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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lavande;749598 wrote: Good evening Nesters!

    Monday's are not so bad anymore that I can depend on being clear headed, bright eyed, bushy tailed, ha ha.

    Finding, I'm thinking about starting a new thread called Creaky Joints, Aches & think anyone would be interested????
    Ugh, sometimes it just doesn't seem fair! I'm such a weenie about taking meds so I'm relying on Arthritis Strength Tylenol & prayers

    Sunni, glad you're feeling better friend! I know the H1N1 virus is in the area, it just hasn't come thru my door yet! My grandson's first birthday is on the 28th. He is actually having 3 small parties - long story - don't ask! One of them will be here just for relatives & close friends. My son's BD is on the 25th so we will combine them, that's for sure Busy, busy days ahead for me

    mysong, hope you are well! I didn't use any meds, sorry I can't help you out there. Hope your Doc is helpful!

    Tranq, I have tons of leftover fabric around here. Now I just need to find some wheat - I'll sew togther wheat bags like Sooty suggested & send you one
    I'm 55, if I could wake up tomorrow being ??? (anything less than 55), I'd be happy

    Well, we can always wish....
    Have a great night everyone!
    This probably isn't what you meant, Lav, but I would really be interested in a forum that discusses what happens to one's body when they've been drinking over a period of time and how long it takes in abstinence to build your body back up. I'm really worried about what I've done to my body and if I can rebuild it to where it was before I started drinking.



      Newbies Nest

      Morning all, Anya, I really like your suggestion to Lav. I, too, am interested in what others have experienced. There were a couple of posts this morning on Nov. Navigators that talked about regaining normal sleep patterns. That was helpful to me because one thing I think about is that I don't even know how to fall asleep anymore. That is where I am hoping the hypnotherapy can help. I broke down and had 1 1/2 glasses of wine last night - am disappointed with myself, but it is far less than what I would have normally had. Todays another day!! Good luck to all!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Annie, welcome to the nest! Find yourself a comfortable twig & settle right in with us
        It is interesting that we do chat, from time to time, about the benefits of an AF life. Simply put, in my experience, everything has improved! It does take a while though, nothing happens overnight. Persistence & patience are key! Over the months you will find your sleep patterns, appetite, energy levels, etc. all returning to normal levels. I am also using an herbal sleep aid which has helped me tremendously. I have a long Hx. of insomnia that predates my drinking career!! So I am quite grateful to finally be past all that

        my song, good luck with your Doc today. Remember you are making progress & that's stepping in the right direction. The Hypno CDs did so much for me, I still use them most nights. They really help you to relax so you can learn to go to sleep without AL. No more waking in the middle of the night in an anxiety driven sweat!!!

        I have a busy day here so I should get started. Wishing everyone a good day, stay focused on your goals
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Lav - And here I was blaming those night sweats on my age!!! LOL


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;749824 wrote: Good morning Nesters!

            Annie, welcome to the nest! Find yourself a comfortable twig & settle right in with us
            It is interesting that we do chat, from time to time, about the benefits of an AF life. Simply put, in my experience, everything has improved! It does take a while though, nothing happens overnight. Persistence & patience are key! Over the months you will find your sleep patterns, appetite, energy levels, etc. all returning to normal levels. I am also using an herbal sleep aid which has helped me tremendously. I have a long Hx. of insomnia that predates my drinking career!! So I am quite grateful to finally be past all that

            my song, good luck with your Doc today. Remember you are making progress & that's stepping in the right direction. The Hypno CDs did so much for me, I still use them most nights. They really help you to relax so you can learn to go to sleep without AL. No more waking in the middle of the night in an anxiety driven sweat!!!

            I have a busy day here so I should get started. Wishing everyone a good day, stay focused on your goals
            Thank you for your suggestion about the CDs, Lav. I've been wondering if I should order them, and you've confirmed to me that I should. Along with the kudzu and other supplements. This will be expensive, but no more expensive than all the money I'm spending on wine right now.

            I really don't have a problem with sleeping as I take a med at night which has side-effects of drowsiness. What I'm really worried about is what have I done to my liver and all my other organs from five years of drinking too much wine! That scares the heck out of me right now.



              Newbies Nest

              Hi Lav .. Glad to see that your doing well.. I'm 39 days AF , still not sure if I'm going to Mod or stay AF . I feel great , but keep having thoughts of having a glass of wine , I use the tools and keep coming in here to read everyones post and it does pass. Where's the Wizard of OZ when I need him ?!??!:H........:l Em
              Non Drinker 9/09
              Non Smoker 6/09
              Tennis Anyone ?


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all.

                Welcome to all the new folks. Congrats on your long af streak Emmy! Glad to hear you're doing great!

                Annie, Roberta is Roberta Jewel, the psuedo-name for the woman who developed the MWO program - she wrote the book you ordered too. I know what you mean about worrying about your body. I had my fears too - I probably owe my high bp to al - but I got my med cut in half on my last visit (being af helped). I see a doc every six months to keep track of my thyroid meds - I believe that a common blood count checks liver enzymes and mine have been fine. I'd always had a weird, dull, numb sensation in my right side - the docs checked that too - that's gone now. If you're worried, you might want to just get a checkup. I think a blood draw is a standard check - Lav might know.

                Song it took about a week or so for my sleep patterns to stabilize. One thing I did notice is that one or two drinks might relax me enough to go to sleep, but they were never enough to keep me sleeping. When I've tried that route, I almost always woke up with the heeby-jeebies in the middle of the night. I always felt better without the one or two from a sleep standpoint. But I'd never felt comfortable with just one or two drinks awake or asleep ;} - might just be me.

                An interesting question about how the body reacts to stopping. I think it was about the third week af that I really started to feel much better physically, my mental outlook changed dramatically after the first week. I also tried to help things along by getting exercise, eating well, staying hydrated and taking the supps religiously.

                Lav, so sweet of you to offer up a wheat bag!!! Thanks, but there's no need to go through the trouble. I've got my good old fashion hot water bottle if I need it. I've found some good yoga stretches on youtube too. I think it got bad due to a combination of work, golf, and not getting to the gym (tsk, tsk). I've noticed that I get cranky when I don't get some exercise and stretching (you might've noticed I'm backwards in a lot of ways). I've been doing better with taking care of it this time around though. It never goes away, but I keep hoping.

                Find, I'm with you on the ice cream - works wonders on many levels! I'm a bit worried about the addictive qualities though. We might need to start an ICF thread (ice cream free) if we're not careful. I've been hooked on a pralines and carmel frozen yogurt (w/hot fudge topping). Mmmm. Kudzu so not helping this craving.

                Whew. Too many words. Hope some of them helped.

                Take care!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters,

                  I really did have a busy day - just ending at 9 pm!
                  My day starts at 6:15 tomorrow morning, my grandson is being dropped off. I'll need IV coffee to gear up for him at that hour! Don't know if I'll be able to get into my shop at all...........

                  Annie, it's true, a simple tube of blood can test all of your liver enzymes. Go to your Doc if you are concerned. If you don't want to discuss your drinking issues with him/her - just say you want a complete blood workup done because you haven't had one done in a while Chances are very good that you have no problem, don't worry unecessarily! Do try to order the CDs when you can........they are a bit costly but they do so much more for you than an equal $$ amount of wine!

                  my song, 'those' night sweats, when combined with AL night sweats make for one very sweaty woman - no kidding I am truly grateful to be done with all of them!

                  Em, whatever you decide to do, I wish you good luck. I was (and still am) too chicken to attempt 1 glass. I know my addictive personality would never allow just 1 glass!

                  Tranq, I know some farmer around here is growing something I could stuff in those bags
                  Mostly they grow corn & soy beans here and most of it is already harvested. I will keep my eye open though, you never know I think you are a very good example for the newer fledglings! You used the many, different aspects of this program & made it work for you. You should be quite proud

                  Well, I'm wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.......we may have to fluff our feathers a bit to stay warm though - temps are dipping below freezing tonight!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    New to the nest

                    I tried several times earlier today to get into this thread...& got a "FATAL error". Not sure why I got the error earlier...I seem to be able to get in here now....however only in linear mode.

                    Thanks Lavande for the invite! I stumbled onto the book & this websight about a week ago...spent several days & evening lurking. Am excited to have found some support from the safety and comfort of my own home.

                    Mr Rejuve & myself have been looking to make a change...we've started the supplements & hypnosis CD's ( have the subliminal playing the 'puter)...I had my appt today with my PCP & will start on Topa tomorrow...we're already on a regular exercise program....& Thursday will be our first day AF.... we are planning on a week to start maybe longer. Our plan is to moderate. Long term I would like to join Sunnie in considering myself as an occaisional drinker. The thought of never enjoying a glass of wine with dinner is something I'm not ready for.

                    I've been following the threads about altered sleep patterns...I can tell you I am ready to
                    have a better nights sleep again. Hubby & I had already starting to make list of all the pro's
                    to starting this program...including getting our evening back...the cost savings of not spending $600+ a month on AL...possible side effect of weight loss...I can get excited about all that.

                    Sorry to go on & on....glad to be here! :new:



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Hi Rejuve, glad you were able to find the door to the nest You have a great plan, nice that your husband will be following along with you. Most of us haven't had that kind of support, considered yourself blessed! Please consider that RJ recommends at least 30 days AF before thinking about moderate drinking. You need that time to really clear your head, heal your body. Wishing you & your husband the best!

                      My plans for the day have changed, I'm not babysitting afterall this morning so I'm a free bird - woo hoo!! I'm sure I'll find something productive to do

                      Have a great day, I'll check in later!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all,

                        Hi Annie, Sounds like you’re off to a good start with kudzu, supplements and CDs. I was also a bit hesitant to buy the CDs because of the price but don’t regret it. I looked at the money I spent on all of these things and divided it by my daily drinking costs and promised myself that I would not drink for that number of days. Ended up feeling good enough after that to extend the AF time.

                        TW, the kudzu definitely doesn’t help keep me ICF either! I rarely ate dessert in the past as I was too busy drinking. The new habit is okay with me now, as long as I don’t over indulge. I might even expand my horizons with “pralines and carmel frozen yogurt (w/hot fudge topping)” yum - just don’t want anything else to expand.

                        Rejuve, glad you finally got into this thread. It’s great that you have the support of the Mr.! I’ve noticed the cost savings and some weight loss already (even with a bit of ice cream on the side.) Definitely in a better state of mind and sleeping better too!

                        Lav, stay out of trouble! What’s for dinner?

                        Hi to everyone reading.

                        Off to work – ya’ Sooty ‘tis hump day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          where did you find that "RJ recommends at least 30 days AF before thinking about moderate drinking."? Is it new somewhere...
                          In the bookI could only find two place where RJ makes references to abstaining for 30 days. The first is Page 18, where she says she could not do Moderation Management because she could not go alcohol free for thirty days. The only other reference is on Page 65, where she suggests that those whose goal is moderation should "consider" going "one, two, three or four weeks" alcohol-free.

                          We may consider longer than 7 days...but that is our initial goal. Long term we are planning on only drinking no more than 3 or 4 drink at a time, no more than 2 or 3 time a month, like on Theatre nights, when we usually go our for a meal before or after. For now though we are just going to take it ODAT!

                          Hi to everyone here in the nest & thanks for all the warm welcomes & support!:thanks:



                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm looking for the "Tool Box". I'm not even sure what it is, but it was recommended the other day, and now I can't find it. Anyone? TIA.



                              Newbies Nest

                              AnyaPrincess;750525 wrote: I'm looking for the "Tool Box". I'm not even sure what it is, but it was recommended the other day, and now I can't find it. Anyone? TIA.

                              It's the first post in the Monthly Abstinence section



                                Newbies Nest

                                Penelope Pit Stop

                                AnyaPrincess;750038 wrote: Thank you for your suggestion about the CDs, Lav. I've been wondering if I should order them, and you've confirmed to me that I should. Along with the kudzu and other supplements. This will be expensive, but no more expensive than all the money I'm spending on wine right now.

                                I really don't have a problem with sleeping as I take a med at night which has side-effects of drowsiness. What I'm really worried about is what have I done to my liver and all my other organs from five years of drinking too much wine! That scares the heck out of me right now.

                                Hi Annie, Just been reading your threads. I too was very interested in the condition of my vital organs. I went to my wonderful Naturopath and had iredoligy (not sure of spelling), and my Dr for tests, checking out same. All came back good, however they both did say , 'if you continue..........'. So maybe for piece of mind, you could try that.
                                I am having real trouble getting around this site. My main concern is being able to reply
                                to threads. Hope people don't think I'm rude, I'm just not too bright when it comes to technology!!
                                Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.

