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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Tuesday to you all!

    Things are going ok here, I guess. Pretty calm around here, which is a good thing. I've been working for my parents. Painting the inside of their house. One thing, it keeps me occupied. I don't really have the option to drink. But then on the other hand, it puts money in my pocket.

    Oh, hey Chook- the best weather I ever see are tornadoes. I'm in central Arkansas though, so it's pretty common. Some of it's really scary to me, but it's always spectacular.
    I am not a cucumber!


      Newbies Nest

      Morning flock,

      Hi Prpl, sounds like you are staying busy! It?s amazing how quickly a bit of money can add up when you don?t spend it on alcohol.

      Mysong, good to see you checking in. We had gorgeous weather this past weekend and I really didn?t get out and enjoy it, glad you did! I found it very useful to write out specific goals, to explore personal triggers and explicit ways of dealing with them. Writing about my drinking is therapeutic. I think I take a lot of the positive energy that is shared by folks here and fine-tune it a bit for my own specific needs.

      TW, oh you wanted GOOD soup! Boiling water ? well the family recipe is no longer a secret I guess.

      Rejuve, I pop an L-glut too now and then when the urge is strongest. It really does help, and of course reading here, and of course just going to bed. Can?t drink in our sleep despite what some of the crazy dreams have us believing.

      Hey Chick, (a.k.a. goofy girl!) hard to keep one kid healthy when the other is sick. I guess the up side is they?re building up immunity? Trying to find something beneficial here, but it may be a stretch!

      Annie, I used to drink even when I felt like crap from the previous night, too. Really amazing what we put ourselves through isn?t it. I am much more aware of how my body feels these days and treat it gently. Tea in the evening is so much easier on the tummy, and everything else. I went AF before I got the cds, but I did have supplements. You can always pick up some L-glut and vitamins to help you get started while you?re waiting for the package. No advice on the Topomax, but if you have any questions about it just call your Dr. and double check on recommended doses. Good luck!

      Hey Lav, glad you?re on the mend!

      Off to work. Have a good day all.


        Newbies Nest

        RejuvenateBodyMindandSpirit;754236 wrote: Annie,

        Did you read RJ's book, I thought you said you had...but If not it's available in PDF format that you can download to your computer & printout ( it's realtively fast reading I read it in a day)...on page 64 is the topa dose escalation schedule that was used in the study...that's what I took to my doctor along with the study. I intended to increase week by week until I feel I have optimized it's effects...I am guessing that may happen way before 300 mg but am open to waiting, but I left that info with my doctor. Also somewhere on the site you can request a copy of the book to be sent to your doctor if you think she would read it , mine was interested in it.

        Our supp & CD's came in a few days even though we were told it would be 10 maybe you will have everything in place sooner than you think. Follow you gut though...if your ready then quit...if you need your tools in place to suceed then do what YOU need to do...were all here to support you.

        Hi Rejuve,

        Yes, I did read the book. I printed out the pdf format and took it with me to the doctor when I went. I offered to leave it with her to read, but she said it would take up too much time. I understand that; they must have so many people giving them articles to read. I didn't mention the escalation schedule; I was feeling so overwhelmed with getting this entire issue off my chest, that I forgot a couple of things. Oh well, I can do that next time.

        I did take my first Topamax last night, and I feel like a million dollars this morning. Amazing how just one night of abstaining from AL makes you feel.

        I'm hoping and praying that my order arrives ahead of schedule too.

        What kind of an exercise program are you and your husband doing?



          Newbies Nest

          FindingMyself;754280 wrote: Morning flock,

          Hi Prpl, sounds like you are staying busy! It?s amazing how quickly a bit of money can add up when you don?t spend it on alcohol.

          Mysong, good to see you checking in. We had gorgeous weather this past weekend and I really didn?t get out and enjoy it, glad you did! I found it very useful to write out specific goals, to explore personal triggers and explicit ways of dealing with them. Writing about my drinking is therapeutic. I think I take a lot of the positive energy that is shared by folks here and fine-tune it a bit for my own specific needs.

          TW, oh you wanted GOOD soup! Boiling water ? well the family recipe is no longer a secret I guess.

          Rejuve, I pop an L-glut too now and then when the urge is strongest. It really does help, and of course reading here, and of course just going to bed. Can?t drink in our sleep despite what some of the crazy dreams have us believing.

          Hey Chick, (a.k.a. goofy girl!) hard to keep one kid healthy when the other is sick. I guess the up side is they?re building up immunity? Trying to find something beneficial here, but it may be a stretch!

          Annie, I used to drink even when I felt like crap from the previous night, too. Really amazing what we put ourselves through isn?t it. I am much more aware of how my body feels these days and treat it gently. Tea in the evening is so much easier on the tummy, and everything else. I went AF before I got the cds, but I did have supplements. You can always pick up some L-glut and vitamins to help you get started while you?re waiting for the package. No advice on the Topomax, but if you have any questions about it just call your Dr. and double check on recommended doses. Good luck!

          Hey Lav, glad you?re on the mend!

          Off to work. Have a good day all.
          Hi FM!

          Thanks for the suggestion about the supplements. That was my plan today... to get to the health store and get some L-Glutamine and some L-Theanine to tide me over. I did try kudzu at one point several months ago, and that did nothing for me. According to the store on this site though, a lot of the strengths in the health store aren't strong enough to really help.



            Newbies Nest

            Walking to the Music

            AnyaPrincess;754355 wrote: Hi Rejuve,

            Yes, I did read the book. I printed out the pdf format and took it with me to the doctor when I went. I offered to leave it with her to read, but she said it would take up too much time. I understand that; they must have so many people giving them articles to read. I didn't mention the escalation schedule; I was feeling so overwhelmed with getting this entire issue off my chest, that I forgot a couple of things. Oh well, I can do that next time.

            I did take my first Topamax last night, and I feel like a million dollars this morning. Amazing how just one night of abstaining from AL makes you feel.

            I'm hoping and praying that my order arrives ahead of schedule too.

            What kind of an exercise program are you and your husband doing?

            This time of year...I walk to music around the track at the rec center Mr Rejuve rides the stationary bike listening to his audio books for 30 minutes...we both have IPOD nanos, nicer weather he rides a real bike & I walk the trails in neighborhood 3 x a week. Then twice a week we do strength training on the nautilus eqipment at the rec's only a mile from the house...I need to exercise when I first get up...that's kind of my thing. If it doesn't happen at the beginning of my day it doesn't happen. I know people who make it a habit at the end of their work day, but that doen't work for me.

            I posted an article in the Focus on Fitness forums: Music to exercise to
            with the songs I use to make playlists that I can pace my walking to make it fun.



              Newbies Nest

              Hi All.

              Lav, I honestly cannot ever remember having a cigarette dream before last night! This was really minor in the dream - I somehow spotted a pack of Parliments (never smoked that brand) and noting the price is $1.53. The rest of the dream was about a group of kids and parents at a football game eating italian beef sandwiches with "peppers so hot it'll put hair on your toes"! There was a goofy joke in there about eating enough peppers so you won't need fuzzy slippers at night. How weird is that for someone who never remembers dreams?

              Find, - lol - good one on the 'secret family recipe'! -- sounds like your journal is becoming a good friend!

              Annie, congrats on taking the plunge - glad you feel great today! I think Lav hit it right on - for me this mostly in my head - and this site, the supps, cds gave me the opportunity to find my will to change. I'm still working on it - nothing good happens overnight. So be patient and be good to yourself.

              By the way, I think any kind of exercise is good. Simply walking is a great place to start if you're not doing anything, and you can work-up to higher levels of activity from there.

              Prpl, Rejuve's, Chooks, Sooty, Lav, everyone hello from here! Keep up the good work!

              Take care!
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                TranqWilly;754539 wrote: Hi All.

                Lav, I honestly cannot ever remember having a cigarette dream before last night! This was really minor in the dream - I somehow spotted a pack of Parliments (never smoked that brand) and noting the price is $1.53. The rest of the dream was about a group of kids and parents at a football game eating italian beef sandwiches with "peppers so hot it'll put hair on your toes"! There was a goofy joke in there about eating enough peppers so you won't need fuzzy slippers at night. How weird is that for someone who never remembers dreams?

                Find, - lol - good one on the 'secret family recipe'! -- sounds like your journal is becoming a good friend!

                Annie, congrats on taking the plunge - glad you feel great today! I think Lav hit it right on - for me this mostly in my head - and this site, the supps, cds gave me the opportunity to find my will to change. I'm still working on it - nothing good happens overnight. So be patient and be good to yourself.

                By the way, I think any kind of exercise is good. Simply walking is a great place to start if you're not doing anything, and you can work-up to higher levels of activity from there.

                Prpl, Rejuve's, Chooks, Sooty, Lav, everyone hello from here! Keep up the good work!

                Take care!
                TW... I think this is "mostly in my head" too! I know at times I really WANT a glass of wine because my body craves it... but a lot of other times, it's just that emotionally I want it. I'm not sure how to sort that out, but I guess I'll give it time. I have nothing but time, right?

                I did go to the health store today and got some L-Glut and... what was the other one? LOL The L-something that is good for anxiety.

                I'm not sure if it's because I've been drinking too much for the past four years, or if I'm just getting older but I sure have a tough time remembering things these days. L-Creatinine? Is that it?

                Thank you so much everyone for being here. It's so nice to have a place to check in where I feel that people care.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters!

                  Looks like we had a pretty good day around the nest - that's nice!

                  prpl, glad to see you. By all means, save that cash for something special for yourself I'm finding quite a bit of cash myself these days due to my two quits this year. I've been spoiling my grandson - makes me happy!

                  Annie, glad you found what you needed. I'm 55 & I don't remember anything........ha, ha don't worry about it

                  Rejuve, I trust you had another successful day!!

                  Tranq - buddy, that dream you described........are you sure you weren't smoking something before you went to bed last night
                  That was hysterical - just as goofy as the dreams I've been having. I wonder how long it's been since smokes cost $1.53 anyway????

                  Well, I'm closing down my end of the nest but the night light will be on as always!!
                  Have a safe night one & all.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    RejuvenateBodyMindandSpirit;754405 wrote: This time of year...I walk to music around the track at the rec center Mr Rejuve rides the stationary bike listening to his audio books for 30 minutes...we both have IPOD nanos, nicer weather he rides a real bike & I walk the trails in neighborhood 3 x a week. Then twice a week we do strength training on the nautilus eqipment at the rec's only a mile from the house...I need to exercise when I first get up...that's kind of my thing. If it doesn't happen at the beginning of my day it doesn't happen. I know people who make it a habit at the end of their work day, but that doen't work for me.

                    I posted an article in the Focus on Fitness forums: Music to exercise to
                    with the songs I use to make playlists that I can pace my walking to make it fun.

                    Thanks for letting me know there is a fitness forum. I don't usually get overwhelmed easily, but this entire quitting drinking thing with allt he forums and meds and supplements ... I feel like I'm drowning in here sometimes. I will check that out too.

                    I live in the mountains and even walking down my driveway is a trek. I need to drive to flat land in order to enjoy walking... or else I'll have to get my hubs to get my ol' faithful treadmill out of storeage. But I know walking is a good place to start.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Lav.

                      "are you sure you weren't smoking something before you went to bed last night"

                      LoL! I swear! It must've been the ice cream!

                      I'm going to bed lmao tonight!

                      Good night all! Sweet dreams!
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Yohoooooooooo! I'm still alive! :H

                        Omigosh, I am so busy right now, I almost work around the clock I actually did pull sort of an all-nighter last Friday. Hence, no time to check in here. Thankfully, with so much work on my plate, THAT thought doesn't even surface Silver lining, eh?

                        I found a place to board Miss Sophie for the winter *phew* - as a matter of fact, I'll be moving her there on Saturday. Wish me luck with the trailer issue.

                        I honestly haven't got a clue when I'll be able to check in again more regularly, just know I'm thinking of all of you - be good, be well, and stay sober! :l
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Nite All

                          Thanks, Lav, yes number 6...tomorrow makes a full week AF...woohoo!



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone , Just stopping by to give some:l's ~ Hope everyone is Happy&Healthy

                            Non Drinker 9/09
                            Non Smoker 6/09
                            Tennis Anyone ?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              A quick hello from me - I have an early appointment today!

                              I don't know Tranq - I've never heard of ice cream induced dreams before...........they say you are what you eat

                              Sunni, so good to see you! We've missed you! Being busy can be a blessing, in so many ways (I know it keeps me out of trouble). Good luck getting Ms Sophie into the trailer - I remember that being a big issuse in the past

                              Hi to Em & Rejuve - have a great day!

                              I'll be back later!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening Nesters!
                                Just a quick fly-by before ragged today! Busy at work, then busy with the wee chicks! Loren still has the cold & dani's eczema is flaring and now I have a scratchy throat..urgh! But otherwise, a busy but good day! Mr.Chook made me seafood pizza,which always makes for a lovely Wed night fest. We ate it out on the patio watching the kids & dogs play and the thunder storm roll in from the East! Nice balmy night.But now am tired! A few drinks tonight, but nothing big! Glad I don't even feel like making it a big one!
                                Be well everyone and happy!

