! Do you have supplements you can take? B vitamins always makes me feel better and used to help with hangovers, too. Do you have any gatorade or other sports drink?

                        This will pass and it's good you had the forethought to film yourself. Just take it easy and get through the day. Be kind to yourself today! Don't beat yourself up too much, K?
                        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you Siren. I have the All One powder. I havent taken in about a week. Why am I so dizzy? This one is new. I know it's a hangover, but now I'm getting worried that I'm dying or something which is causing me anxiety. I have xanax, but not sure if that will help. I just can't stop crying and I wish I had someone to just hold me and tell me it's going to be okay. I can't tell my boyfriend I drank, he'll leave me for sure. I feel like my world is crumbling. My stupid head just told me that I shouldn't have dumped the beer because that would make me feel better...I just watched my mini video of myself and cried harder.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Cry it out - you need it. Then stop, wipe your eyes, and move forward. What can you do to be kind and pamper yourself today? You deserve to treat yourself well - don't ever doubt that.

                            The dizziness could just be dehydration. I used to get dizzy during hangovers sometimes. You're not dying. Step outside and take some deep breaths of fresh air. You are going to get through this and you are going to be OK, as long as you don't drink - I promise :l:l:l
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh Siren, my daughter just asked me to make her breakfast and I told her I wasn't feeling well and was dizzy. She just screamed at me "you're always sick and I don't feel like hearing it anymore. I'm sick of it." and she stomped upstairs. She's 12 and she doesn't know I drank yesterday...I'm crying harder. I'll get some water in me and hopefully that will help.

                              You have no idea how your kind words help me. I did just take the all one powder, so I got some vitamins in me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                No parenting advice from me, I'm afraid. If you need advice on your dogs or birds, I'm your girl though

                                All I can think to say is give her some time and then go talk to her. You could both use a hug, I'm sure. Can you and she go do something nice together today, just the two of you?

                                And my quit has not been easy. Actually it's been hell, so I do know what a few supportive words can do. That is the magic of the Nest and MWO in general. Huge hugs, my dear :l:l:l
                                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

