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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    AnyaPrincess;750525 wrote: I'm looking for the "Tool Box". I'm not even sure what it is, but it was recommended the other day, and now I can't find it. Anyone? TIA.

    Hello Annie and welcome, here you go:

    Hi Penelope, dont worry you will find your way around in time. It is a bit confusing at first with so many sections and posts, for sure.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Newbies Nest

      Evening Nesters!

      Hope your day was a good one

      Finding, today's soup is cream of broccoli No one is sick here - I just love soup!!

      Rejuve, I no longer have the book, I gave it to someone in need. I can't give you page #'s as references but doing 30 days AF is generally considered the way to get started around here. But you do whatever is good for you, by all means.

      Annie, Penelope, glad to see you both here, hope all is going well

      Hope everyone gets their tech problems solved.........
      Be well.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi KTAB,
        Cross- posted
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          No Thank You, I don't drink!

          :thanks:I am new 3 days A/f. and I just read someone's little mantra which said "no thanks, I don't drink". Many thanks for that as I was just going to be all sly out when out with friends but now feel confident that if I am offered I can say proudly "NO THANKS, I DON'T DRINK". I know I will get some strange looks but hey, they are my friends! I can be fun without drinking right?


            Newbies Nest

            penelope pit stop;750664 wrote: Hi Annie, Just been reading your threads. I too was very interested in the condition of my vital organs. I went to my wonderful Naturopath and had iredoligy (not sure of spelling), and my Dr for tests, checking out same. All came back good, however they both did say , 'if you continue..........'. So maybe for piece of mind, you could try that.
            I am having real trouble getting around this site. My main concern is being able to reply
            to threads. Hope people don't think I'm rude, I'm just not too bright when it comes to technology!!
            Don't worry about your understanding of technology PPS... we all started out not knowing anything. You'll get there.

            I have to bite the bullet with my doc, and I have an appointment Friday morning. I have been to see her to have meds renewed in the past few months and she gave me a req for labwork... which I promptly threw away. I didn't want her or anyone else to know that I was drinking and I knew it would show up in my liver function results.

            But I will go ahead on Friday and tell her about this new (to me) My Way Out program and ask for a script for Topamax or something similar. I'm just sick and tired of feeling icky a lot of the time and even that first drink in the evening tastes gross. Why would I continue to do this when I get so little out of it?

            I don't even know what I get out of it! Does anyone want to hear my story? LOL I want to tell my story, but is this the place?



              Newbies Nest

              Hi All.

              Annie - do feel free to tell your story, either here or anywhere else on the site. There are plenty of good folks listening who do really care. I'm certainly looking forward to it!

              Welcome to all the new folks. Lav - thanks for the compliment last night - but as you know I'm no angel either. ;}

              It's been kind of a long day, take care all.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters!

                Wow, the sun is out for the third morning in a row.......I could get used to this

                MANLY, congrats on your 3 AF days! That's terrific, you will start feeling good very soon! You go ahead & adopt that mantra "No thanks, I don't drink"! Our old friend Sunni uses that line. She also used to use DNAO - "Drinking is Not An Option"! Love them both

                Annie, you can say anything you want here, we're listening! Don't fear talking to your Doc on Friday, just be honest. If you have indeed suffered any liver damage it will only get better as you stop drinking. The liver has the amazing ability to repair itself. Get your baseline studies done now then you can look forward to an improvement in your numbers in six months!!

                I have lots of work waiting for me so I'll get to it!
                Wishing everyone a great Thursday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello nesters, cold and windy here on Guy Fawkes - must keep the cats and dog in tonight, keep my boys safe!
                  Hope everyone has a good day - Lav hope you get all your work done, I'm feeling rather lazy today .... what's new?????????
                  See you all later


                    Newbies Nest

                    Return Neewbie

                    Hi everyone...
                    This sight helped me a lot last spring and I had a little relapse this past fall so I'm back. I've been posting on another thread and it's been very helpful but not always getting what I need so I thought I'd pop in to say hello and ask for a little help.

                    I'm AF for 4 days and have complete insomnia. For the first few days I felt great but now I am a zombie. Working with a hangover was easier. I know that's not the answer and I dont' want to go back there.

                    I have been doing the tapes, taking the supps, and exercising. Does anyone have any tricks up their sleeve that has helped them to sleep? I think I actually started drinking at night due, in part, to insomnia. Can't seem to shut my brain off and alcohol seemed to help do that.

                    Thanks for ANYTHING ANYONE wants to share.

                    On another note... my screen name is a goofy nickname my husband gave me. Sorry!

                    Thank you for having me! To all that have just joined this site truly works and I'm glad your here!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Sooty, we're having strong winds blowing some real cold air in here tonight, BRRRR!
                      Even my Greater Swiss Mountain Dog doesn't want to go out - I think she's turning into a big weenie

                      Hi boobie, welcome back! I remember you from before, glad you came back! The nest gets a little quiet from time to time but please move in & make yourself comfortable. Congrats on your 4 AF days!! Try not to worry too much about the sleep problem, it will improve. I think most of us have been thru it to one degree or another. Have you thought about trying some Melatonin or Benadryl? I actually use both most nights & have been sleeping well. Reducing caffiene in the afternoon helps too!

                      Not too much hapening tonight, think i'm going to put my feet up & chill.
                      Wishing everyone a safe night - I'll leave a night light on.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Boobie..I use Valarian for sleep troubles,,it's an herb I take 1/2 hour before bed. It helps quite a bit and I feel better about it than OTC sleeping pills..but they are STINKY! Whew!
                        Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone.

                          Kinda quiet here tonite huh.

                          Boobie, my solution was to keep busy 'til I dropped of to sleep. Still is, but happens earlier now. One thing that was weird for me is that I had some crazy dreams that I would wake up to -- not nightmares. Weird too because I rarely dream, or at least I hardly ever remember dreaming or dreams. Sleep problems didn't last more than a week or two as I remember.

                          Take good care all.
                          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lav, hmmm, broccoli soup sounds good, any left-overs? I actually bought the ingredients for broccoli and turkey soup, but ran out of juice (juice as in energy). There?s always tomorrow, hopefully.

                            Hi Boobie, sounds like you?re doing everything right with the supps, tapes and exercise. Sorry you?re still having trouble with sleep. The first few nights AF were good for me in the sleeping dept, but had a bit of trouble toward the end of the first week. It passed and I?m sleeping well now. Hopefully it?s just a matter of letting your body adjust and things will smooth out a bit.

                            TW, yeah, weird dreams in the beginning, I remember that too.

                            Off to bed to read a book. At 40-something my eyes can?t focus on the small print for long any more ? blurry print and rereading the same lines several times puts me right to sleep.

                            Good evening all


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters!

                              Remains quiet here, huh? No matter..........I'll just get out & do more recruiting

                              Hi to Tranq, Finding & Boobie! Hope you all slept well
                              I think the bizarre dreams must be a result of the physical & emotional adjustments we're going thru! The 'drinking dreams' have ceased for me & I'm beginning to have fewer smoking dreams too, thank God! They were driving me NUTS!
                              I had to give up reading before bedtime Finding - just couldn't see the fine print I use the Hypnotic CD, works great!

                              I'm getting hooked on seeing the sunshine every morning......we were without it for so long!
                              Wishing everyone a good Friday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm here, didn't have time to post earlier when I posted on the navigators thread.
                                The weather hasn't improved during the morning its still cold and very wet yuk!
                                I'm having my H1N1 jab later this afternoon, anyone else had it yet? I keep hearing mixed things about it, side effects etc so not really looking forward to it - but then I don't fancy the flu either so not a lot of choice!
                                Hope everyone is having a good Friday - make the most of the sunny mornings Lav!
                                See you later

