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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning everyone,

    Still here and taking one step at a time. Tomorrow will be day 7 again. ugh!

    Been there done that and have a closet full of those t-shirts. Waiting on day 30, not that I will start drinking again. I have come to realize that can never happen.

    I am an alky and one drink is never the last until its gone or I pass out. Tired of this rollercoaster, I am shutting it down permanently.

    just wanted to say have a great AF Monday.
    Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning, Nesters!
      Good stuff going on here...The realization that we are ALK's being a major one. With that diagnosis in hand, it is easier to tell yourself NO, HELL NO! ONE drink perpetuates it all. A little discomfort never hurt anyone, however ALK kills most of us... given time.
      Try and safeguard your quit in the very early days....lead yourself NOT into temptation. As I always say, I can resist anything...except temptation! Set yourself up for success. Really and truly, PUT YOURSELF FIRST right now. Everyone else will be off on his/her way and you left picking up the pieces...realizing that you really DO have the power to overcome this is empowering in itself!! Do not let anyone get in your way of getting sober. If your SO has booze in your space, ask them to get it out. I don't care if it hurts his/her feelings, we are in the fight of our lives here, and their ability to catch a buzz comes SECOND! Don't be afraid to ask for what you need. Stay out of bars and booze filled places in the first 4 weeks. You wouldn't give a pyromaniac a zippo lighter, right? So why put yourself in the position to be the only one NOT drinking in a bar. It takes time to build up the resistance...please don't rush into this. In the first 4 weeks we are fragile and we need stay close to the nest, and keep yourself away from temptation. If you had the flu you'd find a way to not attend these things...protect your quit at all costs!
      Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF week!!
      It's only a crazy addiction if we keep doing it....Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        JackDanielsGirl;1526756 wrote: Morning everyone,

        Still here and taking one step at a time. Tomorrow will be day 7 again. ugh!

        Been there done that and have a closet full of those t-shirts. Waiting on day 30, not that I will start drinking again. I have come to realize that can never happen.

        I am an alky and one drink is never the last until its gone or I pass out. Tired of this rollercoaster, I am shutting it down permanently.

        just wanted to say have a great AF Monday.
        I can relate today. Back to Day 1 for probably the 6th time. Previous high water mark 73 days and then an honest slip that lead to another full week (on vacation) of drinking beer every night. I DO NOT WANT THAT. Anyway, back to work. It's comforting to be here and hope all's well with you fine folks.
        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

        Go forward boldly and unafraid


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdlady;1526760 wrote: Good Morning, Nesters!
          Good stuff going on here...The realization that we are ALK's being a major one. With that diagnosis in hand, it is easier to tell yourself NO, HELL NO! ONE drink perpetuates it all. A little discomfort never hurt anyone, however ALK kills most of us... given time.
          Try and safeguard your quit in the very early days....lead yourself NOT into temptation. As I always say, I can resist anything...except temptation! Set yourself up for success. Really and truly, PUT YOURSELF FIRST right now. Everyone else will be off on his/her way and you left picking up the pieces...realizing that you really DO have the power to overcome this is empowering in itself!! Do not let anyone get in your way of getting sober. If your SO has booze in your space, ask them to get it out. I don't care if it hurts his/her feelings, we are in the fight of our lives here, and their ability to catch a buzz comes SECOND! Don't be afraid to ask for what you need. Stay out of bars and booze filled places in the first 4 weeks. You wouldn't give a pyromaniac a zippo lighter, right? So why put yourself in the position to be the only one NOT drinking in a bar. It takes time to build up the resistance...please don't rush into this. In the first 4 weeks we are fragile and we need stay close to the nest, and keep yourself away from temptation. If you had the flu you'd find a way to not attend these things...protect your quit at all costs!
          Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF week!!
          It's only a crazy addiction if we keep doing it....Byrdie
          Outstanding pep talk for Day 1. Thank you!
          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

          Go forward boldly and unafraid


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome Back, Fin!

            If you can make it for 73 days, YOU CAN DO THIS! The end of that streak was for a sad, unusual reason. I'm not trying to make an excuse but don't want you to let what happened undermine your confidence in what can and should be your final quit. You know life is better AF because you've lived that way for over 7 weeks!

            Believe in yourself and stay close!! Checking in at least once everyday makes such a difference.

            I'll be looking for you and really hope to see you here! :h NS


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Nesters,

              I am looking out at the ocean: so vast and powerful and beautiful. AND, low-and-behold, I am sober, so I am able to sit and look at the magnificent and fascinating wonder of it all.

              Sweet peas, very much loved, please trust me when I say that life without "alcohol on the brain" is worth fighting for. FIGHT. Fight hard and give the fight all that you have. YOU CAN DO THIS.

              I saw someone just two days ago so intoxicated that he fell flat, FELL FLAT, two times. On his second fall I ran to him. (I am someone who would run into a blazing fire to rescue a struggling soul.) So... I ran to him. And what did he say to me? This is an exact quote: (exact) "Go to hell, fucking bitch." That, my dear Fellow Nesters, is the power of alcohol. I'm certain that he has no memory of the evening. What did I say to him? "I have fallen down drunk, too. I am here for YOU." And then he began to sob...

              We don't really want to live that way, do we? No! Hell No!!

              And we do not need to. We can choose sobriety. We CAN FIGHT for our very lives. And we do!!

              Much love to All Nesters. ~
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1526760 wrote:
                It's only a crazy addiction if we keep doing it....Byrdie
                Love your quote Byrdie.

                I wish someone started a Newbies Nest Quotes thread....

                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                If you want to feel better visit


                  Newbies Nest

                  "One-liners from the Newbies Nest" might be fun and useful! Or maybe from all of MWO, since there are many great threads.

                  The toolbox is full of of fabulous, longer posts but it is the short ones that we can keep in our heads and that can come to us just when we need them. I like this one from Nanette:

                  If not one, why not none?

                  I said that to myself a couple times over the last few days when the "just one" BS popped into my head.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning nesters!

                    Hi NS! Every weekend seems like a holiday here in Canada. When the temperatures rise, us Canadians do find an excuse to celebrate

                    June, Happy Canada Day! it looks like we have been dealing with similar situations-- I have also found strength when surrounded by intoxicated people. A sober glimpse of what we may have looked like in our AL days is a clear reminder of why we are here. Dont you just want to share all that you are learning with your loved ones? I know I do..

                    DB, Congrats on day 4 AND getting to work on top of it. Thanks for the prayers, you are in mine as well

                    SD, Welcome to Day 1. Excellent start to July and the rest of your life!

                    JD Girl, Keep it up. Right there with you and determined not to go back.

                    , Your words of encouragement are always so powerful. Thanks for saying it like it is!

                    , Welcome back! I am eternally thankful for your help in getting me into the nest-- I was literally locked out for so long, and because of you I am here to stay AF. Will be rooting for you!

                    , That story brought tears to my eyes. I will continue to fight, and hopefully be strong enough to help others as you do.

                    Hope everyone is having a good start to their Monday and a fabulous AF July! I am going to stay especially close today, following Byrdie's
                    advice and keeping out of AL events.



                      Newbies Nest

                      And I am back after eight weeks AF then a disaster week of two lapse days - Saturdays - and thus a wasted week of depression in between. Am over it. Day two again and I don't plan on ever being Day two again. I can't believe how lousy I feel. WIll be staying on here this time since obviously my own willpower is unable to talk down the 'just one' whispers. Bloody things.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Monday to all.
                        Day one again....I am going to keep the quote in my head if just one why none. It is so true that one just doesn't happen for me. Never giving up!


                          Newbies Nest

                          just keep trying daily wine you will get there


                            Newbies Nest

                            Welcome back Noor, Daily Wine, Fin!!
                            Tess, what a story!!! AL turns us into beasts!!! I was reading a thread one night...and the person was essentially talking themselves into drinking that night. They'd had a stressful day, needed to relax and the evening went on and the person kept posting, the messages got darker and more bleak until they became downright paranoid and scary!!! I said, so much for relaxing and taking the edge off, you've turned into Jeckyl and Hyde!! Of course, you can't talk thru AL, so that went unnoticed. The fact is that AL tells us all these things but they are only flimsy excuses to keep the addiction alive. Fight it with all you've got!! Tess is so right, when you can once again enjoy life and not be a slave to this stuff, it is worth fighting for!! Freedom from AL addiction is worth all the posts and all the pep talks and all the checking in.
                            Stay strong everyone! Zero Tolerance!!! Not one, not ever! You got this!! XO, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Monday

                              Hi Nesters!

                              Hope this finds everyone's Monday - CLEAN, CLEAR and full of HOPE! What a great summer this can be for all of us - the memories that can be made with a AF life are treasures.

                              I love the quotes .... Keep them coming!
                              Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                              NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                              AF - July 31, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening all,

                                It has been a pretty good day. Just about to get back to myself. Thank God!

                                To daily wine, noor, fin - glad you are back and on track. We all make mistakes but as the pastor said sunday 1 recognize we all make mistakes 2 realize it is not fatal (unless we keep drinking), 3 rest in God's grace. No this is not his design for us but I can testify to the fact He will help us pick up the pieces and regain our life.

                                I too recently relapsed and it has taken a DUI to get me back on track. As horrifying as that was I would not trade it for anything if that is what it took to get me to the point that I never want another drink.

                                Hang in there, we can do this togeather. We may have lost the battle but we can win the war.

                                Love to all,
                                Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:

