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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    LostSoul33;1523818 wrote: Hi all!
    Hope everyone is having a great AF Tuesday.

    ...You see when I would drink at home alone, my evil twin would come out....

    Dear LS33,

    I'm nearly certain that everyone who drinks without constraint finds their evil twin. I certainly did!! My twin was not as much of a b*tch as a sneaky little devil. My drunken self wove a complex web of lies in an attempt to keep the big secret
    , secret, right? Hubs was out to catch me in the act and I was out to be the victor of a sick, sick game.

    Let it all go, Lost Soul, and try not to look back.

    The scientist in me (mad scientist, ha!!) believes that if I took 1000 people and put them in a controlled test lab (willingly, of course -- lol) and got them as drunk as I was on any given day during my "drinking career," they would find their evil twin, too. I'm talking about salt-of-the-earth people. Yup, I do believe that every drunk becomes ridiculous. And pitiful.

    But it's over now, LS33. So, as I say, let it go. Let it be. We in The Nest "get" it. And we are bursting with pride for you!!

    You rock -- in a very classy way!! :band2:
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Nesters, good evening!

      Almost couldn't find the nest......where did all those other threads come from?
      Glad to see folks doing well, following their plans & really thinking things thru

      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Ah the nest a comforting place to visit after a long day! Lost and 3June, remember one day at a time and those days add up! You are doing great!
        On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


          Newbies Nest

          Ls33 day 9 is great. Keep up the good work.
          Tess I hope you are doing alright at this time.
          June you are doing fantastic.
          Nite all.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;1523947 wrote: Hey Nesters, good evening!

            Almost couldn't find the nest......where did all those other threads come from?
            Glad to see folks doing well, following their plans & really thinking things thru

            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
            Well, Lav, I think maybe everyone wants their own thread. It's understandable: more individual attention, which is helpful in the battle against alcoholism. And it's all about walking away from the bottle, whatever it takes.

            For me, I love The Nest. I don't want to "hang out" in any other space, be it sparse or crowded. I may not receive a lot of individual attention here but I know that I am surrounded by love and care. I say, "Each to his own." In whatever way we are able to maintain sobriety -- that's all that matters.

            To Fellow Nesters and those afar, I bid you a safe and AF evening. You are loved!! :heart:

            And I love you, Lav. You were in The Nest for me in January when I first stumbled in. Thank you so much!! :thanks:
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesties and happy Wednesday. Just quickly checking in to say 'Hi' to everyone as I'm into London for a big meeting today.

              Lost Soul - you hit the nail on the head about 'evil twin' - I think we all have one lurking inside. I hate to think about all of the terrible things that I said and did whilst drinking. I truly cringe inside - the shame of it all. But the good news is - none of us here EVER have to go back to that situation. If we do it is by our own CHOICE.

              So hang in there everyone for a healthy, sober and self-respecting day.

              Love to you all :l
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                Newbies Nest

                Self respecting indeed Snap!

                Welcome to our new friends.

                LS33, Day 9 is super duper! Keep it going.

                Rockin' in a classy way here!

                Take care y'all. Yo fruity, where's my freakin' bagel!?

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good luck with your big meeting Snapdragon!!!!
                  Hi everyone!
                  Just popping in for a quick hello as I have been spending A LOT of time posting on other threads
                  I need to finish reading my book: The Lost Weekend by Charles Jackson. It is an excellent read. An autobiography about one of us.
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    If you are thinking about moderating, do a google search on Moderation Management and in particular, the woman who founded that organization. Very sad.
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      Greetings, Nesters,

                      Very stressed at the mo' but wanted to check in, say hi, and feel the comfort of the Nest.

                      Thanks for the kind words, LittleBeagle. I wish you well too!

                      Good timing that the previous post is about moderation. My mind has been toying with the concept, and trying to convince me moderation's STILL (sorry, don't know how to do italics on here) worth trying. But my history tells a different story, and what I read on MWO confirms it: the harsh reality is I CANT moderate.

                      Today's my second day without Valium. I had been using it as a 'back-up' for coming off Al, but i know i was getting too dependant on it. So, i've now said goodbye to Valium too, and hope my brain will settle down shortly (at the moment it's screaming at me.)

                      Back to the Nest. THANKYOU sincerely - every one here in the Nest - your support is truly appreciated. I love the solidarity.

                      When i'm feeling a bit more relaxed I'll post again, but for now i must sign off.

                      best wishes to ALL,
                      love, Steady
                      AF free since April 29, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdlady;1523827 wrote: Hummm....I just read that my city was just named the 10th most drunken city in America! You'd think since I was out of the mix our numbers would be better than that!! Hilo, HI was #1....we seldom have folks from Hawaii here on MWO. Interesting, and sad! B

                        I googled 10 drunkest cities and found a different list of top 10. I guess it all depends on what measurement methods they use.

                        In my opinion the number is much much larger. I have worked in a number of places. I am talking about professional business environments with highly educated people. Most talk about getting pissed/wasted/trashed openly on Friday afternoons. Often people show up late on Friday morning due to a hangover. Instead of punishment they are being comforted and are greeted with the usual "I know how you feel".

                        Monday mornings start with piss up stories. So If I said that at least 50% of people I know get smashed every weekend I think I would underestimate the figure. However, the surveys presented online suggest that only 5% of Adults are considered as heavy drinkers??? So what happened with the other 45%????

                        I cannot really complain as I used to be one of them for many years. What I guess ticks me off now, is now that I am a more responsible adults I am treated as a weird one rather than the responsible one.

                        AF since 1st Sep 2012
                        NF since 1st Sep 2012

                        If you want to feel better visit


                          Newbies Nest

                          G'day Allan!

                          Yep, booze and it's enabling culture are rife.

                          Steady. Hang in there. Try some breathing. Obvious I know, but this will slow your body down and relax you physically. Long, slow deep breath, from bottom of your tummy to chest, then exhale slower than you inhaled, right out to the bottom of your tummy.

                          Do about 5 of these at a time, at your own pace and comfortably. 5 minutes of it even better. Your mind may still be spinning, but your body and heart rate will slow down, with the theory being your mind will soon follow.

                          Have you tried mindfulness? Try a 'body scan'.

                          Take care.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Newbies Nest

                            halo;1523326 wrote: Remember, AL does not make anything better, it just makes things worse...
                            Good Morning Halo,

                            I'm thinking about your simple words of wisdom. It's so true that alcohol just makes things worse. So I wonder why I can still be "tricked" into thinking that alcohol is the solution to the pain that life sometimes brings to all of us. Maybe I want to be tricked. Maybe I just want to escape. You know, take the easy way out (which always ended up being the really hard way out). In fact, it wasn't a "way out" at all. As soon as I sobered-up, life was still there waiting for me with problems to be solved.

                            Sometimes with the situation of my mom and her newly diagnosed breast cancer I just want to get wasted. I choose NOT to drink because I have made the decision to never drink again. Ever!! But still, the thought will pop into my brain. But when I take a few moments to think it through, I ask myself what would be the point? If I get drunk will Mom's cancer magically disappear? Of course not. Will I be better prepared to help Mom? Absolutely not!! So I wonder why such a dumb thought would even occur to me.

                            Thanks, Halo, for your gentle reminder. I appreciate you!! :angel:
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Looks like my portion of the nest is in for an entire week of heat, humidity & T storms.....oh well.

                              Tess, I'm happy if I helped you to step on the sober bus back in January!
                              I've been posting in the nest since Feb '09 & It's become a real habit

                              Steady, please ignore that nagging voice telling you it's OK to drink again, we both know it's not OK. Addictions are powerful but manageable provided we continue to say NO!

                              Greeting to everyone & wishes for a great AF Wednesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Guitarista;1524112 wrote: G'day Allan!

                                Yep, booze and it's enabling culture are rife.

                                Steady. Hang in there. Try some breathing. Obvious I know, but this will slow your body down and relax you physically. Long, slow deep breath, from bottom of your tummy to chest, then exhale slower than you inhaled, right out to the bottom of your tummy.

                                Do about 5 of these at a time, at your own pace and comfortably. 5 minutes of it even better. Your mind may still be spinning, but your body and heart rate will slow down, with the theory being your mind will soon follow.

                                Have you tried mindfulness? Try a 'body scan'.

                                Take care.

                                Thank you. Breathing exercises have helped me to quit smoking and they can provide an instant relief to almost any situation. I just wanted to vent in the face of unfairness in this world. When you drink too much people criticise you and provide you with advice. When you don't drink at all, people still criticise you and provide you with advice about not drinking. WTF?

                                BTW trying to compare same logic to heroin usage doesn't work. So if everyone in the world injected once or twice a week, would you be weird for not doing it?

                                Why do people not see the logics in this? They say these are two completely different examples. No! They are exactly the same!

                                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                                If you want to feel better visit

