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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1524423 wrote: ...Settling in to my hotel after a long day....AF, and loving it!!! Strap in!!! XXOO, Byrdie
    Oh, Byrdie!! I don't like it when you are away in a hotel. I don't like it at all.

    When I was a child I would use my imagination to create happy circumstances. My family would sometimes say, "Baby has quite an imagination!!" (They called me Baby because I was the youngest girl of eight children).

    So, Byrdie, in my mind The Nest is configured like this: There is the main Nesting area where Nesters usually hang out. However, there is also a hotel wing not too far from the main area. Really, it's only a short walk down the hall and one floor up on the elevator. You will know that you have arrived at the main area when you hear Nesters laughing and supporting each other while munching on popcorn and all decked out in flannel jammies and robes. After all, this is a respectable Nest!! Yes, you will hear laughter but it is NOT the laughter that comes from the Bar. Of course, there is no Bar in The Nest (absolutely not!!), but if you squint you can see the Bar on a faraway branch. The laughter there is obnoxious, fueled by alcohol. Folks sometimes stumble over from the Bar, and Nesters welcome them with open arms.

    So you see, Byrdie, that you are not alone. If you want to bunk with one of us, just bring your pillow. We're kind of short on pillows. However, we do have lots of butt Velcro. We always keep extra on hand. We never, ever want one precious Fledgling to fall from The Nest.

    Time to quiet down and snuggle in for the night, Nesters. Please remember to strap yourselves INTO The Nest rather than ONTO Byrdie. Thank you very much and may you have the sweetest of dreams. You are loved. ~
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      Hello everyone great WK no alcohol feel great. Been real busy but have been reading thank u all for giving me hope .


        Newbies Nest

        Congratulations on your AF week, Shep!

        Now there is not one single day that you always drink! You have nailed all 7 of them! The only trick now is to do it again.

        Keep reading and posting to remind yourself why you made this fantastic change. If you ever feel tempted, promise yourself you will check in here first --- you'll change your mind !

        I'm really glad you are here!


          Newbies Nest

          Congrats Shep! Right here beside you :l


            Newbies Nest

            So many inspirational posts here tonight. Contracts Allen on 300 days. That is Awesome!!!:wave:
            Tess love the elephant to describe your dogs. Such a great visual aid.
            Have a great af night all.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters!

              I'm hunkering down, waiting for the storms that were promised, again, ho hum.

              About moderation....for me it's a big NO WAY!
              I tried hundreds of times to do that before finding MWO & now I know why it didn't work for me. Accepting it just makes life easier

              Congrats shep - glad you are doing well!
              Tess, LostSoul, halo, NS & everyone - keep up the good work!
              Byrdie, be careful out there

              Have a safe & cozy night in the nest everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                shep;1524477 wrote: Hello everyone great WK no alcohol feel great. Been real busy but have been reading thank u all for giving me hope .

                You're welcome for the gift of hope
                , shep. That's what I needed most when I first stumbled into The Nest. And there is plenty of hope here. So many have found a way to live a sober and productive and joyful life. We are very proud of your alcohol free week. Way to go!! Thanks for checking in with us. We love to hear from you. ~
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Lavande hope you're safe and sound. I haven't heard about the storms you're expecting? Stay in touch, now I'm worried. I have to agree it's so much easier to not drink than think about how much when with who and all that.

                  Byrdie I don't see myself taking those heavy duty drugs, it would just be trading one vice for another in my mind. Enjoy your home away from home!

                  LS33 congrats on day 10! You sound great!

                  shep good on you for checking in, hope when you're not so busy we'll hear more from you! Meanwhile congrats on being AF!

                  unwasted you've got me thinking I should read up, I haven't really bothered, but that quote has me thinking, how did our brain centres get through the disease and tell us to stop and why doesn't that happen for everyone?

                  Tess I had an idea for daily wine but yours is way more fun LOL. How did you meet your group BTW?

                  guiarista, jenniech, steadfast, snapdragon - how's it going y'all?

                  Daily Wine do you have a website called "meet up" in your area? Here I have found walking groups, movie goers, yoga, biking, paddling, hiking...all sorts of's not about "hooking up" it's about like minded people doing things together. I think once you roll out of bed you and hubby can find activities to do together that don't include AL.

                  allankay woooot 300 days! Congratulations!

                  Did I miss anyone? Hope not! See you all soon it's midnight in my world, time for my other nest!
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello everyone - I am a least this time around. Not sure how this works or if this is the best place to post. Anyway - This is my 3rd day AF. In my early 20's I had 8 years clean and forward, I'm 44 and have spent at least the last 3 years drinking daily - the years before that probably drinking somewhat heavy. Either a bottle plus of wine or more lately 6-8 shots of vodka a night. Anyway - Started baclofen on Monday..

                    I think my biggest issues are letting go of my very close companion. And to be brutally honest I liked feeling buzzed! I'm a very anxious person and I enjoyed having that feeling of relaxation wash over me. What happened after that initial hour...well that's another story. Anyway - my liver hates me and I'm very scared after what recent blood tests. Not that I was surprised...but it put my "putting it off" to an end.

                    I have a good life and good family. I don't want to die anytime soon and know that if I continue to drink, that is the route I will head and not slowly. Anyway - Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello!! Hoping to find some support on this site!! Maybe someday down the road, I'll be able to help others.


                      Newbies Nest

                      3June2013;1524524 wrote:

                      ...Tess I had an idea for daily wine but yours is way more fun LOL. How did you meet your group BTW?...
                      Hi June,

                      Our group started a couple of months ago when a neighbor asked how I had managed to lose so much weight so quickly. I explained that I had stopped drinking alcohol on January 1 and at the same time had started practicing yoga nearly every day. She confided that she, too, was struggling with alcohol and wanting to quit. So we met a couple of times in my home to chat. Then she asked if she could bring a friend who was also trying to walk away from the bottle. From there, two other friends of friends joined in. So we have a group of five. I created some very basic guidelines for the group. Also, we do not claim to be nor wish to be a substitute for other types of help that are available such as AA, counseling, online support and so on. We are just friends who get together to talk. Also, we have no particular ongoing commitment. We decide at the end of each week if we would like to meet again. It has been encouraging to see the progress that each of us is making. And of course we have our struggles. None of us are professionals in the area of addiction or recovery. Far from it!! Our only credentials are having lived the hell of alcoholism and an honest desire to remain sober. Sometimes people just need a safe place to talk openly and honestly. And then there's my mantra: "We all just want to be loved." :yes:
                      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                      The man pulling radishes
                      pointed the way
                      with a radish. ISSA


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sake123;1524550 wrote: Hello everyone - I am a least this time around. Not sure how this works or if this is the best place to post. Anyway - This is my 3rd day AF. In my early 20's I had 8 years clean and forward, I'm 44 and have spent at least the last 3 years drinking daily - the years before that probably drinking somewhat heavy. Either a bottle plus of wine or more lately 6-8 shots of vodka a night. Anyway - Started baclofen on Monday..

                        I think my biggest issues are letting go of my very close companion. And to be brutally honest I liked feeling buzzed! I'm a very anxious person and I enjoyed having that feeling of relaxation wash over me. What happened after that initial hour...well that's another story. Anyway - my liver hates me and I'm very scared after what recent blood tests. Not that I was surprised...but it put my "putting it off" to an end.

                        I have a good life and good family. I don't want to die anytime soon and know that if I continue to drink, that is the route I will head and not slowly. Anyway - Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello!! Hoping to find some support on this site!! Maybe someday down the road, I'll be able to help others.
                        Hi Sake123 and Welcome!!

                        Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself. And congrats on 3 alcohol free days!! That is awesome!!

                        The way this site works for me is that I gain information and support from reading posts on Newbies Nest and other threads. There is also a Toolbox that is loaded with tips and success stories. A few people have that link in their signature line. I know that Byrdlady does. So if you go back to her most recent post (yesterday evening), you will find the link there. Another thing that helps me a lot is to post nearly every day (sometimes many times a day!!). I find that getting my thoughts and feelings "onto paper" is therapeutic. Also, it gives others a chance to offer support or advice or to see that they are not the only one struggling with something.

                        Yup, your liver probably is rather peeved -- and rightfully so. I know that mine was. I was a real train wreck when I stumbled into Newbies Nest in January. What's fascinating, Sake123, is how quickly our bodies can heal when given half a chance.

                        "Letting go of your very close companion" is the biggest issue for all of us. That's why we are here. If it were easy to give up alcohol, this site and other types of support would not be needed. What I did right from the start, and it helped me a lot, was to fully acknowledge that I am an alcoholic. And as an alcoholic I am not able to have "just one drink." For me, one drink always turns into a whole bunch of drinks. So I made a commitment to stop drinking altogether. No messing around with it. No drinking!! It was pretty rough at the beginning. But I found a lot of support right here in The Nest. I have been sober for nearly six months, and I could not be happier about my decision to totally walk away from the bottle -- and no looking back.

                        We don't want you to die either. Alcohol has claimed far too many lives. Many on this site have lost precious family members and friends to alcohol. It's such a terrible tragedy. Alcohol is an equal opportunity life destroyer. All are invited to alcohol's death march.

                        Well, enough of my rambling. Others will be along to welcome you and cheer you on.
                        I'm so happy that you are here!! :yes2:
                        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                        The man pulling radishes
                        pointed the way
                        with a radish. ISSA


                          Newbies Nest

                          :welcome: Sake 123!!!!!!!
                          We are so glad you are here. Tess always explains things so eloquently.....I would just like to add that when reading your post, I was really struck by how much I identified with EVERYTHING you wrote!!! I was sober for a few years in my 20s and then in my 40s the drinking really heated will be so glad you did this. It can be challenging at times. When those times occur you need to get yourself into the newbie nest and read as much as possible and post a lot......cravings come but, thankfully, they also go and once gone it is such a rewarding feeling to have not picked up. Think of it as riding a wave....eventually that wave dissipates onto RIDE the wave....don't go into it.. Another thing that REALLY helps my cravings when they hit? I change what I am doing....going for a brisk walk really get the blood pumping and your muscles moving and pretty soon, the craving is gone.

                          Anyway, enough about those damn cravings. I look forward to getting to know you!!
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Welcome Saki!

                            Good stuff Shep. Keep it going!

                            I love the sound of your group Tess. What a cool thing. Wonder if I can find a similar group in my hood that also serves ice cream? By the spoon.......:h

                            Hiya June, all good here. Thanks for asking. How are you doing?

                            Day 45 or thereabouts winding to a close soon.

                            Hope all's well there Lav. :l

                            Take care everyone. Think positive. Byrdie, is that you snoring?

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning fellow Nesties and a warm welcome to you Sake123.

                              Guitarista - give Brydie a quick shove she is snoring so loud it's shaking the nest!! :H

                              Tess ? that is great that you have set up an informal help group ? it?s incredible how once you start talking about your own experience other people start opening up with similar stories to share.

                              It makes me so mad that our society allows a poisonous and devastating substance to destroy so many people?s lives. Just here on MWO there is so much SUFFERING ? even those who feel they are starting to moderate and get control are SUFFERING ? with the struggle, the worry, the constant planning etc. The only ones who are truly free are those who have drawn a line under alcohol, been there, done that and none for me thank you.

                              Anyway ? those of you who are even a little vain and still struggling to finally knock alcohol on the head might be encouraged by my experience yesterday. I attended an AGM in London (yawnnnn??) but met with loads of industry colleagues I only see a couple of times a year. I couldn?t even count on one hand how many people came up to me and said: ?Wow, you look amazing ? you?ve lost so much weight. How on earth have you done that??

                              I explained that I gave up alcohol on 1st April and have lost 17lbs (mostly because of not drinking, plus upping my exercise regime). Rather than try to push me to join them in a glass of wine a few said: ?gosh, I think I might try giving up for a few months too.?

                              If I invented a pill that guaranteed that within three months you would lose 14lbs, your skin would glow and your hair would shine and you would look better than you had in years ? I would be a very wealthy person indeed. Well ? it?s true. You can have all these things but instead of taking a pill, you just need to STOP IT. I have stolen Patrick?s signature to share as it is very funny and so true ? How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes[/video]]Bob Newhart-Stop It - YouTube (Thank you Patrick! )

                              Have a wonderful AF Thursday everyone.
                              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Last night's big storms apparently landed elsewhere, no problems here

                                Hello & welcome Sake! Glad you found us & congrats on your 3 AF days!
                                Women ramping up their drinking in their forties is a very common theme around here. Life really catches up with you around that time, I know it sure did for me

                                Greetings Tess, June, jennie, G, Snap & everyone!
                                Snap, isn't it great how your colleagues took notice of your changes?

                                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

