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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters!
    Congrats Rejuve-feels good don't it?
    boobie- sleep is also awonderful achievment,especially when you are deprived huh!
    Tranq- how are those tail feathers boy? Keeping them tidy for the flight?
    Lav- my chicks have both been sneezing madly this morn, some am thinking maybe they are in for a head cold too-urgh! Hope yours is improving! Big hugs!
    Sooty- how is the bus travelling?
    All the rest, keep it up folks!
    Chook *cluck*


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters!

      Chook's up already - geez!
      I hope your girls are OK. I hate to say it but I'm feeling worse today - Boo Hoo! I'm now having chills (too lazy to actually check my temp). I'm sitting here with a hooded sweatshirt on with the hood pulled up - Mr Lav thinks I'm crazy - who cares? The warmth is helping the neck situation too.
      BTW - Sooty has parked the bus & is at the helm of our brand new cruise boat - November Navigators!!
      Drop in when you can

      Hope you enjoyed your golf day Tranq, it was pretty mild here too!

      Rejuve & Boobie, so nice to have you in the nest, hope you're both comfortable. Congrats on your progress - we're moving forward!

      I'm going to say good night, have to renergize for tomorrow!
      Wishing everyone a good night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        evening everyone,

        Lav, sorry you've come down with a bug. Stay warm and dry! I hope it's of a short duration. Hope you have some of that homemade soup left over. I always seem to make enough to feed an army and it's just little ole me here, but the left overs come in handy in times like these.

        Chick, Hope your kids avoid the full blown bug-aroo. Head colds are bad enough on the youngsters (and moms).

        TW, If you can whip up a cajun meal, you can certainly cook soup! Probably one reason I love it, it is so easy.

        Rejuve, sounds like you and your other half are doing well! Congrats.

        Boobie - sweet dreams!

        Time for me to nod off in prep for another week.


          Newbies Nest

          I thought I had posted this before, but perhaps not. I am still drinking wine in the evenings, and I hate it.

          I got a script for Topamax the other day, but I'm waiting until I get all my CDs and supplements from this site before I start. Lest you think that I'm putting this off... please believe me that I'm not. I am SO ready for this transition, but I want to do it all by the book. I want to know that I'm taking the script, the supps and the CDs to make it the most powerful experience possible.

          I'm in Canada, so I have no idea how long it will take for my shipment to arrive. I am praying that it arrives this week and I can get started.

          I must admit that I'm afraid of the side effects of the Topamax. I know that some people don't experience many side effects and I'm hoping that I'm in that category. But it does make me apprehensive. I hate the fact that I might start to speak weirder than I already do! LOL

          In the meantime thank you for your support, thank you Rejeuve for PMing me, and thank you for any insights any of you might have regarding this post.

          I am definitely here for the long haul.



            Newbies Nest

            Good morning everyone, I have been offline for several days - busy end of last week (a good thing) and trying to take advantage of the gorgeous weather to do some much needed outside work over the weekend. It felt good but really made me tired (again - a good thing). Still haven't gone AF, but definitely cut back. I finally wrote down an actual day by day plan from yesterday til Thanksgiving (when I am shooting to be AF). I think it will make me more accountable to myself. Lav - sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope it passes quickly. Rejuv - congrats on your progress!! Have a great day all!


              Newbies Nest

              Morning Nesters,

              Ugh, slept well despite this virus thing........thinking about going back for a while, couldn't hurt! I plan to ingest huge amounts of decaf tea today - that's about it!

              Finding, I will dig through my freezer later - I'm sure there's some soup in there saved for days like this
              Tranq, I love beef, barley, veggie soup too but I have to make my own beef stock....the stuff in the can has way too much sodium. Next time I'm out I pick up some soup bones - yum!

              Annie, welcome, glad you are with us! Find a comfy twig & settle in with us! I understand your desire to want to do the program by the book to increase your chances of success. Just try to keep in mind that we all have to tweak the program a bit to make it work for ourselves. For example, I started the program using no meds or even the supplements. I'm fairly sensitive to all that stuff & didn't want to add any problems. I relied on my own supplements, the CDs and a good plan!

              my song, good for you for making your plan! The upcoming Holidays will present challenges, no doubt but I won't view them as an excuse to drink! I'm am too happy being AF nearly 8 months to mess up now

              Rejuve, you're doing great.......keep going!

              Wishing everyone a great Monday. I'm off to make a huge pot of tea to soothe this sore throat
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Lav I do hope you're feeling better and that you're taking it easy. I know that these viruses are pretty nasty so don't rush to activity, be kind to yourself.
                I'm pleased to say that I'm back on the road to recovery and have been ridiculously busy today and had internet problems so all in all quite stressful!
                Nearly bedtime this end so good luck and love to everyone. Will try and hang around longer tomorrow


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone!

                  Lav, Sooty get well soon!

                  Find, yep, now inspired to get going on the soup front - let's see - boil water 1st, right? Just kidding. I do think good soup is an art-form.

                  Annie - I think it's good to go into this with all the pieces. I waited until I had everything. It kind of made me feel like I was giving myself the best chance.

                  Song, Rejuv's good going on going forward!

                  Take care all.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening Nesters,

                    Hope you are all well & had a good day!
                    I'm kind of pushing myself along, willing these swollen neck glands to go away Won't we all be happy when this virus disappears???

                    Tranq, when I have a bit more energy - we'll discuss soup! One of my favorite topics

                    Sooty, glad you are recovering as well friend!

                    Song & Rejuve, let us know how your day went too.

                    Saying goodnight but the night light is on - as always!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Nesters!
                      Well eldest chickie has a cold, but the second has so far avoided it..but this morning the first sneezed all over the second by accident *cringe*,so I am guessing that won't last too long!
                      Anyhow I am doing okay. Working,housework and general day to day stuff as usual! Day 2 AF-yay!


                        Newbies Nest

                        AF day 5

                        Day 5 alls well....little restless this evening...good thing Mr Rejuve & I are going thru this together...the booze brain misbehavin...seems to be takin turns with us. Mine was talkin to me Sat night...his was talkin to him last night but mine was mine was talking to me again tonight. So I thought I'd just check in here instead, tak an extra then go to bed with a hypno tape!

                        Annie I fully understand wanting all the pieces in place...that's what I did too...I started on the Supps & the tapes when they came in , but I didn't go AF until I had the Topamax on board. So why did you opt to order online rather than get them from a local pharmacy? I know you said had a script from your doctor, did the local pharmacy there in Canada not carry it?

                        Lavande, sure hope you feel better soon. I am a soup person too...whether I am under the weather or not...specially this time of year.

                        Thanks for the support Lav, Finding, MySong ,TW ,Chick....

                        Rejuve :teeter:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone,

                          Lav, I recalled your words several times today when I was filling my prescriptions and wondering if I should wait til I get my CDs and supplements. If you can do it without any support, then I guess I can too.

                          I drank a lot last night and felt gross today, and I just didn't feel like drinking this evening so I didn't. This is good because I often don't feel like drinking, but I do it anyway. Why would I do that to myself?

                          Rejuve, I'm proud of you for reaching Day 5. I'm sure having your husband do it with you is really helping you. I wish I could even tell my husband that I drink too much. He goes to be much earlier than I do and then I play on the computer or do my art with several (big) glasses of wine. He would be shocked if he knew how much I was actually drinking.

                          Rejuve, I did get my Topamax filled here at a pharmacy. I just didn't understand that you could actually go online and order scripts without a doctor's okay. (I know... I do live under a rock sometimes.) My doc wrote me a script for two months of Topamax 25 mg strength and now I'm realizing that a lot of people raise their doseage week by week. I'm going back to see her in a month, so I will talk to her about this then.

                          Tranqwilly, I'm actually wondering if I should pop that first Topamax before I go to bed tonight. I already have one day AF, I think I should just get started and see what happens. The way orders get hung up at the border on their way up to Canada, it could actually be two weeks til I get my supps and CDs.

                          Thank you for all your concern. I appreciate all of your posts.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Annie.

                            Sorry I missed your question - I was busy havng cigarette dreams - thanks Lav. ;} It's on;y been 10 years.

                            But I never used topa. I skipped that one. Hope you slept well anyway. I'm off to work.

                            rake care.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              I woke up feeling much better, thank God & thanks for my Lavan-ittude!!!
                              I hate being sick, I'm not a good patient, ha ha.

                              Chook, congrats on 2 days, that's more like it
                              It's bad when the kids pass colds on to one another.......I remember the Spring they passed 'pink eye' back & forth - yuck!!!! It's all part of the fun of parenting!!!!

                              Rejuve, congrats on 5 days, that's great! Think of how proud you'll feel at 1 week

                              Annie, you just have to go with your gut feeling on this. But challenge yourself a bit, you'll find you have a lot more strength than you ever knew! I knew I had to stop immediately and I did. I used the tools in the Tool box to help get me through those early days. Distracting myself was most helpful! My attatchment to wine was more emotional than anything. I had the break the habit of pouring a glass of wine when I was tired, sad, happy, hungry, as a reward or for any reason!!! It was very intense for the first 4-5 days but got much easier after that especially when I started to realize how much better I felt! No more sloshing thru life with an eternal hangover! I love the feeling of power & control I have now
                              Do what you have to do - we will be here for you!!!!

                              Tranq - 10 years & you'll still plagued with smoking dreams??????? OMG, tell me it ain't so! So many the Nicodemon IS worse than AL............that's harsh, sorry buddy

                              Well, I need to get some work caught up, have been slouching for a few days.........
                              Wishing everyone a great Tuesday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                AnyaPrincess;754010 wrote: Hi everyone,

                                Rejuve, I did get my Topamax filled here at a pharmacy. I just didn't understand that you could actually go online and order scripts without a doctor's okay. (I know... I do live under a rock sometimes.) My doc wrote me a script for two months of Topamax 25 mg strength and now I'm realizing that a lot of people raise their doseage week by week. I'm going back to see her in a month, so I will talk to her about this then.

                                Tranqwilly, I'm actually wondering if I should pop that first Topamax before I go to bed tonight. I already have one day AF, I think I should just get started and see what happens. The way orders get hung up at the border on their way up to Canada, it could actually be two weeks til I get my supps and CDs.


                                Did you read RJ's book, I thought you said you had...but If not it's available in PDF format that you can download to your computer & printout ( it's realtively fast reading I read it in a day)...on page 64 is the topa dose escalation schedule that was used in the study...that's what I took to my doctor along with the study. I intended to increase week by week until I feel I have optimized it's effects...I am guessing that may happen way before 300 mg but am open to waiting, but I left that info with my doctor. Also somewhere on the site you can request a copy of the book to be sent to your doctor if you think she would read it , mine was interested in it.

                                Our supp & CD's came in a few days even though we were told it would be 10 maybe you will have everything in place sooner than you think. Follow you gut though...if your ready then quit...if you need your tools in place to suceed then do what YOU need to do...were all here to support you.


