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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Saturday night
    My foot is sill broken...and I am bored! I really can't do this for 6-8 weeks! Argh. I'm glad I quit smoking 3 days before this happened...I'd never be able to wrangle the crutches outside to smoke. Lol. It also wouldn't be worth it to get up for a beer either. So I guess that's the bright side (if there is one).

    Hope you're all having a good sober weekend. Stay strong's worth it!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      K9, The key is to try and keep busy IN small doses. I once had an ankle reconstruction and was in one of those Moon Boot things for 6 weeks. After a day or so I knew I would go insane just sitting around with this "thing" on my foot! So,as the inside of the house needed painting, I drew up a plan to do one or two walls a day. When I had the MB removed the entire house was done!!
      It must have looked hilarious, me up the ladder with this "boot thing" swinging in every damn direction with a tin of paint in one hand and a brush in the other!! Good Luck!:thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        HI again

        HI Folks,

        I used to come on the site quite alot. Been off and having good episodes of sobriety over the years, but never quite able to kick the habit completely. Feeling my age now and don't want to do this to the kids or my family. Don't want to die young etc. Need some support lately to get back on track.

        I've actually forgotten how to travel around MWO so am browsing around to find my feet again. Can someone remind me how to find the daily tracker? I can't seem to find it again.

        This is day 1 for me! Here's crossing fingers and hoping for the best.


          Newbies Nest

          [QUOTE=jenniech;1520105]hello newbies!!!!

          I have a funny/disturbing story....Tonight at about 8:30pm I got in my car and drove to the gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes (I know, it is a very disgusting habit and I am formulating a plan to quit for good in the very near future - dealing with sobriety first and foremost for now).
          ANYWAY, got to the gas station and a woman who looked a lot like me was walking out of the gas station store with two packs of cigarettes in her hand. She asked me with great alarm if I smelled anything. I said yes, it smells like someone is burning charcoal. She then looks at the gas attendant and says "see, i told you. I am so worried about you. Your mother loves you and she wouldn't want anything to happen to you" He gave me this weird look which I returned because what she said was so strange and then I turned to her and she said to me, "it would be horrible if something bad happened..." then to the gas attendant as she was leaving: "your mama loves you, you know" Needless to say, she was COMPLETELY drunk. She then got in her car and I watched her start to drive away but then she stopped abruptly, jumped out of her car, removed the gas hose from her car, paid the for the gas and then drove away. She started to drive away with the gas pump STILL IN HER CAR.

          I guess that would be funny to watch for most people. For me, it was tragic and disturbing because she reminded me of ME. That would have been me a year ago. She made a complete idiot of herself but she doesn't even know it. I wonder how many times I made an idiot out of myself just like that?

          I am so glad I don't nn, Jenni,That actually happened to me. I didn't know those hoses could stretch that far!! The poor attendant was horrified! Sad really:upset:


            Newbies Nest

            ChickenNumber3;1520139 wrote:

            Can someone remind me how to find the daily tracker? I can't seem to find it again.

            This is day 1 for me! Here's crossing fingers and hoping for the best.
            Hi Chook!

            Do you mean drinktracker? Here's link you can click on Welcome to My Way Out

            Otherwise, scroll down to bottom of any page and click on the drop box which will show all the threads. Drink tracker is on there too.

            Good job on day 1. Keep it going and push through.

            I feel great today. Had a bonza band practice and all is good. My possibilities sober are limitless. There are no limits here, Nutbush or otherwise!

            Day 35. Yo!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks for that Guitarista! I have been looking but no luck finding it so far! I'm actually struggling already with the cravings, have almost given in twice now and thought...ah well, I can start tomorrow! but have come here both times and will lock in the day as Day 1 without right I can't go back on it!
              Feel glum...not sure if it's because I've decided not to drink or just how big the task ahead feels!
              Thanks for the help


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Woke up to overcast skies once again,, rain on the way!

                Welcome back Chook
                You've taken the first step, now jump into the Tool box for lots of great ideas to help you put your plan together!

                3June, you asked why I am still here after all this time, sometimes I ask myself the same question :H
                Mostly I think it's due to GRATITUDE! I am so grateful to be rid of these addictions & I don't ever want to become complacent & forget how bad it all was
                If I can help anyone else on their journey then great!

                Greetings to one & all & wishes for a nice AF Father's Day!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sorry about the broken foot!!!!

                  I'll read back to see if you posted on how THAT happened. Or you can tell the account again if you want.

                  I have not been reading up on everyone's progress lately - have been quite productive (except for the last few days) and was pretty much out of time every day before I could pull in and read. I did alot of "fly-bys", however.

                  Have a safe day everyone.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Seven weeks; still on track!

                    Greetings, Nesters,

                    Welcome to the new Newbies! :welcome:

                    Thanks for the nod, Lavande; I am feeling great! Tess, hope your day and speech went well. Guitarista, keep on rockin' in the AF world!

                    Have just been going over the weekend in my mind. I have laughed a lot - a natural laugh, AF! I'm sure there will still be challenging times ahead, but planning lots of AF activites is proving a good strategy.

                    The prospect of Monday morning doesn't even seem that bad, when I know I wont be feeling ill from drinking!

                    Take care, everyone,
                    AF free since April 29, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning, Nesters!
                      Happy Father's Day to all of those who are of the persuasion. It's been a tougher day than I thought. Gosh, I miss my dad. But in no way will I use that as an excuse to do something stupid. 879 days! If my dad had known I had a problem, he would have been proud that I am facing it head on.
                      There just isn't a good excuse to drink is lethal to me.
                      Go out and enjoy your families today...make it a wonderful, sober day! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        ChickenNumber3;1520199 wrote: Thanks for that Guitarista! I have been looking but no luck finding it so far! I'm actually struggling already with the cravings, have almost given in twice now and thought...ah well, I can start tomorrow! but have come here both times and will lock in the day as Day 1 without right I can't go back on it!
                        Feel glum...not sure if it's because I've decided not to drink or just how big the task ahead feels!
                        Thanks for the help
                        Hi there chickennumber3 you're in the right place. Stay here if that's what it takes. Last night was Saturday night and I was home alone, before I would have sipped away into oblivion, but last night I sat at the computer and talked and listened and read all night. It got me through (that and a lot of sugar). Keep talking, keep checking in, the cravings will ge easier to ignore.
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lavande;1520222 wrote:

                          3June, you asked why I am still here after all this time, sometimes I ask myself the same question :H
                          Mostly I think it's due to GRATITUDE! I am so grateful to be rid of these addictions & I don't ever want to become complacent & forget how bad it all was
                          If I can help anyone else on their journey then great!

                          Greetings to one & all & wishes for a nice AF Father's Day!

                          I'm glad you're still here, you're an inspiration to us all. Thanks!
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            3J, I'm mighty glad Lav is here, too. That poor woman picked my sorry arse up out of a pile for a YEAR!!! She believed in me (for some reason!). That woman got me sober, so there's hope for eva' body!!! She is amazing! xo, b
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all,
                              Off to the nursing home for a fathers day food so cant complain too much.
                              Old doggie is not doing well..he didnt eat breakfast and that is so not like him...we know it is only a matter of time but he looks so sad today.....guess it is time to make some decisions for him..sigh...
                              But today is my birthday and I plan to have some fun...

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Byrdlady;1520271 wrote: Good Morning, Nesters!
                                Happy Father's Day to all of those who are of the persuasion. It's been a tougher day than I thought. Gosh, I miss my dad. But in no way will I use that as an excuse to do something stupid. 879 days! If my dad had known I had a problem, he would have been proud that I am facing it head on.
                                There just isn't a good excuse to drink is lethal to me.
                                Go out and enjoy your families today...make it a wonderful, sober day! Byrdie
                                Dear Byrdie,

                                I am of the persuasion; Happy Father's Day to you, too, sweet fellow Nester. Yes, you do miss your dad, a lot!! That's because you love him so much. Yup, I have no doubt that he would be bursting with pride if he could be with you today. WE are bursting with pride for you!! Wow! To stop drinking after 20 some odd years. Amazing!! And not only that, you've gone on to turn loss into gain by helping others to stop drinking too. Thank you so very much!! :huggy
                                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                                The man pulling radishes
                                pointed the way
                                with a radish. ISSA

