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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Caz, congratulations on your 7 days!!! I'm sure Jennie will be along with your full moon award!! We are so happy for you! In our world, 7 days free is huge! GREAT JOB! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone!
      Sorry I went AWOL. I had an dog bit me in the face so now I have stitches in my lip to go along with my broken foot. In her defense...I clipped her nail too short and she's sick and old and just not herself. I guess I have been sorta down. The stitches come out tomorrow. Maybe then I can get out of the house.
      Hope you are all well. I will catch up now.
      Love you guys!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        Wow another week has gone
        week 5 feeling good


          Newbies Nest

          OHHH K9 - owies from top to bottom of your poor body. I am so sorry.

          Thanks for letting us know what's happened.



            Newbies Nest

            Dang K-9that sounds painful. Hope you are done with your misfortunes.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              Wow, K9, that is terrible! I'm so sorry you've been down. I would say you need a break, but it's just not funny! I hope you perk up soon....can you get out of the house at all and get some sunshine? Hugs from all of us!! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                I want to thank you all for the welcomes. Still drink free for the day! I know it's not much really but I feel great about it. I think I'm going to the front of this thread and do some reading for some encouragement.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I did go grocery shopping yesterday and rolled around in one of those motorized carts. People pretty much stayed out of my way. I guess between the huge foot and the stitches in my face I look pretty menacing! LOL
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    wsb, I'm so happy you continue to do well...keeping busy by reading right here in the newbie's nest is a great idea. 7 years of folks posting you can be sure just about every situation has been covered!
                    K9, I'm sorry about your situation. I'm glad you got out and about yesterday. I wonder if you can rent one of those Hover Rounds for a few weeks so you can maneuver? Not a bad idea! Maybe you can drag race with the old folks (like me!!). I hope you feel better soon.
                    Stay strong tonight, everyone! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening Nesters,

                      K9, I did see you on FB with that boo boo!!!
                      I hope tomorrow is the start of better times for you

                      Hello & welcome wsb!
                      Be sure to check out the MWO book in the Health store here & the Tool box which is full of great ideas to help you get started.

                      Caz, you made a good choice this morning, good for you
                      Won't your friends be shocked & surprised!!!!

                      Byrdie, I imagine you & Rubi were the stars of the July 4th parade today - here's your pic

                      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Evening Nesters!

                        First off I want to say I missed your post Tess, just caught it now. I'm so sorry to hear your mum's cancer has spread. Glad she is resting well after her surgery though, and that you are feeling the strength of your love, I am sure your mum is feeling it too. And your sister in law? Wow what's that about eh? Well I can't criticize that's for sure because I used AL to get through pretty much every stressful occasion in my life. Hope she is recovering all right. Sleep well friend.

                        JDG hope you get some sun tomorrow. It's hot hazy humid over here.

                        struggles good to see you're still hugging the tree LOL

                        Byrdie you know it, you showed me the way!

                        Lav wooooot get the bikini out!

                        Caz look at you go. A week already and you're sounding great. I would tell your friends in advance that you don't drink any more. Will fizzy water do it for you? I like cranberry and soda. Good for you planning ahead, that's the road to success!

                        wsb69 congratulations on taking control. One day at a time. Next thing you know it's a week! We're here to help!

                        K9 LOL I am sorry to laugh but the image of you racing around in a scooter with your faced all messed up oh dear. You just can't catch a break these days. How's your foot feeling?

                        witts end you are rocking along good for you!

                        Last Straw, samstone any other nesters I have missed hang in there!

                        Today on my way home from work I was thinking about how I don't think about what I'll drink when I get home any more. Then I made myself imagine a drink (I mean a DRINK) and you know what? It didn't even phase me. Not interested. Nada. That's what 32 days AF has done for me. Wooooot!
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks, everyone for the advice and help. Much better today, almost no palpitations. Had a good night's sleep last night, over 7 hrs, rare for me. Felt totally rested this morning.
                          SD, I've been reading through the thread you linked, as well a a link within that one. Thanks.
                          I'll keep a close watch on things.
                          Everyone's concern is so encouraging.
                          Welcome wsb


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mr V so glad to hear the palpitations are lessening. I was worried! Are you getting headaches at all? Sugar cravings? Good to hear you're sleeping well. AL can wreak havoc on our bodies in ways we don't realize until we're AF. Sure felt good waking up feeling alert eh? Imagine you can have that tomorrow too!
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow just found this on another thread and I have to share..posted by cymru 02-08-2009

                              15 points for an alcoholic to remember.
                              A sheet I picked up that I thought maybe helpfull to others.

                              Sobriety, the magnificent obsession, is the most important thing in your life, without exception. You may believe your job, or your home life, or one of many other things come first. But consider if you dont get sober, and stay sober, cjances are you wont have a job, a family, sanity or even a life. If you are convinced that everything in life depends on your sobriety, you have just so much more chance of getting sober and staying sober. If you put other things first you are only hurting your chances.

                              1. Cultivate continued acceptance of the fact that your choice is between unhappy drunken drinking and doing without just 1 small drink.

                              2. Cultivate enthusiastic gratitude that you have had the good fortune of finding out what was wrong before it was too late.

                              3. Expect as being normal, that for a time, perhaps a long time, you will recurringly experience:
                              a. The nagging craving for a drink
                              b. The sudden impulse to just take a drink.
                              c. The craving, not for a drink as such, but for the soothing glow and warmth a drink or 2 once gave you.

                              4. Remember that the times when you dont want a drink are the times in which to build up the strength not to take one when you do want it.

                              5. Develop and rehearse a daily plan of thinking and acting by which you will live that day without taking a drink, regardless of what may upset you or how hard the old urge for a drink may hit you.

                              6. Dont for a split second allow yourself to think: 'Isnt it a pity or a mean injustice that I cant take a drink like so called normal people'

                              7. Dont allow yourself to either think about or talk about any real or imagined pleasure you once had from drinking.

                              8. Dont permit yourself to think a drink or 2 would make some bad situation better, or at least easier to live with. Substitute the thought: 'One drink will make it worse, one drink will mean a drunk'

                              9. Minimise your situation. Others have greater problems, how joyful such people would be if their problem could be solved by just not taking one little drink today. Think gratefully of how lucky you are to have so simple and small a problem.

                              10. Cultivate and woo enjoyment of sobriety.
                              a. How good it is to be free of shame and guilt.
                              b. How good it is to be free of the consequences of a drunk just ended, or of a coming drunk you have never before been able to prevent.
                              c. How good it is to be free of what people have been thinking and whispering about you, and of their mingled pity and contempt.
                              d. How good it is to be free of fear.

                              11. Catalougue and re catalouge the positive enjoyments of sobriety, such as:
                              a. The simple ability to eat and sleep normally, and wake up glad you are alive; glad you were sober yesterday, and glad you have the priviledge of staying sober today.
                              b. The ability to face whatever life may dish out, with peace of mind, self respect and full possesion of all your faculties.

                              12. Cultivate a helpful association of ideas:
                              a. Associate a drink as being the single cause of all the misery, shame and fear you have ever known.
                              b. Associate a drink as being the only thing that can destroy your newfound happiness, and take from you your self respect and peace of mind.

                              13. Cultivate gratitude:
                              a. Gratitude that so much can be yours for so small a price.
                              b. Gratitude that you can trade just one drink for all the hapiness sobriety gives you.
                              c. Gratitude that you are an alcoholic- you are not a bad or wicked person, but you have been in the grip of convulsion.
                              d. Gratitude that since others have done it, you can in time bring it to pass that you will not want or miss the drink you are doing without.

                              14. Seek out ways to help other alcoholics - and remember the first way to help others is to stay sober yourself.

                              15. And dont forget that when the heart is heavy and resistance is low and the mind is troubled and confused, there is much comfort in a true and understanding friend standing by.
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                3J I had printed this out awhile back....and just came across the printed version the other day and have it on my nightstand now.

