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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Rooni! Wootie Hoot on your 22 Days! I'm so happy for you!
    Dottie Belle! So good to see you posting. You know we are going to nudge you to post more!! It does a body good! Hope your garden is coming along!
    Lil B...I just love your avatar so much I just want to scratch its head when I see it!!
    G, you make a most excellent point there. It's a fine line to navigate when you are trying to be supportive of others yet a hard arse when it comes to consumption. I think you nailed it in your post. You have to be the hard liner with yourself! Zero Tolerance. Not ONE not ever! Anything less than that will derail you. We know how hard this is when the Voices start their song...sometimes it takes everything we've got to say no. But that's what it takes. Do not be easy on yourself are breaking a habit, not bending it. This is one habit you'll be glad you broke, too. Freedom from addiction takes some work, but it is so worth it. Don't be afraid to tell yourself NO. Just move on.....
    Strap in Nesters! The weekend's in sight! Hugs all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      hadit;1516522 wrote: . I am going to be totally selfish and do whatever it takes to remain af. I have to. Everyone else around me is going to have to take a back seat for a while. I will be staying close to my friends on MWO, you are the guys I draw strength from! Thanks everyone. Enjoy your af Friday.:l
      My life was so All About Me for a good long while, Hadit, it was almost embarrassing (and in some ways, it still is --- this AF thing is my # 1 priority!). But, the fallout from this, unlike that from drinking, is good all around!

      You can make it through the weekend. Did I see somewhere that it is your birthday party that you are concerned about? If so, Happy Day! (It's your party and you don't have to drink if you don't want to... ).


        Newbies Nest

        tomorrow will be day one for me and i am scared


        I can't do this anymore. I have to stop but I am so scared. I have chronic anxiety and am falling into a dark hole. A month ago, on my 45th birthday I ended up in A&E (ER) as I had so much to drink I fell over outside my house and hit the ground with my face. Fractured cheek bone, burst lip with 12 stitches and lost front tooth. My partner was completely unsupportive and our relationship ended very badly a few days later. The last month has been hell. The anxiety has been unbearable and although my gp increased my dose of citalopram to 40mg I feel terrible. I was signed off work and so what did I do? Yes, I started to drink from when I got up in the morning because at least it dulled the pain and took the edge of the anxiety. In other words I became a zombie. I have to do something. I look terrible, I can't eat, I am becoming agrophobic. I am going on holiday with my mum next week - she has no idea about the extent of my drinking. I want to stop tomorrow but I am scared that the anxiety will go through the roof and I will just freak out on holiday.

        I am so glad that I have found MWO and your stories are truly inspiring. I just want to do this right.


          Newbies Nest


          Wow, you've really been through it - so sorry you're having a bad time of it.

          I'm no expert but just wanted you to know that there is a lot of support here. If there's any way you can start getting some healthy food and lots of water with lemon down you, that would be the first thing.

          Is there any way you can open up to your mother? I was just thinking it might be a relief and might lessen your anxiety.

          It sounds like you need some additional help - maybe some counseling when you return from your trip?

          Keep reading and posting here as much as you can.

          Best to you,


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1516527 wrote: My life was so All About Me for a good long while, Hadit, it was almost embarrassing (and in some ways, it still is --- this AF thing is my # 1 priority!). But, the fallout from this, unlike that from drinking, is good all around!

            You can make it through the weekend. Did I see somewhere that it is your birthday party that you are concerned about? If so, Happy Day! (It's your party and you don't have to drink if you don't want to... ).
            Thanks No Sugar, The party tomorrow is a 60th for a work colleague. Have to go but am feeling confident. Yeah, I kinda feel its all about me,but it has to be;will worry about everyone else when I am able to and that may takes months. We alkies are no good to anyone else while we are drinking. And we certainly are no good to ourselves. Leading a life in a haze,hungover and stressed is crazy stuff. The thing I have noticed being sober is the relaxed mood I am in. The rollercoaster has all but gone!!! I have had 3 drinks in almost 30 days,so although I know I have a longf way to go,I am still learning.


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks unwasted. I really appreciate your support. I have an appointment with alcohol counselling services when I get back from holiday. Unfortunately my mum is not good at dealing with weakness - sort of stiff upper lip person but she does know about the anxiety. To top it all I am terrified of flying.
              Wish me luck!


                Newbies Nest

                hopefor, welcome! Thank you for the background information. All I can tell you is that around here, we take this thing in small increments. Even after all this time, when I sit and dwell on 'the rest of my life' stuff, I get squirrely. I believe one thing so much I put it in my signature line below.....all you gotta do, is get thru this day. I know I can do that. So just for today, let's concentrate on getting thru the tough hours. Distraction is key! Keep your belly FULL! It doesn't take but a couple of AF days for you to feel right as rain again! It is truly amazing! Hang with us and we'll help you. Go thru the Tool Box and POST! Is there any way to postpone your vacation with Mom? Hang in there, don't let AL take one more day of your precious life! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Byrdlady! Unfortunately I can't postpone the holiday but am hoping it will do me good to get some sun and swimming. Just reading here and the toolbox has made me feel much more positive - it really does feel like a nest. Off to bed now with a nice cup of herbal tea and lavender pillow spay, Will check in tomorrow. Sleep well everyone.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hope, I have heard that quitting over a vacation is actually easier than quitting in your own environment. Since you are in a strange setting anyway it is said that it easier to change that behavior, maybe that's another way to look at it! Rest well! Talk to you tomorrow....Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      I made it through Day 2, unscathed. I had the sweats off and on, you know the ones I used to think was peri-menopause? But, I managed to go to work, get home and make dinner for my kids and actually not lose my mind. I still have xanax to help with the anxiety, but that seems to be slowing down, just the sweats and some fitful sleep so far. My boyfriend is with me tonight and all day tomorrow so no chance to sneak anything as we will be together the whole day and then at my daughter's concert at night.

                      I have to be honest, I am a little anxious of going to the concert, though. What if I start to have withdrawals? Am I through the worst of this? It will be from 6:30pm until about nine pm with a room full of people and I'm not much for crowds. I will have water and xanax in hand and my boyfriend will be with me, but I am nervous...nothing like I would be had I been drinking.

                      So, looking forward to making a good breakfast for us tomorrow morning, getting my kids off to school and waking up feeling pretty "normal". Oh, I am also drinking lemon tea in the morning instead of my coffee, it's decaf and it does make me feel like I'm doing something good for my body.

                      I still need and appreciate all of your support and can't wait to report my progress tomorrow. I have an ultrasound of my abdominal organs and a full blood work tomorrow, told the dr. everything and we are checking things out.

                      Welcome, Hope...I too went down that path several times and completely understand what you are going through. The support here is amazing. I'm not perfect, but I'm working on it every day.

                      Time for some tv and snuggle time with the boyfriend.....oh man I hope he doesn't snore tonight:H


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Just doing a quick fly by.
                        Hello & welcome Hope! If you haven't already be sure you download the MWO book from the Health store here, it has lots of info.

                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Struggles I'm not sure how to answer your question about withdrawal tomorrow. Just wanted to respond to your post though. I think you'll be okay if you just eat really well and drink a lot of water. I haven't read back through all the posts so I'm not sure what your history is. I wouldn't really know how to advise you - just didn't want you to not get a response.

                          Good luck tomorrow at the concert. I really think you'll do fine. The concert probably doesn't last long and you can go home right after if you're not feeling well??

                          Best to you,

                          P.S. Tess I hate the way society is so focused on externals - not fair!


                            Newbies Nest

                            struggles;1516578 wrote:

                            I will have water and xanax in hand and my boyfriend will be with me, but I am nervous...nothing like I would be had I been drinking.
                   will be FINE. Look at what you may not feel comfortable, you may get the sweats (god, I hate those) but it will be nothing compared with going through that drinking!!!!

                            Drink in your daughter, boyfriend and water.....that is all you need!
                            I just won't anymore


                              Newbies Nest

                              Struggles I had a real hard time with anxiety when I was drinking and for about the first week after stopping. Now I hardly remember what it felt like it's so much better. It really is worth sticking with, remaining af. Just keep at it. The days really do add up fast after that first week or so
                              Welcome Hope.
                              Hadit. Be as selfish as you need to. I sometimes think that being so unselfish is one of the reasons a lot of us come to this point.
                              Nite all.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello every one and welcome to the newest newbies!
                                I'm too tired to sit here long. I still have to vacuum the house and do my 3 challenges - they are getting harder, all those squats and situps and pushups!!! I just feel like crawling into bed with a sleeping pill instead!!! No wine desire, although I did have a bit of thought about it at my usual time ~4.
                                Hope everybody rests well. On to day 7 for me tomorrow, yay!
                                xoxo peanut

