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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Beau - and a very warm welcome to you :welcome:

    You've come to a great place - we are all in the same boat here - have struggled with alcohol and are all at different stages in our journey of sobriety. Some long timers who have been alcohol-free for several years like our lovely Lavande, Brydie and K9 - lots like myself who have managed to rack up two or three months and some who are achieving a few days at a time. None of us will judge you - and we will all try to help and support you.

    Read through some of the posts and get to know people a bit. Use the Toolbox (I think Brydie gave you the link on your other thread) and make a plan of what you want to do and how you are going to do it.

    There are supplements that you can take such as L-Glutamine (an amino acid which body builders take and you can buy at most health stores) and Kidzu (also from health stores) which help to reduce alcohol cravings.

    First of all take a deep breath - however bad things feel right now, than can get much better with a bit of work and a lot of determination. Here's a big hug to get you started :l
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters, it's day 16 and a gorgeous day here in Toronto. I am feeling pretty empowered these days. No booze in the house, the headaches are subsiding, I have a plan in place for this weekend and the cravings are getting easier to ignore. Thanks for always being there and showing me that being AF can be fun. I think I was afraid that anyone who didn't drink wasn't fun. You proved that theory wrong!
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        Much to do today...glad I didn't drink last night....was not so sure at the time but a win is a win....
        Going to look around this house to see if there are any items we can add to the auction..need to de clutter and get rid of things I have not used and don't need....we shall see

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          I am glad, also DOTTIE

          nice morning here, too



            Newbies Nest


            welcome and hang on. the folks here are helpful, fun loving and are here for you. somtiomes it might take a few minutes, or hours. but we are all here.


              Newbies Nest


              I kinda went AWOL for a few days. I didn't think I should be posting here, as I went away for a few days to a running event, and knew that I would drink beer at it. And I did. But I had a fabulously fun time, running about with 170 other peeps in red dresses. What an event!!! However, I do fear my little wagon is dragging behind me quite a bit, and I need to jump back on it before I lose track of it complete. So I shall start again, and visit and post. I need this site if I am going to succeed at any AF time!!!

              Greetings to all the newest newbies!! And congrats to all you who are having such fabulous AF time. (a bit jealous here - I was really feeling so good for a while there!!!)

              xoxo peanut


                Newbies Nest

                DottieBelle and Jenniech- I can totally sympathize w stress and anxiety making u want to drink. My children and I were on a vacation w my parents and my mom (62) fell on the dock while I was getting the kids ready to go to the beach... We rode our bikes and looked for her...until the kids ran down the dock and we found her in the marsh face down... I jumped in... Screaming - u can only imagine. This was 2 1/2 years ago... I also had to sell my moms house- the one I grew up in... Sell her business to my half brother- very stressful. My dad is not able to do these things. My mom and I were best friends. This process is very difficult as you know.. I have probably has alcohol problems since Inhad my second child- something shifted in me.. Inhad quit my job to stay home.. I hated it... Needless to say I would self medicate.. Until recently . I have not drank for 3 days. I am super stressed bc my step dad is dying.. I really wanted to get a drink at lunch . But I used something I learned in the tool box....saing" I Don't Drink" myself. It really helped . And I am taking Antabuse. We all have stress... Some more than others- but just not drinking for 3 days means a lot to me.


                  Newbies Nest


                  beau;1521014 wrote: hi there, i was directed here. im trying to stop drinking and having a really hard time...please help
                  Beau- I am trying also. I feel a lot of support here! So will you. Just one day at a time.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nester's,

                    Welcome Beau! Congratulations on 3 days alcohol free Kohl mom. That is a huge achievement in our world. Well done and keep it going friend.

                    Niner, is it true you sometimes have a pic of me as your screen saver?

                    Think positive all. Kick some arse in your own way.

                    Day 38.!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Newbies Nest

                      Wow Kohl mom I can so relate....3 days is great....
                      I know I didnt learn very good coping skills early on so I too used alcohol to self medicate and cope...
                      Glad we are all in this together..

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Nesters.
                        We have all heard it before, but has one single thing ever improved because we drank? Has one moment of sorrow lessoned, or any job stress relieved? Isn't it all right back there and worse after we drink? A BIG part of this journey (bigger than I ever imagined, really) is learning how to cope with life. There will always be a crisis or a party or a ______. We, as ALK's have to adapt ourselves to that and not expect it the other way around. That's why it's so important to have a solid PLAN. You have to decide that drinking isn't an option. How do I respond to such and such when it occurs? All you have to do is ask us, we'll help you come up with a plan for whatever it is. Really, just do a search for it and you will find more than you can even read.

                        I know everyone gets tired of hearing it, but there's no substitute for your PLAN. Set yourself up for success!

                        Have a safe, cozy and AF night in the nest!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello peanut just dust the dirt off your feet and pick yourself up
                          Hello everyone else sorry been away but back again


                            Newbies Nest

                            Byrdlady;1521134 wrote: Hey Nesters.
                            We have all heard it before, but has one single thing ever improved because we drank? Has one moment of sorrow lessoned, or any job stress relieved? Isn't it all right back there and worse after we drink? A BIG part of this journey (bigger than I ever imagined, really) is learning how to cope with life. There will always be a crisis or a party or a ______.

                            Quoted for truth!

                            I have my own 'crisis' happening at the moment. And in the days and weeks to come it will likely entail me having to make a conscious decision to drink or not drink. (Short story, mum has Alzheimer's and is finally going into full-time nursing home care in the next couple of days....Stepdad is beside himself with guilt and grief). They live a few hours away, but I will be visiting either this weekend or the next, both to see my mum and to help my stepdad come to terms with this life change. He is a big drinker and will expect me to share the sorrow over a few bottles of wine. And in some ways, it's actually a big temptation, and I'd feel JUSTIFIED in having a drink or five.

                            But you know what? This isn't about me
                            . This isn't some cosmic plot to snare me into breaking my vow to myself to not drink. It's really not about drinking, yet that was the first thing that entered my head when told about the decision. How will *I* cope with all the stuff ahead?

                            And of course, drinking isn't going to help me cope at all. Drinking is not going to make all the sadness go away. Drinking is not going to restore my mum to her former glory, nor alleviate the heartbreak of my stepdad. All it's going to do is make me feel shitty and shamed that I drank. That's it.

                            Yeah, it's going to be hard, but it will be much harder if I drink. Why would I will that upon myself?

                            kambob...oh, and my sig line (courtesy of K9) is REALLY APPROPRIATE HERE!! :thanks:
                            Remember: A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you'd drank the night before. (Thank you K9Lover)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Kohl Mom, 3 days is outstanding! All the AL is out of your system and you are operating under your own power! Next goal is 7 days, then Jennie will give you a prize!! You are doing great and we're so glad you are here.
                              Beau, great to see you, too! Hope you had a good, peaceful day.
                              Dot Belle, wonderful to see you!!! Getting everything sorted out, that's good!! It will all come together or be right there waiting for you! Is this Day 2?
                              G man, Last Straw, good to see you strong and healthy!!
                              Hope everyone else is hanging in there! K9, hope your foot is doing better!! Did your daughter come home early to help you or are you going it alone? Where's Diablo when you need her?
                              Hey Kambob....thinking of you and wishing you strength!!
                              Hugs to all, B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                kohl mom: that is fantastic!! I don't drink either
                                I just won't anymore

