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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    OMG my neighbors are PARTYING! I hope they all have hangovers tomorrow! Hehe.

    Gawd I want to just heal...why...WHY? Lol

    Just to wear cute shoes again.....*sigh*
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning nesters,

      Its a lovely cloudy, gloomy and rainy day here is the south. Good day to stay close to MWO.

      wsb69, Mr V welcome to our cozy nest. Glad you both have found us.

      June3 - good job keep it up.

      Lav - cute puppy pic, It that yours or Byrdie's? She looks just like my SIL pup, Shake. Precious.

      Love to all,
      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning, Nesters!!!
        Lav, thank you for posting a picture of my doggie, Rubi! She is something else! Grumpy and spoiled rotten, but we love her! I appreciate your putting that on here for me!
        Everyone is doing so well! If you got thru the last 15 minutes you can get thru the next 15....that helped me many times and still does.
        Gosh, 3J, that is a great post! Was it in the Tool Box? If it isn't it should be! I'm going to print that out myself!! Great job on unearthing that!!
        Have a happy Friday everyone! It's just another day in the week!! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          CONGRATS to CAZ22!!!
          7 days of the
          You get the 7 day prize:
          I just won't anymore


            Newbies Nest

            poor k9lover. what next? you are hanging in there like a champ, though. You are an inspiration to the rest of us.
            welcome wsb what a great time to start your new live. a true independence day celebration.
            That is a great pic Lav.
            I am on my way to the party this morning. I decided to pick up some decorations for the barn where the party is being held. that way when I get there early, I will have something to keep me occupied. Idle hands and all.
            Have a great AF day everyone.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              Good mid-late morning Nesters!

              I've been on babysitting duty since 7 am
              Got them both up, fed, dressed, in the car & back to my house by 9:30 am. How's that for efficiency?:H :H
              I never, never could have done all this with a hangover. I wouldn't have even wanted to spend a day with a 2 & a 4 yr old!

              Just so everyone knows - Rubi is Byrdie's dog (I just post the pics for her).
              Good luck with the party today little beagle. I'd love to see some barn decorations pics ;0

              Have a great AF Friday everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest


                Forgot to mention.....
                Maybe we should think about taking up a collection to buy some new, cute shoes for K9 to wear as soon as her foot is healed
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all!
                  Its Day 19 for me. The longest Ive ever been sober in my adult life! I mentioned it yesterday...Im starting to count on myself again, which is a new and awesome feeling-- showing up, keeping my word, trusting myself, being accountable, reliable to others, remembering yesterday, thinking about tomorrow, and most of all, excited for future!
                  Hope you all have a wonderful AF day! :heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    LS what an inspirational post. For those who are just starting out or lurking and thinking of starting out this could be you! All it takes is the first hours strung into the first days. Get started, make a decision that you want to live a happy healthy life. We were there, and we will help!

                    GO CAZZ! The first week is a real milestone IMHO. You rocked it!

                    Lav thanks for the reminder that life on the other side is so much fuller, and we can give so much to others now that we have the energy and are AF. About those shoes for K9 I"m thinking stilettos? That's a reasonably healthy way to get high right?

                    beagle good planning! Have fun tonight! Is it a dance?
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi, Nesters

                      Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time learning about the neurobiology of addiction (I know, NERD!). Understanding the science better makes it easier for me to accept what happened.

                      Anyway, I'll spare you all that but there was one phrase used that for me, really captures the agony that most of us are in at the point we seek out an online forum such as this:

                      Addiction is chasing the relief that maintains the distress.

                      The other take-home lesson was that although we can repair our brains in many ways from the damage done by alchohol, the circuits we formed remain intact, much like those for riding a bike. Therefore, the potential for relapse (quickly back to a high level of intake) is permanent. And, has been discussed many times on MWO, relapses become sequentially worse.

                      So, stick close, get this DONE and don't go back!

                      :h NS


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning all, day 4 AF. Made it thru the 4th AF. Been a little bit of white knuckling, but I have good support at home. Husband isn't drinking either, not that he has a problem.

                        Tonight I have a challenge, going to dinner with the leader of a wine club I belong to. We are good friends and this is not club related, just a social thing. I won't be drinking and plan on ........ shit, I don't know what to say! Help!
                        "A good garden may have some weeds"
                        Thomas Fuller


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh NS you sure know how to make us feel better LOL so we're going around in circles looking for relief in a way that causes stress? Marvellous! Oh and better still the chances of relapse are forever and if we relapse it will be worse! Thanks for brightening up my day. LOLOL just kidding.
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning all, day 4 AF. Made it thru the 4th AF. Been a little bit of white knuckling, but I have good support at home. Husband isn't drinking either, not that he has a problem.

                            Tonight I have a challenge, going to dinner with the leader of a wine club I belong to. We are good friends and this is not club related, just a social thing. I won't be drinking and plan on saying ........ shit, I don't know what to say! Help!
                            "A good garden may have some weeds"
                            Thomas Fuller


                              Newbies Nest


                              Slow down, relax, and take a deep breath. Ok, just explain to your friend that you have made a plan to be AF. You do not owe anyone an explanation, but I understand how uncomfortable these social situation can be.

                              If you don't want to say that, just explain that you won't be drinking this evening. Or make up what ever excuse you feel comfortable with. Eventually you should distance yourself from the wine club, as that can be a set up for disaster.

                              Remember protect your sobriety at all costs.

                              Hope this helps
                              Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi, Gardener

                                If you are going to be with this person in the future, you might want to get it out there now that you just aren't going to drink anymore - it just doesn't make you feel good, etc. A "temporary" excuse (e.g. on antibiotics) just isn't going to cut it if you will be together frequently. Are you going to stay in the wine club?

                                It is interesting how many people who I've told that I no longer drinking are now experimenting with not drinking or drinking less. I think when you reveal this step to other people, you open up their can of worms!

                                All the best to you. Have a good, AF weekend!

