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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sake123 - congrats on your 6 days' AF! hang in there, it only gets better

    I think this forum is great, wish I'd found it years ago. people in the same boat sharing their experiences & supporting each other is very powerful. kind of like AA (which I used to do - I had 6 years sober, before I threw it away 4 years ago), but with people you like

    all the best



      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters.

      Been reading and thinking about the whole moderation vs abstinence thing a lot lately, and watching folks go through all sorts of weird mental (and pharmaceutical) gymnastics to get to the point where they can drink 'normally'. And yes, of course I have considered that for myself too.....wouldn't it be wonderful to have a drink??

      But I don't want a drink. A glass of wine or a pint of beer is not what I want. For me, that would be absolutely pointless. The point of drinking alcohol is to get drunk, so any drinking that does not get me shitfaced is utterly meaningless.

      The actual taste of wine, spirits or beer is not what I crave (to be honest, I don't think any drinker, alcoholic or otherwise drinks for the pleasure of swallowing the liquid!) We're looking for the effect: for some the mild buzz of one glass is just what they want. For me (and I guess many others here) one glass is just the hors d'oeuvres before the feast.....I want the entree, the main course, the dessert, AND that one little final wafer (think of Monsieur Creosote in Python's Meaning of Life). Moderate drinking for me would be stopping after the dessert. :H

      So I just don't drink anymore. When I start getting all nostalgic for a glass of wine, I remind myself that it's not a glass of wine I want. Being honest with myself is paramount these days: once I start playing games and tradeoffs, the battle is over, and I'm back on my arse where I started.

      Your experience might vary of course, and kudos to those who have walked the moderation tightrope, but it ain't for me.

      Remember: A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you'd drank the night before. (Thank you K9Lover)


        Newbies Nest

        kambob;1525878 wrote: Morning Nesters.

        Been reading and thinking about the whole moderation vs abstinence thing a lot lately, and watching folks go through all sorts of weird mental (and pharmaceutical) gymnastics to get to the point where they can drink 'normally'. And yes, of course I have considered that for myself too.....wouldn't it be wonderful to have a drink??

        But I don't want a drink. A glass of wine or a pint of beer is not what I want. For me, that would be absolutely
        pointless. The point of drinking alcohol is to get drunk, so any drinking that does not get me shitfaced is utterly meaningless.

        The actual taste of wine, spirits or beer is not what I crave (to be honest, I don't think any drinker, alcoholic or otherwise drinks for the pleasure of swallowing the liquid!) We're looking for the effect: for some the mild buzz of one glass is just what they want. For me (and I guess many others here) one glass is just the hors d'oeuvres before the feast.....I want the entree, the main course, the dessert, AND that one little final wafer (think of Monsieur Creosote in Python's Meaning of Life). Moderate drinking for me would be stopping after the dessert. :H

        So I just don't drink anymore. When I start getting all nostalgic for a glass of wine, I remind myself that it's not a glass of wine I want. Being honest with myself is paramount these days: once I start playing games and tradeoffs, the battle is over, and I'm back on my arse where I started.

        Your experience might vary of course, and kudos to those who have walked the moderation tightrope, but it ain't for me.

        Well said kambob! That is exactly how I feel. Thank you for this post. "If just one why not none?"
        AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Actually had a whole day without rain here - yay!
          I'm sure it will be back tomorrow or sooner.

          SD, the leg jumping/twitching is pretty common but doesn't last long. Be sure you are well hydrated & getting some calcium & potassium in every day, helps

          I agree with the majority.....
          I don't want one glass of wine & I don't want one smoke SO I won't touch either
          I'm out of the self-torture business :H

          Greetings to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Geez louise
            I wanted a beer tonight. Glad I checked in instead. i went for L Glu (kinda like Elmer's glue) 2x this evening, but I think really checking in here help the most. Always good to read the positives.

            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hi SS!

              Glad you didn't make a bad choice on DAY 50! Congratulations on that! :goodjob:
              Checking in BEFORE taking a drink is one of the best keys to success!

              Keep it up! :h NS


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks NS. It was VERY close. Boy, I'm glad as well!
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Great job samstone:applaud:
                  I'm staying close to the nest this weekend. Feeling kind of weak. I'm so glad I have everyone here. :thanks:
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi, Nesters.

                    Well done all those racking up the days, and welcome to all newbies!

                    It's actually hard for me to be posting today; have been grumpy and weird all weekend. I think going to the pub Friday night (and not drinking Al), while I'm pleased to be still on track, the pub visit took more out of me than i realised. I must have pushed my psyche to the limits by hanging around people drinking Al for a couple of hours. Wont be doing that again in a hurry. I guess this weirdness will pass, just gotta count the blessings of being AF.
                    Actually, i am realising i feel a little better, just for writing the previous paragraph.
                    There're some great posts here from the past few days, THANKYOU everyone.

                    And STAY CLOSE,
                    love, Steady
                    AF free since April 29, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh Steadfast, I can SO RELATE....anytime I know I will be around AL I try to mentally prepare for the emotional hangover I feel afterward. I think in early sobriety, our mind just has a lot of trouble getting to accept the fact that we are NOT drinking. We are a creature of habit. So, if we are around a lot of booze, we are mentally challenged because we are not drinking.....sort of like taking an exam....our brain has to work hard at the adjustment and figuring out how to feel....once the challenge has been conquered, the brain needs to rest...thereby giving us an emotional hangover. I have had many in these past 5 months but as time goes on, the hangover brain is getting used to it!!

                      Little Beagle: I would bet that by just admitting you are feeling weak, you feel a little bit stronger? Stay close....

                      I am off for a week long vacation that is VERY MUCH needed. I am currently overwhelmed by my life and need to "check out". I plan on reading a ton, sitting on the beach, taking daily naps and going for long walks. Oh, and eating really really healthy.

                      This week will be the 4th of July.....I plan on going to fireworks and I can't wait. I have not been to see fireworks in YEARS. Why? Because I would rather stay home and the time the sun set, I was usually tanked and ready to pass out. Now, I can go out at night!!!! That opens up a whole new world for me
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        Glad to see so many checking in here & sharing hope & strength
                        Drinking AL is always a choice & each time we choose not to drink we grow stronger!

                        jennie, have a nice vacation & I hope you enjoy your fireworks display. I seriously doubt there will be any in my neck of the woods due to rain, rain & more rain the past few weeks.

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi folks, just joined the group after spending a couple of hours checking out the site. I had always been a binge drinker rather than every day drinker. Probably once or twice a week I would go over the top and naturally suffer physically and emotionally the next day(s). In 2000 I had an epiphany after a night on the booze and subsequently completely gave up for 10 years.
                          I 'accidentally' took a glass of red one night whilst out to dinner with a friend and whoa and behold the taste for it came back again.
                          I now regret taking that glass of red. Now I am drinking beer 2 or 3 times a week, but the bingeing is back on.
                          I would ideally love to give it up for good and am interested to hear how others have gone with the program.
                          Many thanks :new:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning, Nesters, and welcome Socrates!!
                            I'm so glad you found us. I was saying the other day that ALK is like a stray cat, if you feed it, it's yours. I know that with the support here, you will be able to get uprighted shortly. Be sure to check out the Tool Box, link is below, and keep checking in. This thread goes back 7 years so every situation imaginable has been addressed at one time or another. We look forward to learning from you, too.

                            Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! Strap on Byrdie! laster:laster:
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              kambob;1525878 wrote: Morning Nesters.

                              Been reading and thinking about the whole moderation vs abstinence thing a lot lately, and watching folks go through all sorts of weird mental (and pharmaceutical) gymnastics to get to the point where they can drink 'normally'. And yes, of course I have considered that for myself too.....wouldn't it be wonderful to have a drink??

                              But I don't want a drink. A glass of wine or a pint of beer is not what I want. For me, that would be absolutely
                              pointless. The point of drinking alcohol is to get drunk, so any drinking that does not get me shitfaced is utterly meaningless.

                              The actual taste of wine, spirits or beer is not what I crave (to be honest, I don't think any drinker, alcoholic or otherwise drinks for the pleasure of swallowing the liquid!) We're looking for the effect: for some the mild buzz of one glass is just what they want. For me (and I guess many others here) one glass is just the hors d'oeuvres before the feast.....I want the entree, the main course, the dessert, AND that one little final wafer (think of Monsieur Creosote in Python's Meaning of Life). Moderate drinking for me would be stopping after the dessert. :H

                              So I just don't drink anymore. When I start getting all nostalgic for a glass of wine, I remind myself that it's not a glass of wine I want. Being honest with myself is paramount these days: once I start playing games and tradeoffs, the battle is over, and I'm back on my arse where I started.

                              Your experience might vary of course, and kudos to those who have walked the moderation tightrope, but it ain't for me.

                              Hi kambob,

                              I'm just catching up with posts and am speechless in response to yours. Perfect!! To add anything to it would be to diminish it. Thank you so very much!!
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                good morning Nesters having problems working this darn phone working your site anyways doing well today 7 alcohol free just checking in with everybody hope you all have a wonderful Sunday talk to you later

