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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening all,

    Been a ok day. Been praying all day for my hubs and me. Going to get a hot shower and then early to bed. Praying for a better day tomorrow.

    Velcro applied
    Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


      Newbies Nest



        Newbies Nest

        Day 6 and OMG! I only slept two stinkin hours last night before my alarm went off to make sure my daughter was up and to get her breakfast going and on the bus before I had to get my son up and his breakfast going on on the bus and then, of course, it's not a chance to go back to bed because I have so much to do for the father's day party and the number just went up to 52.....WHAT???? Who the hell is coming here? Mind you, it's my dad and stepmom, my sister and brother in law, my two kids and my boyfriend....that totals 8, including me, on MY side. The garage is cleaned, tables are up and since I have been having pool parties for my kids for several years and serve food in the garage, I use a cheap secret to make it look a little "classy"...I go to the dollar store and buy several plastic table cloths in DARK colors and staple gun them up on the studs of the walls to hide every thing behind rakes, no tools, we even cover the wood pile....of course you still know its a garage...and then...the kids pick out those cardboard cutouts that are party things and we stick them on the plastic. Put the tables up and food in crockpots, and the kids can be in and out of the pool all day long with warm food, cold drinks and I don't have to clean anything up...WELCOME TO MY HOME MY BOYFRIEND'S FAMILY...LOL Plus, I got a jump start on the end of the school year pool party for the kids...nice spin, I'd say:H

        Here is my dilemma, I have been to parties at each of my boyfriends sister's house and his brother's and have probably met all of these people, HOWEVER, there is ALWAYS wine and beer served...ALWAYS...even when he hosted a pumpkin picking event he did the food and provided drinks complete with a full array of beverages, even though he did not touch one drop. I asked him today..."Am I supposed to have wine and beer for this?" This was after he received a phone call saying that so and so was coming and was bringing two I know these four older adults from previous parties and they drink, so that is why I asked. SILENCE on his I ask again. He says, Let me ask my sister. Now both sisters have ALWAYS had plenty of alcohol to drink so why ask them? His mom called and I said ask her what she thinks, she said don't worry about it, don't bother. I like her, she is no nonsense, but scares the crap out of me, but she's a gentle mean bitch...if she likes you..she's made more than one girlfriend cry. His dad had a drinking problem and so did he. My bf saw what it did to his dad and he quit, cold turkey, no turning back, boom, done. He can go to a wedding and have a couple drinks and be good and that's that, that is how my dad is. I'm like my's never enough. So, as I bf says, maybe I will pick up a little beer. I simply say, you better make sure it's not a brand I like. His response was, it doesn't bother you when we are around others who are drinking or out and about.....but that's not my house and I just swore it off.

        So this will be a REAL test for me. If it's here, I know my dad will have one and that's fine. I know others will, as well. I will dump it when everyone leaves as it will only be myself and boyfriend....ex is taking the kids at 3pm for his time. I feel that I can do this and I will make sure this page is open and hidden on my front and center in case of emergency! Worst case scenario....f' em all, I cleaned my house, put up the tables and chairs, heated the freakin pool in upstate ny and I'm staying in it until all alcohol is gone...okay, or until my skin is wrinkly:H

        Thanks for listening to my rant...I don't try to usually do that.

        And I was worried about being my myself...double whammy!



          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters - finally getting a chance to sit down here. Nice to see the wonderful accolades for the lovelies - Byrdie and Lav!!
          Feeling good, no cravings for wine, none in the house, carrying on as usual! Good to be off that daily cylce! Had to take a break from the exercise yesterday, as I wasn't moving too well after my long time out running about saturday, but back to it today.

          Mr G! Big congrats to you! Keep up the good work. And same to the rest of you AF wonders!!!

          xoxo peanut


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone! Hope the weekend was full of fun and good times!!
            Back into work maybe it's me but I'm feeling really sad today, I did eat sugar though so hopefully thats all it is I defintely don't want a drink but I feel hopeless, sad and stressed. Although I have to go away for work all next week and I can't find anyone to look after my animals but it doens't look good if I say I can't go away because of my pets............ I hate leaving them though, they help me with cuddles through this time of discovering the new AF me


              Newbies Nest

              Hey everyone...just checking in. Yet again, today was a strange day for me. It's Day No. 11 and for some reason I had some delusion that if I quit drinking, everything would just be a breeze. I got a dose of reality today. I was stressed and upset today (I cried when I got home from work) but the good thing is that I didn't drink. Did I think about it? Yes!! But I thought about if I am upset now, tomorrow would just be upset+hangover=pitty party and depression. I sat on the floor and did deep breathing, calmed down and got on with the evening. I have to say...this is a miracle for me.

              So tomorrow is Day 12 and I will wake up and feel good that I didn't give in to that little monster addictive voice telling me that a drink would make me feel better.

              Hope everyone has a relaxing, AF evening.


              "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
              [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


                Newbies Nest

                Mr. G.....30 Days Rocks!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

                Struggles....sounds like a real dilemma. I think your plan for dumping the AL when the party is over and keeping the MWO page open is a good one.

       sound like you are doing really well!

                LLL....I would be really upset if I had to leave my pets. We have two dogs and two cats and they are my world.

                We are getting severe storms here...I hope this doesn't go on all night!

                "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
                [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Miley- what a tremendous effort!! Yeah, everything isn't pretty, happy and fantastic just because we are AF which is shitty sometimes but WOW- you stayed strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  I'm a big fan of having a cry anyway, especially when we are going through a new phase!! Anyways, I would have still probably cired when I was drunk but I like that I can have a cry AF and then feel better for it!! I think we've hidden a lot of emotions in our bottles- I had to laugh this weekend, I was looking for socks so I could rug up and low and behold, an empty bottle rolled out of the drawer HAHA!! Wonder how many more of those buggers are around my house!!!
                  Mr G- when I first joined I read your stories and I'm happy for you! 30 days and still going strong, I hope I can be as strong!!
                  Struggles- stay close and take care! you are doing great!


                    Newbies Nest

                    DAMN DAMN DAMN what the?!?!?! I'm crying, I have my legal document signing my house over to me at last (I have to pay the a*hole out even though he never contributed in all the years he gambled, drank and took drugs with all my money) but hey, it's mine, so why on earth am I feeling so raw at the moment?!?!?! I'm not feeling like a drink but I am feeling like life sux at the moment, I don't get it, wouldn't most people be happy something that has caused me so much pain and grief is coming to an end (although I cut myself off from the disgusting pig over 8 months ago) I guess this just shows me I am the strong one, I fought and refused to sell the house because I deserved to keep it after all the hard work and study and hours I put in to make sure I had good jobs that helped pay my mortgage......................If anything I sometimes look around and wonder why I have no children or nice family life at 38, instead I've lived with an idiot and now starting from scratch (but have a house in my name, thats pretty huge, even though I'm paying it off!!!!!_)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters!

                      CONGRATS ON YOUR 30 AF DAYS G :yay:
                      You know we just love having you on this ride with us

                      Miley, you did great not turning to AL!
                      Each time you banish the thought of drinking you grow a little stronger!

                      LLL, maybe those were tear of relief!
                      Sounds like you have been through quite a bit, a few tears are OK. You are young & will have a great future

                      When we remove AL as an option for 'stress relief' we have to find better alternatives.
                      I have developed a lot of new beliefs, have worked on letting go of things & people if they are not good for me. Exercise & meditation have helped a lot. The best thing overall is developing an attitude of gratitude ~ it really works. I'd like to hear what everyone else is planning to use for stress relief!

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        44 Days

                        Greetings Lavande, Byrdlady, Guitarista, Hadit and all in the Nest! Thanks for the lovely supportive messages!
                        Am actually logged on on my work computer - eeek! Departing after a long trying day in the office is just when I'd like to stop by a pub. BUT I WONT! Made it to Day 44.....I guess eventually I'll stop counting. Am mindful to take it all one day at a time. There were times over the weekend (it was a "long weekend" with Monday off in Australia) when thoughts of Al entered my mind; I had to get moving and do things to get away from those thoughts. Also did some research on the Net about our brains and how best to repair them; needless to say mainting an AF lifestyle is a must. Take care everyone, wishing you well.
                        AF free since April 29, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Congrats on 30 days G :goodjob:

                          Struggles, play the tape through is a strategy I use and it really helps... For example, lets say I was having a party at my place with booze for others... I decide to have one or two drinks... This leads to more - almost certainly, then I would join party mode and move away from host mode, then I would leave most of the clearing up to do after a sleepless night with a stinking hangover... Do you see what I mean? So now those one or two drinks don't seem so appealing...
                          I'm not saying you're even considering drinking - just looking at it with a different mindset.
                          AF since Halloween 2016

                          Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks y'all for your well wishes. Much appreciated, and I embrace the great support here. And this support is essential I reckon.

                            Right on Wine no.

                            Well done Steady Eddie!

                            Wishing everyone peace, clarity, strength, and a delightful day/evening.

                            G bloke.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Up a bit too early thanks to one of my dogs, oh well!
                              I hope everyone is looking forward to an AF Tuesday, I know I am
                              Going to see my daughter & grandaughter today - yay!

                              Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Tuesday night in Oz land, heading to bed soon so I can wake up in a happier mood!
                                Happy days peeps! You guys rock xo

