I could not understand why I could not stop a behavior that clearly was bad for me and that I did not enjoy. Understanding more completely that the cognitive part of my brain was not in charge (that loop goes on elsewhere) frankly makes me feel less like an idiot or "bad person". Because really, making something worse for yourself seems pretty ridiculous! Plus, that destructive loop that we can't control with our thoughts and will-power has extremely powerful inputs that just keep it going until something is done to stop it, such as via drugs, AA, MWO, etc. Another thing that can stop it has been experienced by several here -- pregnancy. Because we have a large cortex, we can override the loop but the motivating factor has to be very strong. Apparently the maternal instinct can transcend addiction.
Another thing that made things make more sense to me was that whereas at the beginning most people are drinking to go from feeling ok or good to feeling better (or great), by the time the damage has been done, the best that can happen is to go from feeling bad to feeling ok. That is why so many of us have realized 'that it just isn't fun anymore' -- the deal is, it can't be. Our brain has lost the capacity, making it difficult if not impossible to experience joy from normal things in life, either.
So, we have to quit and be done.
Sorry to be the party-pooper in the Nest
