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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdie, I copied the lntervention Link to the Toolbox.

    Samstone, - CONGRATS on 30!

    Peanut, I tried the beer thing too - didn't work for me. You've been on this site 5 years? Sorry to be a deal killer, but I think once we've crossed the line of addiction there's no going back. At least that's what the experts tell us. Just sayin...............

    Have a great night everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      Ya - I know, that's exactly what happened. The AL in the beer, Mr. DickHead, told me it was ok at 12:30am to drink that wine! And I fell for it!!! My brother, when he first tried to quit wine, switched to beer, and at one afternoon party, drank 32 beer!!!!!! What?????? No - that doesn't work, and I don't plan on saying it is ok to drink beer, cuz it's not. I just don't know what made me do it!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Peanut...I was at the end of 12 was 8 o'clock at night...I HAD this day won!! My hubs got up to go downstairs, I got up, poured a MUG of wine and drank it all before he came back up. WTH??? I UNDERSTAND what happens. It's awful! I was so PO'd at myself I couldn't believe STILL MAKES ME MAD!! All I can say is that is the power of addiction. It is the most powerful force I've ever encountered....BUT it can be overcome! Here's the Butt Velcro! Let's ALL strap in good and tight!!! Hugs to you, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Peanut, I totally understand. We started at the same time, and I fell down yesterday too. Went to a party and felt socially awkward so I drank a few beers. I had the same thought ... it's only beer, so I can handle it. But today, I feel so disappointed in myself. Let's start again, ok?
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Moss - I saw your other thread and was going to respond to you. Yes, lets' start again, or rather, continue on the path we were following and were temporarily misled from. Big Bad Wolf AL!!! I've always said I don't have a problem with beer, and really, I can only drink so much of the stuff before I get all bloated, but maybe I do have a problem with beer and it inevitably leads me to wine!!! We must stick together!!!!! Today is a brand new day and we will feel wonderful in the morning after a perfectly AL free day! No guilt-tripping!!!!!

            Thanks Byrdie - good story about the mug of wine. I actually had to laugh a little (not a funny, hahaha, but a wow hahah), as it is amazing what we allow ourselves to do!!!



              Newbies Nest

              Peanut, MossRose & anyone else who was defeated by the AL demon this weekend -
              let that be the final time. Adopt a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy & when your monkey mind starts chattering just tell it to shut the F... up!!!
              Look in the mirror & practice saying NO THANKS!
              Use the MWO hypno CDs - they change your thinking & belief system, honestly

              Now picture me, Christmas eve 2008. I had several glasses of really good wine on top of the AD Lexapro that I was taking at the time. I wasn't drunk by any means but I did manage to fall on my ass in front of everyone. Yeah, that's when I started thinking it was time to make some changes in my life. It took me a few months to figure it all out but I did & I have never had any regrets

              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest. Use the butt velcro & the nest belts!!!!!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                "butt velcro & the nest belts".....bahahahaha. Too funny. And great advice. Next weekend, I'm sticking close to MWO. Not ready for the real world quite yet.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi y'all,

                  Good to see you back on the wagon Moss and Peanut. Booze is booze. It is a drug, a chemical, and this is how our body see's it, whether it is vodka or light beer. We open the addiction pathways again whenever we go back to any form of booze. Physically (and mentally) our body starts the journey again. Keep it going friends!

                  Day 29. Bring it on!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Guitarista. You are so right. Alcohol is alcohol. Period! Peanut - I like the way you think. It was a detour on our journey. We're back on track. I have a tendency to catastrophize everything. Working on it
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Newbies Nest

                      Guitarista-29 Days is so great! I can't wait to get there.

                      Peanut and Moss - Good to see you getting back up and starting again. If I had a dollar for every time that happened to me, I could be driving that BMW convertible I've always wanted (okay, not that many times but you get the

                      I've got my butt velcro and nest strap on and ready for another week. Hold on tight everyone.. it's going to be a wild ride but we do this!

                      "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
                      [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


                        Newbies Nest

                        That nagging AL feeling seems to be on the rise, especially with summer approaching: "Oh , only one drink of ____________, I've been AF for________days, I can handle/deserve it." I've had that sentiment recently as well, I continue to fight the urges and am so far am winning the battle.

                        I constantly remind mself that I deserve a better life, and that an AF life is definitely a better life for me. I learned a couple of facts about leading an AF life this weekend. I attended a reunion with a large group of friends I have previously drank with for 20 years. From 5 to 1am, we talked, laughed and sang.

                        Before I started my journey, I honestly thought I could NEVER EVER be in this environment and remain AF. I made sure I had some serious AF days under my belt and made the decision to attend the event. I didn't waver and stuck with AF beer, this is what I learned:

                        1) You don't need AL to laugh and have a good time
                        2) Being AF, you can even stay out later into the night, while those that have had too many have to go home or be helped home.
                        3) Friends may make fun that your AF now, but you can't take it too seriously,
                        4) You know that being AF is the best decision you have made and once you know this, really and truly know this in your heart, being around AL isn't as difficult
                        4) You can "cheers" with your friends using AF beer!
                        5) Your real friends love you for you, not just the AL You,you once were

                        Wishing everyone the continued strength to give yourself the best life you deserve :l:l

                        Thankyou to the MWO for saving my life
                        On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                          Newbies Nest

                          Guitarista, a big congrats to you!!!!!! Awesome!
                          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            halo;1517801 wrote: That nagging AL feeling seems to be on the rise, especially with summer approaching: "Oh , only one drink of ____________, I've been AF for________days, I can handle/deserve it." I've had that sentiment recently as well, I continue to fight the urges and am so far am winning the battle.

                            I constantly remind mself that I deserve a better life, and that an AF life is definitely a better life for me. I learned a couple of facts about leading an AF life this weekend. I attended a reunion with a large group of friends I have previously drank with for 20 years. From 5 to 1am, we talked, laughed and sang.

                            Before I started my journey, I honestly thought I could NEVER EVER be in this environment and remain AF. I made sure I had some serious AF days under my belt and made the decision to attend the event. I didn't waver and stuck with AF beer, this is what I learned:

                            1) You don't need AL to laugh and have a good time
                            2) Being AF, you can even stay out later into the night, while those that have had too many have to go home or be helped home.
                            3) Friends may make fun that your AF now, but you can't take it too seriously,
                            4) You know that being AF is the best decision you have made and once you know this, really and truly know this in your heart, being around AL isn't as difficult
                            4) You can "cheers" with your friends using AF beer!
                            5) Your real friends love you for you, not just the AL You,you once were

                            Wishing everyone the continued strength to give yourself the best life you deserve :l:l

                            Thankyou to the MWO for saving my life
                            Hi, Halo

                            Whenever I read a post that impresses me as much as this one, I like to find an early post by the person to see how far they have come in a relatively short time.
                            YOU HAVE REALLY GONE THE DISTANCE, FRIEND! .

                            halo;1461599 wrote:
                            Dark days are calling out for light. First time post, I am hoping to make a drastic lifestyle change for the sake of my family and my life. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy I hear. I'm scared, of change, of never having a glass of wine with dinner again, does it really have to be all or nothing? For me I guess those are the only two choices. I wish I had the ability to be a normal consumer, but unfortunately there are times I can't stop after two drinks, after 4, after 6, and I never know when those days are.......I am hoping to find some relatable stories, and positive messages on the site. Here is to day one , Feb 12, 2013



                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks No Sugar for the kind words, I don't tend to look at my prior posts, it is truly eye opening.

                              Thank you so much for taking the time to look up my first post. My official quit day is that of the 311 gang (March 11, 2013, I always give a shout out to Siren for starting that thread, thanks Siren!!!!).
                              When I posted that day in Feb, I remember falling and slipping shortly after that initial post, drinking so much I blacked out, I don't remember getting home but I do remember having to spend the following day in bed or in the bathroom forcing myself to puke to get all the AL out of my system. Nursing a hangover from hell, all the while telling my kids, "oh mommy is just sick."
                              With help from the MWO, I finally mustered the courage to really and truly look at myself in the mirror and admit I needed a life changing moment. My kids needed a mother who could admit that AL was controlling her, and that an AF life was one that was deserved, that I deserved it....
                              I will be 3 months this coming June 11, thanks to the MWO :l
                              On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                                Newbies Nest


                                Thank you for such great posts. The fact that you have come so far is inspirational, especially for someone who just started this journey.

                                "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
                                [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14

