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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I have not been good. Drank a bottle of wine last night and feel terrible today. Plus did some drunk texting which can never be a good thing. Hubby has agreed on Monday after Fathers Day he will stop with me. I have ordered a 3 day juice cleanse/detox to help with the process. Hubby was asking about anti buse. Does anyone have an opinion on that?


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Nesters,

      We received the results of Mom's breast biopsy. Her diagnosis is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. We see a surgeon on Tuesday. So... it all begins. I graduate this weekend, in more ways than one. In more ways that one.

      Thank God for family. Families can have a lot of issues, and mine is no exception, but when the chips are down... we pull together.

      Ladies, please do monthly self breast exams. I know, I know, it's easy to forget. Or you don't know what you're trying to feel for. I get it. But if my mother had been doing self exams and getting scheduled mammograms, her cancer would have likely been caught and treated much sooner.

      I need to head over to their house now. I will check in later or tomorrow.

      Thanks for your care and support. And THANKS for helping me to get and stay sober. I don't think I could be of any real help to Mom if I were still drinking.

      Blessings ~
      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

      The man pulling radishes
      pointed the way
      with a radish. ISSA


        Newbies Nest

        praying for your mom Tess.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Tess

          Praying for you and your mum too. My very dear friend is in exactly the same boat and has just had a mastectomy, but she has been told that the prognosis is good and she is having chemo. She is equally cross with herself, because she had early diagnosed breast cancer 15 years ago and was given the all clear after treatment and has been very careful with her checks for years. However, she lapsed checking for the last year because life has been hectic with her daughter's wedding plans, so by the time she found the lump this time is was more advanced and the treatment more radical.

          We ladies must all take the time to check (as should you gentlemen out there - just in a different area of your body!! )
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Newbies Nest

            My thoughts are with youTess,all the best on this journey!


              Newbies Nest

              Met with the auction fellow and I think that is how I need to go..I just don't have the energy to+ do this myself..but this puts me in a bind to get everything ready...may just pack up everything and bring it here to finish going through.
              Went to visit a friend of ours who has really given up the fight with cancer and is moving to hospice...sad but i do understand his wishes..we will visit him again this weekend.
              Well going to try and get a few things done before I head off to a great sale at the shoe store...

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good day Nesties!!!
                Feeling WAY better today, not so down and gloomy, although the weather is crap here right now. Yesterday, at the end of my work day, I was given a very small, very sweet chocolate/cream cheese cupcake ? I bet I had an insulin spike then a big drop out in my blood sugar. I had a headache too, but neglected to eat when I got home, which is probably why I was feeling so morose! Sugar is very bad!!!!

                Tess ? I am so sorry about your mom. We are all praying for you here and wishing you and your family the best. I lost my mom to cancer a few years ago ? gallbladder that spread to her liver. She was always so worried about her grown kids and our affinity to wine and always warned us to watch out for our livers. I have yet to be screened for any cancers, even though my dad had colon cancer (and lung too). I have an appt with my doc next week, and seeing as I?ll be 52 next month, I am going to ask that I get sent for some tests (even though these are quite displeasing tasks, I really think I should do it ? esp since alcohol consumption is associated with higher risk for breast cancer, and I am even on low dose HRT, which may add to that.) Gotta check myself out!!!

                DW ? I have always felt we have similar lives, both with partners drinking and teenage kids. Don?t beat yourself up. It will help immensely to have hubby on board with you. It can take several attempts to go AF ? I know, I?ve done it for short periods before, but always after numerous false starts. The war with AL is not over yet ? stay in the battle.

                Snap ? oiy, those life lessons! We can all learn from each other, yes? I am coming up to a weekend where beer drinking is expected. I don?t know how I will fair ...... but whatever happens, I shall not give up the battle nor lose sight of my wagon!! I am so enjoying being off the daily work, wine, sleep, ugh, work, wine, sleep, ugh........etc etc etc

                Baton down the hatches and secure the chickens Lav!!! You guys down there certainly have your fair share of shite weather!!! Some huge tragedies!!! Byrdie, hope you are safe in NC. You must also get your fair share of raging storms?

                OK ? this is long enough. Hello to everyone else here, Mr. G, Jenn, Miley (Ms Day 14!!), L.Beagle, JDG, W.E., BCP , and everybody else on this thread!
                Have a great AF day!!!
                xoxoxo peanut


                  Newbies Nest

                  Tess-2;1519198 wrote: Hello Nesters,

                  We received the results of Mom's breast biopsy. Her diagnosis is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. We see a surgeon on Tuesday. So... it all begins. I graduate this weekend, in more ways than one. In more ways that one.

                  Thank God for family. Families can have a lot of issues, and mine is no exception, but when the chips are down... we pull together.

                  Ladies, please do monthly self breast exams. I know, I know, it's easy to forget. Or you don't know what you're trying to feel for. I get it. But if my mother had been doing self exams and getting scheduled mammograms, her cancer would have likely been caught and treated much sooner.

                  I need to head over to their house now. I will check in later or tomorrow.

                  Thanks for your care and support. And THANKS for helping me to get and stay sober. I don't think I could be of any real help to Mom if I were still drinking.

                  Blessings ~
                  Tess, I am so sorry for this bad news. The work is about to begin. I am so proud of you for showing that extreme stressors don't have to lead us back to alcohell. I know that the coming months are going to be a real challenge, but at least AL won't have to be part of it. We are all thinking of you and wishing the best possible outcome. Hugs and much love, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello everyone I posted a little blurb on another page and feeling a little left out thought I should say hi here. I am 54, been drinking as long as I can remember and pretty much every day. Not a whole lot I guess, but definitely over the recommended. I decided to try to dry out and now that I am at 11 days AF (learned that one here) I am seriously considering quitting forever. I was sort of afraid to say that out loud in case I couldn't. But reading your posts and reading the tools posts I am feeling stronger and more determined. I really understand now when I read about treating AL as a friend. I was afraid I'd really miss my friend. I guess it's the appeal of the first drink that is tough to get over, if I think about the last drink of the night I'm really not interested. So that's what I am doing to stay on track. When I think of having a first drink I flip my mind around and think of the last. I'm also avoiding situations where I feel I might fail. It's still new. I am sure in time I will be able to socialize with AL in the room but for now I'd rather not. Anyway thanks for listening and I hope to get to know you all better in time.
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      PS Tess I don't know you but my heart goes out to you and your family. Tough times ahead, hope you can find some comfort knowing the people here care and want to listen.
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome 3june and congratulations on already having 11 successful AF days! You are done with the hardest part .

                        Like you, I let AL replace some important relationships and didn't want to lose another "friend". Hah! - what a terrible friend. There are many women here in their 50s with very similar stories.

                        There are many people here who will understand just what you are saying and although I never would have thought this possible, will become very special friends.

                        I'm glad you are here!



                          Newbies Nest

                          3June, you sound wonderful! 11 Days is huge!! It is a hard reality for many of us to accept that we can no longer drink, but as with anything, if you do it long enough, it becomes second nature (just like drinking did). Sometimes my thinking can go down a hole if I think, REALLY? For the rest of my life??? So I don't think about that. I do know that the rest of my life has been extended for about 15 years since I quit soaking my liver in AL nightly. I am 53 and drank ever since I can remember. Is this your first serious quit?
                          Anyway, read and post is the best advice I can give you, and keep your tummy full! The worst is over for you!!! Rinse and Repeat!! We are so glad you're here! Settle in and strap down!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            4MyKay;1518883 wrote: Hi folks! I have been lurking for 2 weeks. I am 15 days AF. Feeling really good. No withdrawal symptoms but can not get past this whole, "Look how well you have done, Lauren you deserve a drink." I have to laugh because it is so ridiculous.
                            From everything I've read this is not uncommon. seem to be using food as my reward and getting fatter by the minute. I figure I'll get a grip on the booze then tackle the food!:new:
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady;1519324 wrote: 3June, you sound wonderful! 11 Days is huge!! It is a hard reality for many of us to accept that we can no longer drink, but as with anything, if you do it long enough, it becomes second nature (just like drinking did). Sometimes my thinking can go down a hole if I think, REALLY? For the rest of my life??? So I don't think about that. I do know that the rest of my life has been extended for about 15 years since I quit soaking my liver in AL nightly. I am 53 and drank ever since I can remember. Is this your first serious quit?
                              Anyway, read and post is the best advice I can give you, and keep your tummy full! The worst is over for you!!! Rinse and Repeat!! We are so glad you're here! Settle in and strap down!! Byrdie
                              Yes first time. It took me this long to decide that I have a problem. I was in denial I guess. Didn't want to face it because that would mean having to do something about it.

                              I am eating more than usual but I can't let that bother me. My clothes are tighter but my mind is clearer. It's a decent trade at this point!
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                3J, I put on about 3 pounds the first month....But then over the next year or so I dropped those and 13 more....and I wasn't really trying at all! I ate a lot of junk and cookies when I quit....and potato chips....Try not to worry about the weight right now, that will drop off and then some!! Most of the newer newbies try to eat a healthier diet as to not have spikes in blood sugar, in fact, NoSugar is the poster child for that! I'll just tell you not to worry about the weight, and hopefully she will give you the nuts and bolts of eating to stave off cravings! B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

