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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Remember, AL does not make anything better, it just makes things worse.

    Wishing everyone an AF Monday..
    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks Sam its good to be back.
      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning all. I actually slept pretty well, but had weird dreams. I got up and make myself breakfast, ham and eggs. I apologize, but as I was reading, one of you posted about high protein/low carb helps with the cravings and getting back on track. That hit home with me. Last year I changed my diet and eliminated bread and pasta and potatoes :upset: All the things I loved. I found a noodle that is very low in carbs and it's okay, I replaced my bread with a product called CocoPops, they look like a big rice cake, but again, low in carb. Unfortunately, I had to give up potatoes. I did eat lentils and canellini beans and would even make goulash for my kids, just didn't add the pasta and let them scoop it on their plate and I just ate the peppers, onions and beef. I was surprised how well I felt and I lost almost 35lbs. During Thanksgiving, I caved and at stuffing and mashed potatoes and it was so long low carb. I began to have just a couple of chips, a few doritos, some cookies and then I started in with the beer. I had enough control to stick out those first few weeks of that low carb and did not drink. I need to reach back in my buckets and find that same resolve again and get going with it. I also was working out and actually liking it. I'm not a fruit person but I love almost any veggie so I just incorporated it into each meal. My one downfall was that I replaced the drinking beer with drinking diet soda and was having just as many as those as I was the beer, of course I couldn't sleep.:H It made sense since I was downing 16-20 diet coke zero's to make up for the beer. I eventually switched to only having a couple of diet sodas and seltzer water with pure cranberry concentrate in it.

        So, today is my day one and around 6pm, I think, it will be 24 hours AF.
        I also begin taking the topa again, but that takes around a week to kick in for me before I go up....just as I started my latest binge.

        Anyway, thank you all for listening and if anyone has any advice on how to stay focused, besides these boards, please offer. I also saw that Lav had mentioned Amoryn, not sure what that is, but I am looking it up. Also, someone else mentioned Gabrielle Bernstein on Youtube, I will definitely watch that.

        Again, I am completely alone this week until late Saturday night, so please keep me in your prayers and if you feel I need a kick in the ass, please do so.:thanks:



          Newbies Nest

          Yesterday was day 7 and doing so good. Hubby and I stopped to watch the sunset and thought we could order a virgin margarita well they were premade and had al in them. We thought no big deal since we were really jsut wine drinkers....well needless to say it didn't go well. 2 margaritas made us weak and then 2 glasses of wine later. So back to day one today with the understanding that we can't have any type of AL in our system.


            Newbies Nest

            Daily wine I think a lot of people need a few day ones to make it stick. It's nice your husband is on board, together you can remind each other of the pitfalls.
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Newbies Nest

              Oh Brydie - I do love your posts - 'Quacking like a Duck' made me laugh out loud - you funny lady As always - fantastic advice and one that I will be personally taking on board.

              On the subject of facing up to being an Alkie- there is a DJ and TV presenter in the UK called Zoe Ball (not sure if you have heard of her in your parts of the world) but she has openly talked about the fact that she (and her husband - also celebrity called Fat Boy Slim) had massive alcohol problems and she finally realised that they HAD to give up drinking and has now been sober for quite a few years. She was chatting on the radio about what she drinks at parties as an AF option - and I thought to myself, if someone who is so in the public eye and has so much to lose can stand up and say 'hey, I'm an alcoholic and don't drink any more' then surely I can admit the same - at least to my close family and friends.

              Happy Monday everyone and hope your cravings stay away today!!
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all,
                I am so dreading going back to folks house to wade through more stuff...this is becoming a major chore for me...I am procrastinating big time..sigh....I know this must be done and there is NO ONE but me to do this...aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello, Nesters

                  I've been away from MWO for a couple days for the most part and started thinking about what for me has been key to successfully avoiding AL -- daily reading and posting, usually more than once per day. It has crossed my mind that maybe I shouldn't be such a big mouth and post so much... maybe I should back away and pay more attention to some other aspects of this new and awesome AF life... but a nagging voice in my head pulls me back... don't mess with success!

                  Then, I see people who post, have some success, disappear for awhile, and come back and start again. In some cases this is over a matter of days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months. Some people have returned after years of sobriety. It is wonderful not to give up and to try again! But I have to believe that all of us here just want to be free - to be able to stop counting the days and instead, to make each of our full and rich AF days count.

                  But the thing I see in common among people who return is that there is a quiet period before the decision to drink where s/he did not post. Maybe s/he was reading and that is good, but I don't think it is enough.

                  Posting questions, supporting others, actively engaging in what it means to live an AF life seems to be critical if you are going to use an online forum to break your addiction. If you aren't interested in posting, perhaps face-to-face meetings would be a better format. Some people use both.

                  There undoubtedly are people who beat this addiction using MWO, leave the forum, and go on to live happy, productive AF lives. But of course, we don't see those people. The successful people we have as models here in the Newbies Nest like Byrdie and Lav (and there are several others in other threads) post very regularly -- most of them post daily. Even when not working on getting free, they stay connected
                  with the people who know them and what they have accomplished.

                  I don't know much about AA or other in-person recovery programs but I do know they encourage you to continue attending meetings - forever
                  ! When I think about that, and see the examples here of successful people who continue to reach out and help others (and thereby help themselves stay committed to the path they are on), I can't help but conclude that to succeed you have to actively participate and on an online forum, that means to post.

                  Love, NS


                    Newbies Nest

                    NS I always appreciate your post! I am staying close by and sharing the info with my hubby. I know we slipped yesterday so now we know that we can't have anything and today is a new day. He is being very hard on himself as that is the longest he has ever gone AF.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you Tess & June!

                      Brydie, I needed to hear this. I think Ive read your post about 10 times. THANK YOU! Your wisdom and knowledge is an inspiration for us all

                      , how accurate are you always! I havent been on here long but in 2 failed attempts to be AF, it was YOU who gave me the extra push to become more active in MWO and accountable for my actions. You have been here for me every step of the way, and by no means want you to feel any pressure to continue to, but I do want you to know what an integral part of this process your presence has been You are truly an angel.

                      So, I have been posting on my own thread ( but since joining the newbies nest yesterday, I thought I would add it here as well. This is a bigger forum and in these initial stages, all the feedback adds to my determination.

                      Today is day 8 and I feel like relaxing. Ive been laying around in bed since I awoke, reading the 'tool box' and listening to another one of my favorite motivational speakers. I dont seem to have much energy and its almost as if my body is saying it needs a break, some time to absorb all the positive changes and settle. There is a sense of peace and tranquility inside of me that is quite indescribable.

                      Has anyone ever experienced this in the beginning stages of being AF? Wow. For the first time, I am thankful Im not working and realizing becoming AF is my new job until things start in the fall.

                      I feel refreshed and connected with my mind and body. Im also starting to feel like Im finding my soul (Tess
                      , thank you for that reminder ) Embracing this beautiful emotion.

                      Hope everyone is having a good start to their Monday!


                        Newbies Nest

                        LS33 its awesome how you are feeling. I was feeling like that yesterday and so proud and then I messed it all up. Of course today Im not feeling gret but looking forward to the days ahead. Keep up the good work!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesties!

                          I'm sorry to hear of those struggling. Just remember that few (if any) of us got this own the first (or fiftieth) try. The important thing is to never quit quitting. I promise it will stick eventually...don't give up before it happens. It's sooo worth it. You will never regret quitting drinking.

                          I went to the podiatrist today...I'm looking at 10 weeks of no walking. Out of work until August 2nd at least. At 6 weeks they will x-ray and determine if its healing...if not, surgery time. This really simple little misstep and look what happens...

                          Anyway...hang in there guys and if the butt Velcro isn't strong enough...super glue your butt to the Nest!

                          Now get out there and do your best friend! :H
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Oh wow. That's a long time, K9.

                            What do you plan to use the time?


                              Newbies Nest

                              There's not much I CAN do...absolutely NO WEIGHT on my foot for 10 stinking weeks. Movies, books, you have any other suggestions? I am almost at my wits end...already!!
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                K9Lover;1523432 wrote: S-
                                There's not much I CAN you have any other suggestions?

                                One-foot skipping? :H

                                Morning Nesters. Still winter here, cold and dark, although the solstice has passed so it's upwards all the way now. Seriously, I think stopping drinking during winter has been a lifesaver for me: I can hibernate and get myself strong before having to go out in the big, wide world to test my new skills.

                                Of course, being a solitary
                                drinker I used to love winter for different meant I could go to bed drunk as soon as it got dark! Much harder during Daylight Saving time when passing out in bed with the sun still high in the sky.

                                Still truckin'. This sober thing is getting to be a bloody habit now. :H
                                Remember: A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you'd drank the night before. (Thank you K9Lover)

