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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    evening nesters. great to see everyone doing so well. Tess-2 - hope everything goes well for your Mum

    day 3 for me & all seems fine, no cravings & feeling generally pretty good. had a job interview today for a professional-type, office-based job & for some bizarre reason they had me meet them outside their office & we did the interview in a pub around the corner! the two interviewers had a beer each & I had a diet coke; didn't bother me in the slightest. I don't think there was anything sinister in the choice of venue - one of the interviewers was an old mate of mine with whom I've worked in the past - but a bit odd nonetheless

    anyway, I'm pretty tired so I'm heading to bed, sober, which is still something of a novelty

    night all



      Newbies Nest

      good job sd, you are doing great.
      :applaud: 30 days is GREAT June.
      DW hang in there with us.
      JDG I know this is a tough time for you, but not drinking will make it better. My thoughts have been with you during this time.
      Tess we are thinking of you and your mother at this time. I pray that all goes well with the surgery.
      Glad you are home Byrdie.
      sorry its still raining Lav. we are getting a little rain this weekend, but it's really welcome down here because my garden is a little dry.
      Hadit :aussie:Hang on.. Family sucks but changing your actions is a lot easier then changing theirs. Hope you stick with us.
      Halo glad you are hanging tough.
      I am going to a 4th celebration and the only explosive action out of me will be the fireworks I set off. I'm really looking forward to this holiday af so I can enjoy everything AND remember it.
      Well I looked for a firecracker smiley and did not find one (insert Imagination here).
      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        Newbies Nest

        3June2013;1527601 wrote: First I want to thank you all for being there. When you share your successes and your struggles you help me. I have learned so much here in MWO. I'll share a little of it now.

        1. I learned that moderation isn't an option for me. One drink is seriously a joke in my mind. I can't remember the last time one drink did it for me. So now I live by the motto "if one, why not none?"

        2. I found out that if I say it out loud (or write it here) it becomes more real. So I started by writing my deepest fears here and by telling my family and friends once I'd decided to quit. It keeps me accountable. They are mostly all supportive. It may have been difficult at times for them because it seems to make them think about their own drinking, but that's ok, maybe they need to. I already influenced my sister to quit, who knows how many others will be inspired.

        3. I realized that being AF doesn't make me boring. In fact I am just as much fun. The drunks I used to drink with are sometimes boring to me though!

        4. I now plan ahead for events that might trigger AL to sneak into my life. I looked up recipes for AF drinks. I connected with the non drinkers in my life, and hung on for dear life!

        5. I read that we often substitute one addiction for another. Our bodies crave alcohol for a while when we quit, and sugar is a fast high. Once the physical urges wear off it is psychological. Now I'm working on my diet.

        6. I understand that there is a direct co-relation between posting and staying AF. So you're not going to get rid of me too quickly. I want to help others the way I was helped. I want to share my experiences. I will stick around and I will contribute.

        7. I like being a non drinker. It is so much simpler than all the negotiating I did when I was trying to moderate. I like waking up happy. I like going to bed consciously instead of passing out. I like being able to drive any time because I don't have to plan ahead in case I am drinking. I like that I had the strength to do this.

        8. I know that 30 days AF is just the start. I know I can't let down my guard, I must stay vigilant. AL is a sneaky bastard who wants to convince me I need him. I will stay strong. I will stay AF. I'm in the process of writing down all the reasons I like being AF. I will refer to it when I am feeling vulnerable.

        My typing hands are tired so I am going to post this now. I thank you all for your continued support. For you that are new, or are returning, keep posting, keep talking, keep reading.

        Great post June! You are a true inspiration :h


          Newbies Nest

          Sorry everyone, I did slip, and no was not drinking last night. I used voice rec. as apposed to typing, big fingers little phone pad. Obviously that didn't go so well doing fine real busy at work as I do a/c. I was reading posts today, good stuff. my wife has me set up on laptop, its a bit better. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for caring. Drinking tends to trigger me to do other drugs, not always but enough. This time just had a couple drinks thank god, can't afford it anymore. I'm trying real hard to do this. :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello my lovely nesters!

            Just getting in from a beautiful day... all smiles over here. Ive accomplished more in the last 17 days than I have in 17 months. Oh, the blissful joy of regaining my life AND confidence back. Slowly but surely, I am on my way. So grateful for you guys....I owe all my strength to you fine people.

            SD - Proud of you! Keep us posted on the job!

            LB - Youre rocking this sobriety thing like a champ, I wish I was looking forward to AL events.. I hope to get there soon. Make sure to let us know how they go!

            Hi Unwasted - I am new here, will check out your thread : )

            Hiya Byrdie :lilangel:

            Hadit - Welcome back!

            DailyWine - Exactly, setting an example and having a clear head is the only way you can handle any adversity that may come your way. Your son will thank you for it later. Praying all goes smoothly.

            Hi Halo

            - Velcro present was the best, put it to good use, thanks

            - Sending you all the love and strength right back, always :h

            - Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Been down that road before with my father, happy to say hes 76 and full of life. Will look out for your posts. Your mother is very lucky to have an incredible daughter like you. Remember to take care of yourself too :heart:

            Hoping everyone has a peaceful AF evening :heart::heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening everyone. I am back with velcro to my butt, my thighs, my waist...everything but my fingers. I have been reading, just not posting until I could get my thoughts clear. I slipped up, again. However, this time, I finally understand the meaning of: "it gets harder with each quit." I am on Day five of sobriety, no alcohol at all. On Day two, I woke up with a slight headache. I had the normal sweats, shakes and sick to stomach feeling on day one, just awful hungover and knew day two would be a little better so the headache did not alarm me. Around 5pm, I was reading some posts and I felt as if the whole room was spinning, but I was sitting perfectly still. It passed after a few minutes. I had colored my hair and I went to shower to rinse it. I tilted my head back and got so dizzy from a spinning feeling, I grabbed the shower curtain and fell to my knees and finished rinsing and crawled out of the tub and put pjs on. I made it downstairs to bf and just sat still until it passed. We went to bed and once I got in a position, I could not move without that feeling of spinning. I slept pretty well since I took some benydryl because I had a stuffy nose so we thought inner ear. Went to the dr. and told him about the drinking again and he checked ears, no infection. He diagnosed it as benign vertigo which is common he said but no doubt in his mind that it is a direct cause from my drinking and stopping and starting and this last stop is causing this. Our bodies adjust differently, sometimes just a little each time and this time, mine was totally different. He gave me antivert which is basically dramaimine but a little stronger to help and I see him in ten days. I'm back on the topa and have no desire to drink EVER. I can't drive, I can barely make it upstairs to my bed.

              Has anyone else ever experienced this? It's horrible and this alone, I will never forget. The next time I think I want a drink, all I have to do is spin myself around for a few times and remember what happens the next day.

              Sticking close to the nest and hugging and holding the trunk so I don't fall out:upset:


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Glad to see you struggles! That's quite an experience you had, I hope it resolves itself soon. I am no stranger to head injuries, hurt myself pretty badly years ago falling down the steps. Had emergency surgery, the whole bit. You can bet I am one careful person on steps these days
                Stick to your plan & stay close to the nest!

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest, buckle in & plan on success

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yes struggles I have that. I injured my ear in a car accident and it doesn't drain properly. There are exercises you can do for it tilt your head to one side and hold for 30 sec. Then repeat with other side. It will pass. Drinking really aggravates this problem. Probably because you pass out and lay in one position for so long? Not really sure. I take sins headache medication for mine. It relieves the congestion.
                  Hope you feel better.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Having heart palpitations as I taper, down to a drink or two after 8-10 per day. Normal? Does it pass? Don't really wan to see a Doc.


                      Newbies Nest

                      My Dearest Fellow Nest Dwellers,

                      Today was rather rough. Long surgery for Mom. The good news is that she is recovered and now in her hospital room. One of my sisters is spending the night there. I have just arrived home. It's about 9:30 p.m. here. The not-as-good news is that cancer cells were found in the lymph nodes, which means that the cancer has probably (but not definitely) already moved from the breast to other area(s) of Mom's body. Not really good. But love is carrying us all right now. Difficult to explain. Pure love.

                      Also... today my sister-in-law got drunk, fell, and broke her hip. She is relatively young for a hip fracture (39 years). I wasn't able to get to "her" hospital as I was busy with Mom. I'd like to speak gently with her, but honestly, and ask her if the "getting drunk and falling on arse" was worth it. A bone fracture is painful and takes a fair bit of time to heal. My hunch is that she would cry and tell me, "No. Hell No!! It was SO not worth it." And I would cry with her. I've been a drunk. And it just about killed me. Never, ever, ever going to let alcohol drag me to the sewer again. I've crawled in the stink of alcohol. No thank you. I will pass. Moving on...

                      Nesters, dearly loved, stay the course. Make a plan and stick with it.

                      THANK YOU for all of your well-wishes. I appreciate each and every one of you more than you can begin to know.

                      So... I'm going to shower and curl up in bed.

                      You are loved!!
                      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                      The man pulling radishes
                      pointed the way
                      with a radish. ISSA


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all. Tess im so sorry about yr mum and sister! My mum recovered frm breast cancer a few yr back.i wish you all well and hope she recovers. Jst wanted to check in today and wish everyone a safe productive thursday. I wrote today in asap thread about my therapy last nite. Ssooo difficult is life but with no booze inside me to blur and distort my mind is def the way forward. Lots of love..bella xx


                          Newbies Nest

                          Greetings, fellow Nesters!

                          I've missed the Nest the last few days. Have just been reading through all the posts; so much going on. Tess, you're facing a challenging time with admirable grace. I hope your Mum continues to improve. Stay strong.

                          Other Nesters are dealing with difficulties too. I hope you find solace in checking in to the Nest.

                          I've noticed since quitting Al there are a lot of ups and downs (even in one day, one hour!) I feel quite raw, but i do believe i'm getting stronger with this. With no Al in my sytem for 68 days, and no valium for 10 days, i'm learning to deal with things in new ways.

                          Last night i went to a film preview, which i thoroughly enjoyed. There's no way that i would have been able to go anywhere (except the pub) after work and be happy just to munch on popcorn prior to the Big Quit. My life had become very narrow and blurred with Al. Now i look forward to each day!

                          Sorry, am starting to ramble. Please know, all of you, how much you have helped me in starting a new, AF life. This Nest really rocks!

                          take care, one day at a time,
                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            STEADFAST;1528059 wrote: Greetings, fellow Nesters!

                            I've missed the Nest the last few days. Have just been reading through all the posts; so much going on. Tess, you're facing a challenging time with admirable grace. I hope your Mum continues to improve. Stay strong.

                            Other Nesters are dealing with difficulties too. I hope you find solace in checking in to the Nest.

                            I've noticed since quitting Al there are a lot of ups and downs (even in one day, one hour!) I feel quite raw, but i do believe i'm getting stronger with this. With no Al in my sytem for 68 days, and no valium for 10 days, i'm learning to deal with things in new ways.

                            Last night i went to a film preview, which i thoroughly enjoyed. There's no way that i would have been able to go anywhere (except the pub) after work and be happy just to munch on popcorn prior to the Big Quit. My life had become very narrow and blurred with Al. Now i look forward to each day!

                            Sorry, am starting to ramble. Please know, all of you, how much you have helped me in starting a new, AF life. This Nest really rocks!

                            take care, one day at a time,
                            Dear Steady,

                            It's great to have you in The Nest again. You sound great!! Yes, the path to wholeness from the fractured life of alcoholism is rocky at times. The important thing is to stay the course, just as you are doing. There are also really fun times on the journey, as you mention about the film preview. I'm so proud of you!!

                            Even life at its very best will have challenges. That is just simply that way it is. And none are spared. However, when we add excessive alcohol to life -- things go from challenging to downright unmanageable and terrible. Alcohol only makes things much worse.

                            Yup, one day at a time. Living in the moment. Enjoying all of the simple and beautiful gifts that life offers up. :angel:
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Steadfast ..xxxxxx


                                Newbies Nest


