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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters!

    I'm finally feeling more human following this horrible flu/chest infection. Just want to share my natural medicine in case it helps someone on here!
    Juice one lemon, two oranges and a 1 inch piece of ginger. Pour half the juice in to a large mug, top with boiling water and 2t honey (I hate honey but you can't really taste it in this) and sip. Works a treat!

    Anyway, on the TV front... I think Intervention is a great program. It is available on iTunes if you can't find it on the box. It doesn't matter what the addiction is, it is fascinating viewing. Celebrity Rehab is also very good. X
    AF since Halloween 2016

    Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning everyone

      Byrdie....thanks for a great post. I'm going to try to watch it, as well.

      So today is day 10 for me and I just want to say, it's been an eye opener. Some of the things I have noticed are:

      I am waking up earlier
      I have more time to get things done. It's amazing what I can get done when I'm not starting "happy hour" at 5:00
      I am sleeping better
      My skin looks better and my face isn't puffy
      I am watching movies and remembering them
      I am enthusiastic about work and thinking better
      The issues that I had are still there....I'm just not numbing myself with wine and focused on the al/ hangover so I am dealing with my stuff. I started seeing a counselor to help me
      I don't feel guilty and think less of myself
      I am learning to urge surf....a first for me
      In general, I feel more alive!

      And it's only been 10 days. I started this with the thought of moderating after 30 days. But I'm starting to think I don't want to drink ever again. I have drank enough alcohol to last me a lifetime!

      Have a great day everyone!


      "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
      [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdie, I have watched every Intervention - fabulous program. If anyone wants to see prior episodes here's a link:

        Intervention - Episodes, Video & Schedule -

        Have a great AF day everyone - Sober really is better -- just give it time.



          Newbies Nest

          Hi again kids

          I just wanted to tell Miley that I did the same thing. I started my 30 day journey with every intention of moderating after that. But, when my brain completely cleared & I was able to do an honest self-assessment I knew that I had to remain AF F.O.R.E.V.E.R!!!!! I am so happy to not be lying to myself anymore
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Unwasted;1517637 wrote: Byrdie, I have watched every Intervention - fabulous program. If anyone wants to see prior episodes here's a link:

            Intervention - Episodes, Video & Schedule -

            Have a great AF day everyone - Sober really is better -- just give it time.

            Wow! Thanks so much for this link:l. I have been paying to watch on iTunes!
            AF since Halloween 2016

            Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1517627 wrote: Good morning, Nesters!
              Hubs was out doing some errands yesterday and I had free run of the tv. I settled on a show called Intervention. I've heard many on the boards talk about this show. Boy was it an eye opener. After I watched one episode, I wanted get down on my knees and thank each and every person on this board who ever talked me out of taking a drink (LAV!!). I am telling you the power of addiction is simply incredible. I WAS that person on tv! There at the end I was deathly afraid someone was going to do an intervention on me! Seeing those folks swig out of the vodka bottle first thing in the morning took me back to a very dark place. (just to clear the cobwebs, right?) Normal people don't do that! I am so thankful that I found this place and had the good sense to at least quit when I did!
              If you are having trouble staying quit or if you ever doubt that being AF is the right path, I would strongly recommend finding that program. I wanted to yell from the back porch "THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BE FREE OF THIS DEMON"!! There IS a cure for this thing we have....and that is NOT drinking. Just as the diabetic wishes he/she could eat sugar with impunity, or the peanut allergy person longs for peanut butter...we can live without AL. A little longing never hurt anybody, and it's a dang site better than being that person I was when I got it. Holy Moly! Get quit and stay quit is all I can's never going to get any easier than it is today! If I can do it, I know you can, too!
              Go out and make it a great day! Byrdie
              Hey Byrdie,

              Thanks for your post!! One of the gals that meets in our little group is having a terrible time of it. Where did you find Intervention? Public broadcasting? I would like to watch it and then, if it seems appropriate, offer to watch it with her. Thanks!!
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

       was on A&E on cable.

                Unwasted, thank you so much for that link!! That ought to go in the Tool Box, if you ask me. For those times when we don't think we were all that bad....and just to see where one drink will land us (the one drink we think will help us so much). I'm at least going to put it in my personal folders for good measure. It is also a great reminder of how the actions we take affect others...we make a lot of ripples on the pond that reach far beyond just ourselves. Our choosing to drink affects many others...or at least it did in my case. Thank you for taking the time to find that link.

                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Dear Byrdie, I want to give you a big congrats on finding and keeping sobriety. I don't know exactly why, but I think of you as someone who has always been sober. Well, not exactly that. Hmm... what do I mean? I guess I think of you as someone who does not need to struggle to stay sober. Or... someone who has moved far, far beyond the place where I am at. But really (and I'm certain that you will agree) you are a flesh-and-blood person just like me -- just like all of us -- who is required to make a choice every day to say NO! to the bottle. Sometimes we (I) want to make a hero of someone. And you ARE a hero in the sense that you give so much hope to so many. But you are, more importantly, an "everyday" gal, just like me -- just like all of us. Anyway, well done!! Very proud of you!! inkele:
                  Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                  The man pulling radishes
                  pointed the way
                  with a radish. ISSA


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dear Unwasted,

                    Thank you for the link to Intervention. Who knows -- it may just save one more precious life. To look at the gal in our little group, you would think that she has it all together. Yet, she is in so much pain -- so lost -- silently screaming for help. I am THANKFUL that she is seeing a counselor every week. All I know to do is to offer my love. Unconditional love.

                    Gotta run. Busy day!!

                    Love to All ~ :flower:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      Tess, what a wonderful thing to hear. AND, I know just what you my mind, LAV is that person. I can't imagine that she ever struggled with the piddly things I did. She seems so strong and could she have ever been 'one of us'? But alas, she is....and she picked my sorry arse up more than a few times and asked me what my plan was and she asked the hard questions. Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes, there are days when it hits me, too. But those are just thoughts, I push them out or come on here.

                      Big doings on Roll call today!!! Our very own Samstone has 30 days AF!!!! I awarded the hat over there, but am so dang proud I will post a copy of it here....


                      Here is living proof that you can achieve what you set your mind to! We are so proud of you SS! If you have some words of wisdom for us, we are all ears (or eyes, in this case!). Well done!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening everybody, hope you've all had a great weekend.

                        Reading back, I thought I'd copy what I've just posted on a thread in general discussion as I think its relevant to anybody setting out.

                        "Its odd but I met an old colleague on Saturday and we were chatting, as you do, and I mentioned I'd given up drink. This chap had seen (and laughed at) some of my most embarrasing escapades with my best friend - in fact he used to call us Patsy & Edina (I was Patsy) and when I mentioned my quit he was shocked, I was never that bad apparently, didn't drink that much in his view. If you think that passing out at business functions and lying at the top of a staircase in a public building isn't too much then I guess I didn't overdo it

                        My partner would disagree as he was the one who had to persuade me to go and pass out in bed. Suffered financial loss etc.

                        I don't think I will ever get used to how people try to justify their own relationship with alcohol by making light of the fact some of us faced reality and realise live could not continue as it was."

                        Like the others I find it hard to believe Byrdy and Lavande ever had this problem which brings us all here

                        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                          Newbies Nest

                          spiderwoman;1517676 wrote:

                          Like the others I find it hard to believe Byrdy and Lavande ever had this problem which brings us all here

                          I guess the only clue is that they and some others here know just what to say. I doubt that the most highly trained professional could top what goes on here.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Amen. I doubt that a trained professional could do a better job then the two team.
                            I got back from my trip to the river with my quit still firmly in place. I am holding onto that like the prize winning lottery ticket. It's worth more then money. I was alive and present all weekend while everyone else was Not. Passing out in that hot tent in the sun looked miserable for that poor woman. Being hot and hung over looked terrible for everyone. I feel so much more alive. This is So worth it.
                            Thank you all on the mwo team for your daily support and help.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon all,
                              Everyone sounds so positive and successful!!!! I, on the other hand, for some reason, succumbed to the beer god yesterday. Not to a destructive extent, but enough to piss myself off. After spending 2 hours setting a running trail in the rain, then another hour running/walking it, we stopped for the usual beverage stop at a pub, and I ended up having half a glass of beer (BF was looking at me with the 'are you sure?' look). I then drank about 3oz of beer as punishment for some real or imagined infraction on the run (these are all hash running traditions!), then on to the hottub where I drank 3 cans of beers in 3 hours. Hmmmm...... I did not get drunk or anything, but what I am most disappointed in is this. I had half a litre of wine in my basement fridge, which I had intended to give to my son to take away, and I should have just dumped it, because we got home after 12:30 and proceeded to finish it off. My real aim here was 30 days WINE free, and that will have to start over. I don't even care about those beers, and I have another big hash run next weekend - Red Dress Run - in another city, and I will probably drink a bit of beer until the food is served. But that stupid, stupid wine!!!!!!!!! Now that there is none in my house, I should be ok.

                              So I shall carry on the rest of the 30 days of June, with my exercise challenges, and avoiding wine at all costs!!! I have not fallen off my little wagon completely, and will continue to use the drink tracker to monitor myself. My last stint with MWO, a few of us stopped beating ourselves up and starting at Day 1 all the time, which can be rather depressing, but rather looked at it as how many days out of each month that we DID NOT drink and maximizing those numbers as best we could.

                              OK - I have been telling my BF all day that I have to sit down and fess up to my MWO friends, and I have finally done it. Yeesh!!! What a chicken I am.
                              So I hope the rest of the day goes well for all of you. Be so proud of yourselves!! Today, there is no wine tippling or beer swilling for me, and I shall stay this way for the days to come.
                              xoxo peanut


                                Newbies Nest

                                Peanut, thank you for coming back and telling us what happened. Glad you are getting right back up on the horse! I hate to be the one to tell you this, but beer counts as AL. I tried the same thing, I never had a problem with was my vice, or so I thought. Turns out, wine was just vodka with a mustache. AL is AL. The AL in the beer told you it was ok to drink the wine. AL is a sneaky bastard, as you can see. So don't let him fool you.
                                Lots of wonderful posts today....I think some guitar playing aussie has a big day coming up!!
                                Dottie Belle, it was good to see you! Hope you are stringing the days together!
                                Lil B, you've got the right idea! Protect your quit with all you've got! It's the foundation of everything else!
                                Have a safe and cozy evening, everyone! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

