It's great to hear from you!! Thanks for this information. I'm not thinking about moderating because if I have one drink something changes in my brain and I become unable to stop drinking until I collapse. So no moderation for me!! However, I want to educate myself about moderation so that I can try to provide useful information when people ask me about it.
I meet with a small group a women in my home about once a week. We are all in the process of learning to live without alcohol being a part of our lives. Two or three of the gals have tried moderation in the past and failed miserably. They have concluded that the only thing that is going to work for them is to completely stop drinking. The rest of us in the group had already come to that conclusion.
For me, I have a somewhat simple mind. It's more straightforward to have made the decision not to drink. If I were attempting to moderate, I would be required to make decisions about alcohol all of the time. It seems to me that the process would be cumbersome and even exhausting. And, as I've already said, I'd end up totally drunk no matter how careful my calculations had been.
Well, enough rambling. I have two happy dogs here, tails wagging, anticipating a yummy breakfast!!
