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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone;

    Happy Birthday to Dottie! Welcome to the New Nesters. And great to see people racking up the days!
    The sugar trap is one to be wary of i think. Have noticed my tendency to sip on sugary drinks of an evening. It's the lesser of two evils, of course, but i would like to lose some of the pounds i've gained over the years. Might have to taper!
    It's currently cold and rainy in the south of Australia, which makes it easier not to think of beer ! Come summer time I'll have racked up seven months AF. (The longest i've been AF for years and years is FOUR MONTHS.)
    Looking forward to enjoying all the things i've missed out on due to noxious drinking!

    Stay well everyone,
    love Steady
    AF free since April 29, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Nesters. Happy Birthday Dottie. Welcome all New Newbies. Hope everyone is still kicking goals. 40 days here,with a very small slip weeks ago! If anyone had said you will be af for 40 days I would have laughed at them.40 years of heavy drinking and here I am sober and feeling good Would not have been able to do it with out you guys.... thanks :nutso:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters

        Starting my week with a dark & damp day - oh well!
        I'll turn on all the lights & just pretend it's a nice Monday morning :H

        Moni, nice to see you & Congrats on your 7 months AF :yay:
        I picked up a bit of a sugar habit when I first quit too. You can knock it back with some L-Glutamine. I didn't take it long but it did help

        Hi Steady & hadit! Greetings to everyone & wishes for a great AF Monday for all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          STEADFAST;1520237 wrote: Greetings, Nesters,

          Welcome to the new Newbies! :welcome:

          Thanks for the nod, Lavande; I am feeling great! Tess, hope your day and speech went well. Guitarista, keep on rockin' in the AF world!

          Have just been going over the weekend in my mind. I have laughed a lot - a natural laugh, AF! I'm sure there will still be challenging times ahead, but planning lots of AF activites is proving a good strategy.

          The prospect of Monday morning doesn't even seem that bad, when I know I wont be feeling ill from drinking!

          Take care, everyone,

          Hi Steady,

          I enjoy your posts and appreciate the way that you try to include everyone. Thank you!!

          Yup, a natural laugh feels so much better than a drunken, always too loud
          laugh. I find it kind of difficult now to listen to a group of intoxicated people talking too much, laughing too loudly, and staggering to the restroom far too often... :bonkers:

          I hope your Monday is/was every bit a good as you had anticipated. It's awesome to be free from those miserable morning hangovers, yes?

          Keep up the good work!!

          Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

          The man pulling radishes
          pointed the way
          with a radish. ISSA


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesties and welcome to you Genetics - you're in a warm cosy place here, so have a read of Lavantes' links and hit the ground running.

            Well today is my little baby boy's 19th Birthday! Can't believe how time flies. Anyway, he had work today starting at 7.00am and usually walks 2 miles to and from work, so I felt very proud to be able to offer him a lift (admittedly it was a bit of an effort to haul myself out of bed at 6.30am, but sober as a Lord!) It's funny how it is the little pleasures of being sober that mean the most.
            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone,glad to read all posts sorry finn for your loss,l understand that pain,snapdragon feels good not to be the one being obnoxious and loud,l am happy to be the clear eyed girl all night,l recently had a party given to me and my hubby for our 25 th anniversary and l felt great ,lt was funny watching people as they got drunk,most of the group of 20 didn't drink much ,once they came back to my house they had coffee a few had wine,was a great night,l felt great in the morning,love not being hung over anymore,yay!!! So far my holidays are a success,l even cleaned my large clothes closet yesterday,my hubby even helped,that would of never happened after staying up till 230 am ,but no wine and now l feel fine!!! It is getting better all the time lm now day 78 and am not crying all the time,will see how l handle my trip back home for a week,everyone have a great week!!! No alcohol and clear headed!!


                Newbies Nest

                Lavande;1520535 wrote:
                I picked up a bit of a sugar habit when I first quit too. You can knock it back with some L-Glutamine. I didn't take it long but it did help

                Hi Lav what is it and can I get it at the Health Food Store?
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  genetics;1520434 wrote: first post..after many tries..hate computers..want to reduce alcohol but have been drinking everynite since my boyfriend passed 3 years ago still go to work that is suppose to mean i function ok.. want to taper off..have gained soooo much weight..look like a f---g unhealthy
                  Hi genetics so sorry for your loss. I think when we go to work and others aren't seeing us drink we get away with it for longer. Also it makes it easier to convince ourselves we don't have a problem because "real alcoholics" live in the street and don't work, or something like that.

                  Good for you in deciding its time to really look at yourself and for overcoming your hatred of computers. You might find hanging around here helps your computer skills as well as your coping skills!
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning, Nesters! I hope everyone made it thru the Father's Day weekend celebrations unscathed.

                    Tess, I've been meaning to ask how did your commencement speech go? I'd have had to wear a couple of Depends and lip synch it. I don't do public speaking!! I'm so proud of you for graduating at the very top of your class! That is an amazing accomplishment.

                    You know that's something I see in common with many of us here, we are high achievers with good skills and resources. The more I learn about ALK'm the less ashamed I am about being an ALK. Correction, a recovering ALK. It really can happen to anyone....but getting yourself out of it takes another level of commitment...coming here is a really great first step.

                    Make it a great week everyone! The world is our oyster!! Don't let AL take one more day of your life!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Mornin' Byrdie,

                      I've read/heard that given a choice between public speaking and death, most folks would choose death. I'm not typical "public speaker material," if there is such an animal. Or at least I certainly don't see myself in that light. I've always been good at memorization (which, I believe, is how I made it through school half-wasted), so I put my speech to memory. Every word of it. And then I practiced it over and over, using tone of voice and body language that sounded and looked natural, not rehearsed. Finally, when the time came, I focused on the audience rather than myself. I tried to look at individuals and look from one side of the assembly and back, then back again, slowly and n-a-t-u-r-a-l-l-y. I didn't take notes to the podium as I was concerned that I would just read the darn thing. The topic of my speech was HOPE, and I had plenty to say about that! When I got off stage I realized that I was soaked with sweat. Happily, I did not wet my pants!! :yes2:

                      Thanks for asking, Byrdie. I meant to keep quiet about it. But sometimes I start writing on NN and end up spilling my guts (so to speak). ops!:
                      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                      The man pulling radishes
                      pointed the way
                      with a radish. ISSA


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh, and you're absolutely right, Byrdie, Alcoholism is an equal opportunity life destroyer. Any and All are invited to the death march.

                        None of us should take the disease of alcoholism lightly or assume that other people (certainly not us!!) are alcoholics. WE are alcoholics. And we must choose to walk away from the bottle or ultimately die.

                        Hope is here. Hope is now. It is up to us to choose it. :chick:
                        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                        The man pulling radishes
                        pointed the way
                        with a radish. ISSA


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Snap I hope you are hanging in there. Great job on your speech Tess.
                          Bcp I know how you feel. I too have been getting a lot more accomplished. I feel so much better with out all of that poison in me lately. We went on my first road trip af. It was challenging but I made it through by using some of the things I have learned from the mwo team. Urge surfing (the hangover lasts a lot longer then the urge) is just one of them.
                          I am learning so many useful things here. Thanks everyone!
                          Have a great Monday. :H
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            hello everyone,

                            wish I could say its a great day but it is not. Drank this
                            WE and today. Sick and tired of hubs acting like a saint, all he does is down grademe. tell me how bad I am as a mother and a wife, not once owning up to his faults. He berates me for drinking all the while he is a dry drunk. How do I explain that?

                            I'm sorry for letting ya'll down and myself. But not gonna let him bring me to death.
                            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                              Newbies Nest

                              JDG, I have learned that the only thing/person I can control is myself. You will spend a lifetime trying to change others or make them see something... (got the tee shirt for that one). Like they say in air travel, secure your mask first before assisting others. Leading by example is the most powerful expression there is, IMHO. Lav does it....she absolutely walks the walk. So rather than trying to cram an idea down hubs' throat, just get and stay sober and it all will be a short conversation. I have found that being sober hushes up a lot of nay-sayers. Some people just have an easier time of quitting than others, that's just the way it is...Lav got it on her first try and I got it on my 99th (give or take). So there's no one right way to accomplish the goal, but the same rules apply. Not one, not ever! I'm so sorry you are having troubles. We will help any way we can! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                i am still bummed about fathers day.

                                i thought when it was over i would feel better, but not.


